Chapter 535
The sea water is still rising rapidly, and the world-famous romantic sanctuary was destroyed in Ling Tian's hands.

A messy water level keeps rising, with various seats floating on it.

"How do I get from here? Do you want a carp to jump over the dragon's gate?"

Tang Xinyi doesn't know how to swim, so she has been swimming with Ling Tian at the beach these two days, or relying on the lifebuoy.

Looking at the huge current, is it possible that Ling Tian is going upstream.

"That's not necessary, we don't have a tail either, but when it's completely filled, the water flow will stop naturally, and we'll dive out from there then!"

Before entering here, Ling Tian made the worst plan, but he was forced to come to this step unexpectedly.

Now they have to wait until they are all filled, and they are diving out. The vast sea is really nothing for this little water.

"But I'm afraid I can't do it!"

Tang Xinyi drank several sips of water just now when she jumped off the swimming pool from the tall building. Looking at the beautiful blue ocean, Tang Xinyi is absolutely not shocked at all now.

Holding the floating object tightly, she can still support it for a while, but once the place is filled, wouldn't she be drowned?

You must know that this restaurant is still 30 meters deep into the sea, so how could she dive out of such a high distance.

"Don't worry, just take a deep breath for a while, and leave everything else to me!"

Caressing Tang Xinyi's hair that was wet by the sea, Ling Tian had to encourage her to overcome her fear of water.

"Yeah, as long as you hold your breath, it shouldn't be a problem!"

Shishi is not as good as Tang Xinyi on the shore, but she is pretty good in the water. She has been diving for a while, and she is still confident in her lung capacity.

"But I'm afraid!"

Tang Xinyi's hands and feet were numb, her whole body was cold, and the fear of not being able to use water made her nervous.

"It's okay, as long as I'm here, you'll be fine!"

After some enlightenment, Tang Xinyi gradually calmed down, and at this time the sea water had already risen to the roof.

The transparent cover that was supposed to be looked up at was now on Tang Xinyi's head.

The space was getting smaller and smaller, and Tang Xinyi's heart, which had been relaxed just now, became tense again.

"Listen to my password... Breathe in!"

Grabbing Tang Xinyi with one hand, cutting through the water with the other, at the last moment when the last space disappeared, Ling Tian pulled Tang Xinyi up and dived into the water.

Shishi at the side also took a deep breath, and dived into the sea water, while Tang Xinyi's whole body was tense, and she pinched her nose, she only had one thought, that is not to breathe.

Pulling Tang Xinyi, who had her eyes closed tightly, was strenuous, but Ling Tian could handle it.

When the current became stable and the entire restaurant was completely filled with seawater, Ling Tian stepped on the seawater with both feet, pulling Tang Xinyi to swim towards the surface of the sea.

Shishi naturally followed closely, and the two of them left the filled restaurant like fish, and as they rose higher and higher, they got closer and closer to the water surface.


But at this moment, Tang Xinyi couldn't help but opened her mouth, her thirst for air made her instinctively take a breath.

However, now she was at the bottom of the water, and a mouthful of seawater poured into her mouth, which made Tang Xinyi, who was already terrified, start to struggle instinctively.

Without food or water, people can live for at least three days, but if there is no air, people may not even be able to live for 30 seconds.

The extremely uncomfortable Tang Xinyi tried hard to breathe, but no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't catch her breath.

"It's over!"

Tang Xinyi knew this time that she might be dead, her brain was about to stop spinning.

Tang Xinyi, who couldn't breathe, thought she was going to die, but at this moment, a mouth covered hers.

Immediately afterwards, a breath of air rushed into her mouth, Tang Xinyi opened her eyes and saw that it was Ling Tian who breathed her.

Unable to speak underwater, Tang Xinyi couldn't hold on for long. After blowing his own air to Tang Xinyi, Ling Tian held her by the neck with one hand, and quickly slapped the water with the other.

Both feet pedaled hard, and Ling Tian rushed forward like a dolphin about to jump out of the water.


Seeing that Ling Tian was about to run out of air, Tang Xinyi suddenly felt a chill in her head.

Immediately after her head jumped out of the sea, she took a deep breath of air, and she survived.

On the other side, Ling Tian and Shi Shi also surfaced. After taking a breath, they identified the direction. Ling Tian held Tang Xinyi's head and swam towards the pile of rocks little by little.

Shishi also followed behind. The speed of the two of them was not fast. This was to conserve energy. After all, there were still 400 meters away from the target.

"so tired!"

When Ling Tian pulled her onto the rock, Shishi immediately limp there, the thrilling escape just now consumed too much of her energy.

Tang Xinyi didn't say a word at this time, her nose and mouth were filled with the smell of sea water, and she sat on the rock powerlessly with a dry cough.

"We can't stay here, I'm afraid the other party will come to look for it, we must enter the forest as soon as possible!"

It's still close to the hotel, I'm afraid those guys won't let it go, so they can't stay here anymore.

Ling Tian supported the exhausted Shishi with one hand, and the exhausted Tang Xinyi with the other, and Ling Tian himself had to endure the pain in his lower abdomen, and they got into the dense forest of the back mountain in a mess.

The mountains were high and steep, and the two women who gritted their teeth all the way knew that they couldn't stop, otherwise they would become Ling Tian's burden.

After walking limping for about half an hour, Ling Tian found a slightly open flat ground and stopped.

"Okay, you two have a rest first, I'll go find some firewood and come back!"

Going deep into the dense forest, Ling Tian seemed to have returned home, and soon found some dry branches.

As a special soldier, lighting a fire in the wild is naturally the easiest thing to do, so the bonfire was ignited after a while.

The two women sitting on the ground didn't have the strength to move around at this time, feeling the warmth of the bonfire, the two of them felt reborn after a catastrophe.

But Ling Tian, ​​sitting in front of the fire, slowly took off his soaked clothes, while his abdomen was still bleeding.

"What’s wrong with you!"

Seeing that Ling Tian's wound was covered with blood, Shishi and Tang Xinyi hurriedly supported their bodies and moved over.

"It's okay. Fortunately, there is a corpse and his body armor blocking me. I need to take out the bullet as soon as possible!"

Enduring the pain, Ling Tian directly dug into the lower abdomen with his hands, and finally took out a distorted warhead.

This was the bullet that the ronin almost killed him with one shot. Fortunately, he used his corpse to block most of the damage, otherwise he would have turned into a corpse by now.


In order to stop the bleeding, Ling Tian used that special playing card, and pressed it on the wound after it was red hot. As the smell of burnt barbecue permeated, Ling Tian's forehead was dripping with cold sweat.

After heaving a sigh of relief and wrapping his lower abdomen with rags, Ling Tian finally leaned against the tree, and he couldn't move even when he was exhausted.

(End of this chapter)

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