Chapter 537
In the silent mountain forest, a few figures rushed over quickly, and their speed was not slow as they fanned out.

Holding an automatic rifle and wearing a military uniform, his military boots made a slight sound when he stepped on the dead branch.

Pairs of eyes searched the surroundings vigilantly in the dark night, and in unison, the dozen or so people quickly came to the bonfire.

At this time, the bonfire had been extinguished, and the leader, a man in a black training suit, rushed over quickly.

Holding the gun in his hand, facing the dense forest ahead, he knelt on one knee, still maintaining extremely high vigilance.

Holding the gun in his right hand, and placing his left hand on the mud-covered bonfire, he could still feel a trace of heat.

The people on the left and right sides are also defending their own directions.

"Report, found traces of the target person. Judging from the traces, there should be three people, two men and one woman. It is not obvious whether they are injured. They should be 10 minutes away from us!"

He retreated slowly, hiding behind a tree, then pressed the walkie-talkie and reported to the people in the hotel through the microphone.

"Sure enough, he won't die so easily!"

On the top floor of the hotel, the leading captain was still sitting there, squinting his eyes at the distant sea.

He was right, the other party couldn't possibly be buried at the bottom of the sea as the ronin who reported just now said, otherwise he wouldn't be dark and hideous.

"Captain, we request to continue the pursuit!"

The man leaned behind the tree, Ling Tian with the two women would definitely not be able to go very far, with about 10 minutes to leave, he believed that the fire could be handed over within half an hour.

"Don't worry, darkness is a good thing for him, so wait for dawn to act, try to catch his women and force him to submit!"

The captain said in a calm manner, this dark night is definitely the best cover for the darkness of being alone, if you can't confirm whether he has a weapon, it's better not to act rashly.

After all, I have lost a lot, and if I continue to lose like this, I will not be able to complete the next task.

Now as long as he guards the pier, close the door and beat the dogs, anyway, there is still a long distance from the coastline, and there are hidden reefs around, so it is impossible for him to leave without a boat.


The captain's order made the man sign language hastily to the people around him, and all the staff stood guard on the spot.

A fierce battle has been fought since late at night, and it won't be long before dawn.

There are many people on my side, and the siege in the jungle will get better results after the sun is shining, and their task is not to kill, but to capture alive.

"Notify the dock staff to be fully vigilant, not to allow any ships to approach, and not to let people have the opportunity to leave!"

After changing the channel, the captain sat there, still calm and composed. Although his actions were repeatedly blocked, he still felt that he had the upper hand.

On the other hand, the ronin standing there was still wet at this time, and he would naturally not admit to this matter as he fled the battle.

"Since he's still alive, I'm going to kill him!"

With fists clenched, six people came out, and now he was the only one left. If he couldn't go back with that kid's life, he might not be able to go back either.

"Don't worry, the jackal will take care of it, you can take a rest!"

The captain didn't even turn his head, just said lightly.

"The rule of the Ronin Group is revenge. Do you really think that your vice-captain can catch him with some second-rate soldiers?"

Ronin clenched his fists and said with a cold face, he didn't really trust the vice-captain leading the team.

Moreover, this account must be settled by him himself. He killed his five brothers and paid for it with blood.

While talking, the ronin turned around and left. Their code names were only the names of each other, and they were all dressed in the same uniform to the outside world. Sometimes it was impossible to tell who they were.


Suddenly, a monstrous murderous aura surged from behind Ronin, and Ronin was startled, and hurriedly turned to look at the captain who was still sitting on the chair.

Without any movement, he exuded a murderous aura of a weapon. At that moment, the ronin, who seemed to be holding a sharp knife against his throat, felt scared.

"Here, I am the rule. If you don't listen, you know what will happen!"

Without even looking at the ronin, after the captain withdrew his murderous aura, it was as if nothing had happened.

Swaying the red wine glass, looking at the pitch-black sea, he leaned against the window and was at ease.

But the ronin knew that if he felt the murderous aura again, he might have turned into a corpse.

Originally, he wanted to reply, but in the end he still didn't have the guts. After all his partners died, he was even more afraid of death.

Moreover, he finally discovered that the guy he had looked down on before was actually so powerful, his strength was definitely above his.

"Anxie, don't let me down, I'm waiting for your news!"

The captain took a sip of the red wine, smiled and said to the air, and those piercing eyes closed again.

In the jungle at this time, Ling Tian dragged Tang Xinyi and Shishi to the depths of the towering mountain.

Stumbling and stumbling, if the two hadn't been supported by Ling Tian, ​​they would have fallen to pieces long ago.

"The other party has been silent, won't they catch up?"

After walking for a while, Tang Xinyi stopped and listened attentively, but there was no sound at all.

Ling Tian couldn't help but admire her ability because of her super hearing ability, no wonder she was able to become Avalokitesvara of Thousand Hands.

"I'm afraid the other party is preparing to act at dawn!"

He looked up at the sky. Although he didn't have a watch, it was just after midnight, and there were at least four hours before dawn.

"Then what do we do now?"

Shishi looked at Ling Tian anxiously, it was simply a burden for him to take them with him without even a weapon.

"It doesn't matter, the opponent has lost a lot, and this time there are only a dozen or so pursuers. With Xinyi here, they will definitely be wiped out!"

Although not as strong as Tang Xinyi's hearing, this time the other party's footsteps were obviously louder.

It seemed that many of the elite soldiers in black combat uniforms were killed by themselves, and most of the ones catching up now were guys who had sneaked into the security company before.

Their strength is obviously low, and there are only a dozen of them. Except for the two people with lighter steps, if these people are in this forest, they will not be Ling Tian's opponents at all.

Although Ling Tian didn't have a weapon right now, he had Tang Xinyi, a top-notch baby with perverted ears. With her around, everything would be easy.

After walking for a while and choosing a hidden location, the three of them also had to take a good rest.

Only by recovering their physical strength can they fight back. The three who cannot make a fire can only cuddle tightly together.

On the left is Tang Xinyi, on the right is Chu Shishi, and Ling Tian, ​​who is hugging two superb beauties, soon fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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