Chapter 538

In the early morning, thick fog filled the jungle, and the entire mountain seemed to be covered with a transparent coat.

Because it is surrounded by the sea, the fog here is heavier than other mountains and forests, and there are no people five meters away.

When Tang Xinyi slowly opened her eyes, she realized that she was hugging Yun Tian's chest tightly, and his arms were wrapped around her neck and placed on her lower back.

Although it was not the first time to sleep together, she still couldn't help but blushed, and when she opened her eyes, she found that Chu Shishi also opened her eyes at this time.

She was blushing, just like Tang Xinyi, being held in Ling Tian's arms from left to right, the shy smell made her cheeks blush.

However, the two women had a tacit understanding and didn't move, because they didn't want to disturb Ling Tian who was still sleeping soundly.

While looking into each other's eyes, there was a wave of fluctuation in their hearts, and the slight smiles on the corners of their mouths proved that they all had the same thoughts.

After a while, Ling Tian's body moved, and the two girls closed their eyes hastily in fright, pretending to sleep as they didn't dare to look at Ling Tian.

After a few hours of rest for his tired body, Ling Tian already felt strong when he opened his eyes.

At the same time, I looked at Tang Xinyi and Shishi on both sides, and I didn't expect to hug left and right in such a ghostly place.

Maybe it looks so glamorous to others, but they are running for their lives now. Looking at the thick fog, I believe that the other party will still not make a move easily.

"you're awake!"

Only then did Tang Xinyi actively open her eyes, pretending that she had just woken up, and she nodded shyly while listening to Ling Tian's question.

On the other side, Shishi also sat up, she didn't dare to look at Ling Tian, ​​her face was blushing, and only they could understand the heartbeat of the girl's heart.

"I'm afraid the other party won't catch up so quickly, let's go up!"

The sky was getting brighter, and you could see things within at least five meters. From the direction of the mountain and the direction of the vegetation, Ling Tian found a beast path to move forward.

Because there are often wild beasts walking, the surrounding vegetation is also stepped on a path, and following the beast path up the mountain will reduce a lot of obstacles.

Beasts, like people, will try to choose places that are easy to walk through, and most of the time, the beast roads are washed out by mountain torrents.

Without too many thorns, the three of them moved forward much faster. Ling Tian walked in the front and knocked away those branches with his body.

She held Shishi's hand back, and Shishi in the middle held Tang Xinyi at the end. After the group climbed for more than an hour, a cave appeared in front of them.

"It's not bad here, with a wide view and caves to live in. You guys wait here now, I'll go back and clear the traces!"

After checking, the cave is naturally formed, because there are no large beasts on this island, so it is empty inside.

After Ling Tian finished speaking to the two women, he turned and walked down the mountain, and quickly disappeared into the thick fog.

In an hour, they probably walked less than a few hundred meters, so after a while, Ling Tian returned to the previous position.

He came all the way down, and after clearing all the traces, he stepped on a new road and climbed up to the top of the mountain little by little.

Because of the heavy fog, they were not short of water. The dew was shaken from the leaves, and the two women drank very much.

When Ling Tian came back, he also found two grass snakes, but the two girls could not accept this kind of raw food.

Watching Ling Tian squeeze out the snake's gall and swallow it, then smash the snake's head with a stone, and then use the sharp poker card to break the snake's stomach, the two women felt retched.

"Isn't sashimi a reason?"

While Ling Tian was speaking, he stuffed the snake meat directly into his mouth. The bloody snake meat was a good breakfast for him.

There was no way, in order to continue fighting, Ling Tian had to fill his stomach. During this period, Tang Xinyi wanted to try, but finally gave up.

After dawn, about two hours later, the thick fog gradually dissipated.

Ling Tian, ​​who is full of food and drink, is very energetic now, and he will show his strength here next.

He, who was lying in the grass, looked at Tang Xinyi, who was also squatting next to her. Her eyesight and hearing were absolutely superb, and even he couldn't match her.

"Three people on the left, five on the right, and four in the middle!"

Soon, when Ling Tian didn't hear anything, Tang Xinyi not only heard it, but could also tell the weight of the footsteps through her ears.

At the same time, she can also tell the difference between their positions and their weight. This is not just a talent, but she has worked hard since she was a child.

"Okay, you and Shishi go back to hide first, I don't tell you to never come out!"

The other party must have never imagined that he actually had a human radar. After confirming the other party's location, Ling Tian also knew their strategy.

The location of the group of people in the middle is the trace left by him on purpose, and the guys on the left and right sides are obviously outflanking.

It seemed that they were the same as the rogue, wanting Mr. Qin Shishi and Tang Xinyi to force him to submit, Ling Tian sneered, and disappeared into the weeds that were as tall as a man.

The three groups of people all kept the radio silent, worked hard to split the weeds, and walked towards the cliff on the top of the mountain step by step.

The men and horses in the middle deliberately made noises, and the clear and crisp sound of splitting branches was particularly eye-catching in this mountain forest.

The leader is the deputy captain. As the captain's deputy, he is not weak in combat. He is in his early thirties with camouflage painted on his face, walking in the middle with a gun in his hand, and his eyes are constantly searching around.

And those who followed him, except for one in a black training uniform, were all wearing their previous security uniforms.

Obviously, the aura of walking is much weaker, but everyone is also working hard to perform, because everyone knows that if they perform well, they may enter the first team.

In the silent mountain forest, the three people on the left walked the hardest way. The sun is rising here and the trees are extraordinarily lush. They basically need their hands to open the way.

So only the last one raised his gun to guard, while the other two tried their best to make a way.

The three of them went up all the way, making little noise, but they didn't know that a pair of icy eyes had already aimed at them just above their heads.

As the three of them approached, above the canopy of the tree, a figure flew out, and Ling Tian's shot, which had been prepared for a long time, was a thunderous blow.

From the head to the feet, both hands directly pressed the head of the last person, and with the strength of the arms, his head was twisted off abruptly before the person landed.

The voice behind made the two people in front turn their heads instinctively, but at this moment, the god of death was already standing on the ground, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was their calling bell.

(End of this chapter)

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