Chapter 539 Ghost Shadow Forest
Among the bushes, figures flickered. In this kind of place, Ling Tian was like a ghost.

After easily killing three people, they snatched their weapons, but now Ling Tian can't shoot, otherwise he will startle the snake.

It was a surprise to find three magazines and a grenade from the corpse.

Ling Tian went into the woods again, as if nothing had happened, these corpses would only become a delicious meal for birds and beasts.

Ling Tian naturally didn't need to blame himself for this, because if they had the chance, Ling Tian would probably die even worse.

Tang Xinyi had already assessed the opponent's position before, and the three-person team moved slowly, so Ling Tian had already reached the position behind them.

Now they don't know anything, and they continue to search forward. Without a clear goal, they obviously have an advantage over Ling Tian.

With his waist down, Ling Tian is full of energy now. He slept with two beautiful girls in his arms for a night, his eyes are like lightning.

The footsteps are very light, like a wild cat marching, without a trace of twists and turns.

After arriving halfway up the mountain, he quickly found the trace left by the other party.

Broken branches, trampled weeds, and shoe prints stuck in the mud, these traces can allow the tracker to judge the time when the other party left, and the height of the other party can be judged by the size of the footprints, and the weight of the other party can also be inferred from the depth of the footprints. More powerful people can identify different people with this footprint, and Ling Tian can naturally do it too.

Ignoring the person in the middle, Ling Tian focused his attention on the left side. There are five people here, and it may be difficult to get rid of them easily.

But now that Ling Tian had a weapon, even if he couldn't kill them silently, he could still kill them, and it didn't matter even if he caught the attention of a middleman.

After making up his mind, Ling Tian didn't enter the grass, and after a while he came to the back of the five-person team.

It matched the footsteps heard by Tang Xinyi. These people were wearing security uniforms, and their strength was far from those of the men in black training uniforms.

So Ling Tian put the gun behind his back, stretched out his hand to grab the captured military thorns, bent his waist, and groped towards the five people along the back.

Same as over there, because the mountain road here is steep, two people are responsible for opening the way, while the other three are guarding.

The people in the middle pointed their guns forward, and there were people on the left and right to protect them. They believed that Ling Tian was in front, and they didn't pay attention to what was behind them.

The two sides always kept a certain distance to ensure that the security team could launch an attack immediately, and when they passed through the woods, Ling Tian had already touched them.

Covering the opponent's mouth with his left hand, the saber in his right cut his neck directly. He supported the limp corpse and squatted down slowly. He didn't let out a breath until he died.

After groping his body, he found another magazine and put it in his vest. Ling Tian groped towards the person on the right again.

Without knowing it, he still focused on the right side of the team, and they, who were not strong, didn't notice the problem behind them at all.

After touching the opponent again, Ling Tian got a magazine, counting the previous four, now he has five in his hand.

"What are you doing?"

Just as Ling Tian dragged the corpse into the grass, the person in front suddenly lowered his voice and shouted behind him.

Ten meters away, the long grass is as tall as a person, and if you walk a few more steps, you will not see anyone.

So the other party didn't suspect that his partner had been killed, but turned his head to urge him, his tone full of dissatisfaction.


In order not to arouse the other party's suspicion, Ling Tian stretched out his arm from the long grass and waved at the man, speaking from his nostrils, blurring his hearing.

"Hurry up, keep up, let the deputy captain know that you are lazy, and be careful that he will shoot you!"

When the people in front saw the hands in the grass, they couldn't help complaining. If they didn't move forward, it would be a terrible thing.

"And the vice-captain!"

This remark made Ling Tian happy. It seemed that there was still an official. If so, he would carry out the previous plan.

Without hesitating any longer, Ling Tian's muzzle poked out from the bushes, and pulled the trigger on the guy who was still firing.

"Da da da……"

The bullet passed through his body, and he couldn't believe what he saw with his eyes wide open.

As the body fell backwards, Ling Tian also jumped out of the grass, and the cold muzzle pointed at the two people who were still opening the way.

Turning around suddenly, before they understood what was going on, the bullets pierced through their bodies, and they, who didn't even have bulletproof vests, fell directly to the ground after their bodies were pierced.

The sudden gunshot also made the middle group feel that the danger was approaching, and the deputy captain's expression became serious. Could it be that his outflanking plan failed.

"Take the three of them to have a look. I'm afraid the other party wants to divert the tiger away from the mountain. Those two women should be at the top of the mountain!"

The deputy captain didn't immediately lead people to support him, because he felt that the other party might have done it on purpose, as long as the two women were caught, everything would be over.

So the team in the middle split into two groups, leaving the deputy captain alone to continue climbing, while the others rushed towards this side immediately.

By the time they came to the bloody battlefield tremblingly, Ling Tian had long since disappeared.

"Don't move the corpse!"

The team was led by a guy who wore the same black training uniform as the vice-captain.

While he was still observing the movements around him, a guy turned over the corpse lying on the ground.

Because his corpse obviously had a strange movement, but when the corpse was turned upside down, the grenade hidden under the corpse rolled out.

Booby traps, the most commonly used things on the battlefield, are not lethal to veterans, but they are absolutely deadly against rookies.

He didn't expect to be in danger at all, and it was impossible to escape. With his screams, the two people behind him hurriedly fell to the side.

There was an explosion, and fragments flew across. The area within ten meters was riddled with holes. The guy who had no time to escape was blown out by the grenade, and turned into a pile of rotten meat when he landed on the ground.

But although the other two guys dodged, they were still wounded by the dense shrapnel, and fell there covered in blood, wailing uncontrollably.


The elite soldiers who were far away from them got up and angrily walked over to look at the two wounded guys. They couldn't fight anymore.

He cursed angrily, because he knew that the reason why the guy turned over the corpse just now was to retrieve from his companions the spoils he grabbed when he occupied the hotel.

It was precisely because of greed that those two guys went up to join in the fun, otherwise how could they be injured.

Raising his pistol and pulling the trigger, he shot the two of them dead without any hesitation. He would not be in the mood to treat these guys who were meant to be cannon fodder.

(End of this chapter)

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