Chapter 540 The Grenade Crisis
In the dense forest, although the dense fog dissipated, there was still a hint of mist because the sea was all around.

A figure quickly moved towards the top of the mountain. He was the deputy captain of this operation, code-named Jackal.

Over thirty years old, he is in the prime of life, with a strong body and quick movements. Wearing a black training uniform and military boots, he moves cleanly and neatly.

Being not weak, he decided that Ling Tian was making a fool of himself. If so, he might as well go straight to Huanglong, grab those two women and threaten Ling Tian.

Walking slowly, he followed the footprints left by Ling Tian all the way up.

Carefully guard the surrounding dense forests, with the sea breeze blowing, there seems to be an ambush in any position.

Suddenly, the jackal felt something under his feet, but he was too late to focus on the front.


A gust of wind came from the tree beside him, and with a thunderous blow, the sharpened wooden thorns pierced directly towards his lower body.

This time it was a low-level trap, but the cover-up technique was extremely high-level. Considering that the surrounding trees would attract more attention from the attackers, the tree vines made of grass were hidden among the grass.

Especially the location of the attack was not on the chest, because Ling Tian knew that the opponent was wearing a bulletproof vest, and even a sharp knife could not pierce it, let alone the branch.

The jackal found out just in time, and jumped to the side before the branch hit. Looking at the wooden thorn that had been pierced into the ground, the jackal became even more excited.

The fact that there is a trap proves that this path is correct, and this trap was probably designed to protect those two women.

Thinking of this, the jackal stood up and continued to rush towards the top of the mountain, but this time, his movement speed was obviously faster.

"Da da da……"

Suddenly, while the Jackal was still trotting forward, a volley of bullets came from the side of him.

The bullet hit the surrounding trees, and sawdust flew all over the place for a while.

The jackal hurriedly hid behind a tree. Although he didn't see anyone, the gunshots and the direction of the bullets proved that Ling Tian was about 50 meters to his left.

In the dense forest with many trees, the straight-line distance of 50 meters is very little, which greatly reduces the opponent's attack.

It seemed that the other party wanted to prevent him from continuing to climb, but the more he did this, the more his inference was proved to be correct.

The jackal didn't pay attention to where the gunshot came from, he wanted to catch the two women wholeheartedly, stooped his waist, kicked his feet fiercely, and continued towards the top of the mountain.

Those two women are powerless, and he only needs ten seconds to get them. At that time, Ling Tian will surrender obediently.

Thinking of this, he was even more excited. Without slowing down, he rushed towards the top of the mountain with all his strength.

But when he walked through the big tree and saw the cave from a distance, suddenly a person came from behind the tree.

"how is this possible!"

A sweeping kick landed on his chest abruptly, and the jackal, who was unable to stand on the steep hillside, was immediately thrown to the ground by this kick.

He still thought in his heart that Ling Tian was clearly behind him, how could he suddenly come in front of him, but because of the inertia of his body rolling down, he couldn't control it at all.

As he rolled continuously, he felt a whirl and couldn't stop the fall, but he didn't let go of the gun he was holding tightly.

When he rolled over, he had already pulled the trigger, and the bullets were constantly shooting down, preventing Ling Tian from rushing further.

Finally, after he forcibly bumped into a tree, he was no longer rolling. Regardless of the pain in his body, he rolled over and pointed his gun at the hillside.

However, there was no one there at all, and he squinted his eyes with a vigilant expression, but the figure just now seemed to have never appeared.

"The opponent doesn't have a gun!"

The jackal's brain was thinking extremely fast. If the opponent had a gun, he might have been shot to death.

But before he could understand, figures in the woods were shaking.

"Da da da……"

That figure was as fast as a ghost, shuttled among the trees, and the jackal's bullets couldn't even catch up with him.

Shuttle back and forth, the flickering figure finally disappeared suddenly in the dense forest overgrown with weeds, but the jackal's heart was already in his throat.

"The captain said that he is very strong, and it is true!"

The jackal screamed badly, he had only seen the captain with such skill, but he didn't think this guy was really powerful.

The dense forest is overgrown, the weeds are everywhere, and in the quiet jungle, there is no sound again.

But the jackal was holding the gun, but he didn't dare to move at all. He couldn't see Ling Tian, ​​and he tried hard to find the target, but the difference in strength and actual combat experience, they were just like each other.


The longer the time, the more uncertain the jackal's mind was. The explosion sound on the right just now, I am afraid that all his men have died.

Thinking of this, the jackal didn't dare to stay, turned around and ran down the mountain, he didn't have the courage to fight at all.

The mountains are high and the forest is dense, and the terrain is steep. He jumped more than ten meters away, and fled downward in a panic.

But just after he ran a few steps, there was a strange noise in the grass, and the jackal instinctively turned sideways, but before he turned his gun, a figure like a cheetah shot out.

Ling Tian, ​​who was approaching ferociously, clasped the jackal's gun with both hands, and fell sideways, knocking him to the ground.

The jackal wanted to get up in a hurry, how could Ling Tian give him a chance, and took advantage of the opportunity to do a backflip on his body, Ling Tian's fist greeted his face.

Ling Tian's fighting spirit was like a wolf's and a tiger's, but the jackal was born in his heart. With such a mentality, how could he fight against the evil that frightened the mercenaries.

After several punches in a row, the jackal's face was deformed, and he couldn't dodge this sudden attack.

Coupled with the fact that his hands were pinched under Ling Tian's legs, the jackal, who didn't even have any defensive capabilities, felt his eyes go dark.

Looking at the unconscious jackal, Ling Tian stopped his fists. The iron mask on this guy's face was deformed by the blow.

Finally caught alive, Ling Tian shook off the blood on his fist, stretched out his hand to untie the jackal's shoelaces, and tied him up directly.

This job is still of great use to him, but just as he turned around, a black hole in the grass was aimed at him.

"Da da da……"

Bullets whistled, and with the guy in the black training uniform charging towards him, Ling Tian tumbling into the grass and disappeared.

The guy who rushed back hurriedly rushed towards the jackal lying on the ground, but just as he came to the side of the jackal, the disappeared Ling Tian suddenly appeared and hugged his waist directly from behind, and the two of them struggled. fell to the ground.


But just when Ling Tian was about to kill this hateful guy with melee combat, the grenade that fell to the side immediately surprised Ling Tian.

The grenade with the safety ring opened was not far from the unconscious jackal. If it detonated, the life he had worked so hard to catch would be over.

(End of this chapter)

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