Chapter 541 Waiting for Me to Kill You

After some struggle, the opponent accidentally touched the grenade.

The safety ring was removed, and the American grenade emitted a faint white smoke. After five seconds, the four fragments of shrapnel would cover a radius of ten meters.

Looking at the smoking grenade, Ling Tian still had time to escape, but if he escaped, these two guys would die, so wouldn't it be a waste of all his previous efforts.


This is related to tonight's counterattack, Ling Tian gritted his teeth, pulled the captured guy with his right hand, kicked his feet, and directly swept him to the ground.

With both arms, he was lifted up abruptly. In Ling Tian's hands, that strong guy seemed to have turned into a chicken, and he didn't even have a chance to fight back.


Ling Tian didn't know what would happen next, but no matter what, he wanted to save that guy's life.

With a kick of both feet, he jumped up high, and the mercenary in his hand was thrown to the ground by him, with the still smoking grenade pressed against his chest.


Feeling the grenade on his chest, the mercenary who fell on the ground still wanted to struggle, but Ling Tian pressed on him tightly, locking his arms from behind, and he couldn't break free at all.


The grenade exploded, and the huge impact forced the two people who were pressing on it into the air more than two meters high. Ling Tian who fell heavily to the ground could only feel his two children neighing.

With pain all over his body, he pushed away the corpse of the guy in front of him. His chest was shredded by shrapnel, and his internal organs flowed.

Ling Tian, ​​who was leaning against the tree, was panting heavily. Although the shrapnel from the exploding grenade did not hurt him, the loud sound shook his internal organs.

Ling Tian, ​​who was bleeding from his ears, slowed down for a while before he finally recovered. Taking advantage of the ground, he staggered to his feet and walked towards the guy who had been knocked unconscious before.

"I almost risked my life trying to save you, but you slept soundly enough!"

Looking at the jackal who was still unconscious, Ling Tian stretched out his hand and took out the sharp dagger, and cut his shirt into pieces. After removing his tactical vest and body armor, the jackal exposed his upper body.

Accompanied by a burst of pain, the jackal suddenly woke up with a scream. He couldn't move, but felt a burning pain in his back.

"what are you going to do!"

He who was pressed to the ground looked at Ling Tian who was squatting in front of him. At this moment, his mouth was still covered with blood, and the dagger he was holding was still dripping with blood, which made him extremely panicked.

"I haven't eaten all day, since you delivered it to my door, I'll make a living assassin!"

Ling Tian saw the panic in the other party's eyes, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said with a sneer.

This blood was not human blood, but left over from eating live snakes, but since the other party believed that Ling Tian was eating his flesh, he didn't want to explain.


The jackal looked at the dagger's back again. Although he couldn't see the moment when the flesh was cut off, he felt the heart-piercing pain.

"Then tell me honestly, who are you guys? How many people are there? What's the name of your leader?"

Listening to that heart-piercing scream, the jackal's psychological defense was breached, and the psychological suggestion would make him collapse.

Ling Tian, ​​who felt the same, asked with a sneer, and the sharp dagger still dangled in front of his eyes.

"I can't tell!"

The jackal was sweating coldly from the pain, looking at the dagger gleaming with cold light, but he knew that he must not say anything, otherwise he would only die.

"Okay, I'm not full anyway, you have to hold on, human flesh is only tastier when it's alive!"

Ling Tian was not in a hurry, he was so frightened that he would collapse completely in a short time, and before that, he had to finish his work.

Sure enough, in less than a minute, Jackal made a complete confession. He claimed to be from the Fan Ni Mercenary Corps, and his captain's code name was Fan Ni.

Fan Ni, one of the legendary nine angels who fell into the demon world after betraying God, after hearing this name, Ling Tian squinted his eyes. Although he didn't stop, he thought of someone.

This person is his life-and-death enemy Lucifer, who is also codenamed as a fallen angel, but he still owes Ling Tian his life.

Their corps dispatched a total of 76 people, and now more than 20 people died in Ling Tian's hands, and there are more than 40 people guarding the hotel.

As for the others, he didn't know anything. Even if Ling Tian cut off his ear with a direct blow, he still kept talking.

The psychological defense was completely breached. It seemed that this guy who was the vice-captain knew very little. He didn't even know why he wanted to arrest Ling Tian. He only knew that he had what the captain wanted.

"These guys did a great job of keeping it secret!"

Hearing this, Ling Tian probably understood. Having fought against the Heavenly Group, he also understood why this evil group became so powerful.

It has been using single-line communication, and it is basically impossible to go up. It seems that all the secrets are in the hands of the captain.

To find out everything, the only way is to catch the captain, but from the mouth of the jackal, his captain is very strong.

"Okay, get out!"

There was only so much information that could be obtained. After learning that most of the hostages were safe, Ling Tian felt relieved.

As soon as he reached out and cut the shoelaces that bound the jackal, he was stunned when he suddenly regained his freedom. He who wanted to die suddenly let him go, and the jackal froze there.

"You don't want to leave, do you? Okay, then I'll continue eating!"

Ling Tian shook the dagger in his hand, and said to him coldly, and upon hearing this, the jackal immediately got up.

Enduring the pain, the jackal ran away, only hearing Ling Tian's last words.

"Go back and show your captain the back, and tell him to wash his neck clean!"

Ling Tian's voice was full of contempt, but the jackal couldn't care less, covering his severed ears, he ran wildly all the way, fearing that Ling Tian would regret it.

In this way, he quickly left the forest and ran down. He didn't breathe a sigh of relief until he looked at the group of his own troops outside the forest.

He staggered and was covered in blood and was supported to walk towards the hotel. Along the way, the jackal was still thinking about how to get away with it.

Ling Tian turned around and walked up the mountain. After meeting the two girls, Ling Tian felt relieved.

The mountain here is not safe yet, so Ling Tian supported the two girls and continued to climb towards the top of the mountain.

He is going to force his way into the hotel tonight, and the two girls can only stay on the mountain, so Ling Tian must find a safe enough place to house them.

After stumbling, Ling Tian, ​​who brought the two girls, came to the highest point of the mountain. The two raised peaks looked like a pen holder, and in the middle was a mountain stream about tens of meters high.

Even if there are large animals in this kind of place, it will be fine, so the three of them found a cave and got in.

(End of this chapter)

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