Chapter 542 Midnight Revenge
The sunny weather is absolutely beautiful for this resort.

Standing on the top floor overlooking the sea and sky is definitely a great enjoyment in life.

It's just that the people trapped here have no interest in admiring the beautiful scenery. They are sitting on the ground at gunpoint, and they are not even interested in sleeping.

Looking at the group of ferocious mercenaries, several people tried to escape before, but were shot dead not far away with precision.

Up to now, the corpse was still lying there, and the blood coagulated corpse made them dare not try to escape again.

"Give us something to eat!"

It was almost noon, but they didn't even drink any water for so long, one of the frail government officials tremblingly said to the mercenary.

"Do you want to eat the bullet?"

Seeing someone stand up, the mercenary guarding them immediately turned their guns and shouted at the guy with a cold face.

This sentence immediately frightened him to sit on the ground, licking his dry lips, not daring to speak anymore.

"There are still many women here, at least respect them!"

Tang Longhu looked around, most of the people in the crowd were exhausted, and they were sweating profusely from the excessive fright.

In this environment, I'm afraid those people won't be able to hold on for long. After all, they are afraid that they will lose too much sweat.

Shocked and frightened, and without food, although his woman is fine, a few of them have already started to tremble, and it seems that their hearts are about to be overloaded.

"Do you want to die!"

Seeing that there were still people who dared to speak, the mercenary immediately turned his gun and said to Tang Longhu angrily. .

"We are hostages, wouldn't it be good for you if we all died!"

Tang Longhu didn't back down, but argued with reason, and his words made those weak women all cast grateful glances.

Unable to move, eat, and even go to the toilet, this is the greatest torture for them.

"Is it a hostage, I will throw you down now!"

Tang Longhu obviously angered the mercenary, he walked over and hit him hard in the stomach with the butt of his gun.

While he was bending over, he kicked him to the ground again, and then he was about to throw his gun at him again.


At this moment, the captain who had not spoken all this time slowly opened his eyes.

He sat there as if falling asleep, but he could still hear clearly.

Waving to the mercenary, Captain Fan Ni stood up and walked in front of Tang Longhu, looking up and down at the supported Tang Longhu.

"Want something to eat? No problem, take a bet with me. If you win me, I will give you food and drink. If you lose, I will kill you. How about it?"

Fan Ni was smiling, and at this moment he was like an ordinary person who had nothing to do with the world.

But those fiendish spirits obeyed him, making it clear that this is a powerful character, who can kill people just by talking and laughing.

"Okay, I bet you!"

Tang Longhu stood up slowly, enduring the pain and said to Fan Ni.

As a casino owner, he may not be as good at gambling as his daughter, but he is still a master.

He who is proficient in all gambling skills looked at Fan Ni, wondering how he was going to gamble.

"Okay, then tell me, what am I thinking now?"

Fan Ni stood in front of Tang Longhu with a smile on his face. This sentence made everyone gasp.

This kind of gambling is like killing him, who would know what he was thinking, even if he knew, if he didn't admit it, he would only die.

Tang Longhu's third concubine and younger concubine also stood up hastily, the other party wanted to use Tang Longhu's life to make an example of others.

If that's the case, they might as well die together with Tang Longhu.

"You think that no matter what I say, you won't admit it, so you can kill me!"

After Tang Longhu pondered for a while, he raised his head. This was no longer gambling, it was simply a battle of wits and courage.

"You are wrong, what I thought was that if you answered correctly, I can let you eat!"

Sure enough, Fan Ni didn't admit it, and he reached out and took out a pistol and aimed it at Tang Longhu's head.

"Say your last words!"

With a smile on his face, it was like an old friend communicating, but there was a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

"If you want the key, keep us, otherwise your goal will not be achieved!"

Feeling the muzzle of the gun on his forehead, Tang Longhu stretched out his hand to stop the two wives, and it seemed that he had to do what Ling Tian had mentioned.

This sentence really changed Fan Ni's face, and at the same time he looked Tang Longhu up and down. The hostages here didn't know why he kidnapped them, but how did this person know.

"Among the two women who escaped, one of them is your daughter. It looks like you are a sinister father-in-law!"

After a pause, Fan Ni slowly lowered the muzzle of the gun, and said to Tang Longhu with a smile on his face.

But Tang Longhu didn't answer, and the silence meant an acknowledgment.

"Give them food and water!"

Turning around and leaving, Fan Ni didn't say anything more, and his order was an imperial decree, and the other mercenaries hurriedly drove them to the cold table aside.

The sumptuous meal last night was already cold, but the upper-class people who are pampered and pampered on weekdays are now devouring it one by one.

Fan Ni returned to the chair again, looking at the beautiful scenery of the sea and sky with a smile on his face, as if nothing had happened.

But at this moment, the door was pushed open, and two people hurried over with the jackal on their backs.

"Captain, my containment failed, the brothers were all killed by him!"

Seeing the captain, the jackal knelt on the ground with a plop, and said in tears.

"Then how did you escape back?"

Fan Ni, who squinted his eyes, looked at the jackal kneeling there covered in blood, but just smiled slightly, as if he had known this would happen a long time ago.

"I don't see well, fighting with the opponent..."

The jackal had already made up a reason, but when he just said the words, a gun was aimed at his head.

"to be frank!"

Fan Ni, holding a gun in his hand, looked at him coldly, the muzzle of the gun didn't even shake, how could he be deceived by him who could see through the jackal at a glance.

"I said! I said!"

The jackal turned cold, and he didn't dare to make up any more and told the truth from beginning to end. Under Fan Ni's sharp eyes, he didn't even say a single false word wrong.

"He told you to wash your neck and wait!"

As soon as the jackal's words came out, there was a gunshot, and the bullet pierced his eyebrows, and the jackal instantly fell to the ground and stopped moving.

Fan Ni, who stood up, retracted his pistol, walked to the corpse and turned the jackal who was lying on his back with his feet.

At the same time, he waved his hand to the people around him, signaling them to take off the jackal's clothes. At this moment, several bloody characters carved with a knife appeared on his bloody back.

"At twelve o'clock tonight, I'll take your dog's life!"

(End of this chapter)

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