Chapter 543
"Are you really going to go at twelve o'clock?"

Sitting in front of the cave, Tang Xinyi looked at Ling Tian in surprise. He actually notified the other party in advance. Isn't this a suicide attempt?

The sneak attack may not be successful, but now he tells the other party what time he will arrive in a high-sounding manner. Isn't this ultimatum a bit too rampant.

"There are still so many people on the other side. If you know what time you left, wouldn't you be in a trap by then?"

Shishi also looked at Ling Tian anxiously, wondering if his decision was too hasty.

This is not making a movie, it's nothing to play cool, if the other party prepares in advance, then Ling Tian will kill himself.

"I believe they think so too!"

With a smile on his face, Ling Tian tore off a piece of the roasted pheasant and handed it to Tang Xinyi, and then handed the other leg to Shishi.

Because the forest is undeveloped, the builder put in a lot of wild game in order to turn the entire forest into a natural hunting ground.

It's just that those large animals such as elk were not acclimatized to the soil and water, and all died, but the pheasant and hare were more tenacious, and they survived.

Moreover, there are no natural enemies here. Although it wasn't long before the launch, and they haven't reproduced very fast, Ling Tian also found two of the dozens of pheasants and hares.

Tear off a piece of chicken and stuff it into your mouth. It's not bad food without seasoning, it's much better than eating raw snake meat.

"What do you mean?"

Although she was very hungry, Tang Xinyi, who was worried about Ling Tian's safety, was in no mood to eat.

Holding the chicken leg, she looked at Ling Tian, ​​not knowing what he was trying to explain.

The same is true for Shishi, who kept looking at Ling Tian worriedly. After all, he was alone, and fighting with so many people on the other side, would it be too reluctant.

"Whether he believes it or not, at twelve o'clock, they will make adequate preparations. This is an instinct, and after killing so many of them, they will not be searching the mountains. They are ready to wait for me to go , This is the mentality I want!"

When Ling Tian did this, he naturally had his own way of thinking. Learning to observe from the enemy's standpoint is the way to survive on the battlefield.

As long as he has such an idea, he can guarantee that the opponent will not take the initiative to attack. In this way, he can at least have a rest time.

And before twelve o'clock, the vigilance of these people will be reduced to the lowest level, which is why he wants to stand at twelve o'clock.

"So you are actually planning to counterattack before twelve o'clock?"

Only then did Tang Xinyi and Shishi understand what Ling Tian meant. They were not fighters, so they naturally didn't understand how to think on the battlefield.

"That's right, and as I remember, there is another firework warehouse like before, which is located on the other side of the hotel. It's a good way to divert your vision!"

Ling Tian chewed the chicken, for tonight's battle, he must be in the best condition to meet the enemy.

Listening to Ling Tian's plan, the two women couldn't help but admire his thinking, maybe this is the boldness of a high-level artist.

After eating and drinking enough, Tang Xinyi volunteered to be on guard. With her talent, the enemy would definitely be noticed when they approached.

Shishi cleaned up the cave, and the steep cliff is not far from here, so the birds and animals are not close here.

"Then I'll go to sleep!"

Seeing the thoughtfulness of the two women, Ling Tian didn't need to say anything, the two women who were his confidants made him feel warm.

But now is definitely not the time to talk about love, and it consumes too much to deal with this sneak attack on Ling Tian, ​​especially the concussion injury from the grenade makes him still sore all over.

Lying on the haystack that was simply covered with hay, Ling Tian quickly fell asleep. With Tang Xinyi around, he could rest assured and bold.

The two women were sitting not far from the cave, overlooking the scenery below the mountain. The back here was facing the hotel, so they couldn't see the situation over there, only the beautiful scenery of the sea and sky, but neither of the two women had time to appreciate it.

"Xinyi, thank you this time, you gave me hope to live!"

Shishi held Tang Xinyi's hand. If Tang Xinyi hadn't rekindled her fighting spirit after she collapsed before, she would probably want to die now.

"Sister, I should actually be the one thanking you. If it weren't for what you said, I'm afraid I wouldn't have thought of it!"

Tang Xinyi smiled and said to Shishi, seeing Shishi's puzzled expression, Tang Xinyi knew very well that the words on the rooftop gave her a goal and direction.

Ling Tian always said that he and he are not in the same world, that's because Tang Xinyi never thought of shouldering the burden of the whole family.

But this time she figured it out. To revitalize the family business, she can't always think about relying on others, but should rely on herself.

"Then our sisters are of the same heart, and their benefits will cut through gold!"

After listening to Tang Xinyi's explanation, Shishi held her hand tightly, and the luxury ferry with a stock price of hundreds of billions in the future took shape at this moment.

Looking back from time to time, looking at Ling Tian's peaceful sleeping posture in the cave, the two girls were sweet in their hearts.

The turning point in their lives was all caused by this man. He was like a stone falling into a pool, completely disturbing their originally peaceful hearts.

Time flies, the sun sets in the blink of an eye, the stars are bright tonight, and a crescent moon hangs high in the sky.

It's New Year's Eve at home, Ling Tian stretched himself, if the matter is resolved smoothly, he can really spend the Spring Festival with his mother.

After being out for so long, it is indeed time to go back. Ling Tian is still a little excited when he thinks of joining the dragon team in the future to serve the motherland.

"Master, you must be careful!"

When Ling Tian was dispatched, Shishi and Tang Xinyi would naturally stay here.

Seeing Ling Tian who was about to set off, Shishi threw herself into his arms.

My man is about to go to the battlefield. In the hail of bullets, the bullets have no eyes.

"Be sure to come back, we are waiting for you!"

Tang Xinyi was no longer shy, and threw herself into Ling Tian's embrace, resting her head on his chest, reluctant to part.

"Don't worry, leave everything to me, there will be no problem!"

Holding the two girls in his arms, Ling Tian smiled and enjoyed the softness from his chest. He could feel the hearts of the two girls, especially after what happened to Li Linger, he gradually let go of the burden.

The transformation of the two women made him see two outstanding businesswomen in the future, and he believed that their lives would be wonderful.

Time waits for no one, and finally Ling Tian disappeared in the depths of the dense forest. Ling Tian, ​​who was going all the way down, was like a devil who was about to open the gate of hell, and bring those sinful undead into endless darkness.

Shishi and Tang Xinyi clasped their hands together. They believe in God and now they can only pray to the sky, hoping that Ling Tian can return safely.

But they don't know the difference, and they almost go different ways. Soon, the three of them will go through the most severe test.

(End of this chapter)

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