Chapter 546
A simple sentence shocked Ling Tian, ​​who actually saw through his plot.

In this way, when he attacked the other party, he also attacked the two women while he was away.

Thinking of this, Ling Tian's heart seemed to pinch fiercely, secretly blaming himself for his carelessness.

"Uncle, you stay here and wait for reinforcements, I'm going to pick up Xinyi immediately!"

Ling Tian turned around and left, his eyes were bloodshot as he rushed out the door, if Tang Xinyi and Shi Shi had something to do, even if he died a hundred times, he would not be able to atone for his sin.

As he pushed down the elevator, the blood all over his body began to boil because of the anxiety in his heart.

The elevator moved towards the lobby on the first floor little by little. Because of his impatience, Ling Tian felt how could the elevator be so slow.

When the lights on the first floor of the elevator came on, Ling Tian had already clenched his gun tightly, and with a murderous look on his face, he rushed out as the elevator door opened.

He raised his gun and shot, Ling Tian who came out from behind was like a nightmare to those guys, they didn't have time to dodge and fell into a pool of blood without seeing clearly what happened behind them.

As if possessed by a killing god, Ling Tian is now in a hurry. According to Tang Longhu, he left half an hour before his action.

His own strategy was not only mastered by the opponent, but also used by him. Thinking of this, Ling Tian couldn't help clenching his teeth. He must pinch his neck off this hateful Fan Ni with his own hands.

Ling Tian, ​​who rushed out of the hotel lobby, stood under the light, facing all masters, so he was not afraid of accidental injury.

Seeing Ling Tian coming out from inside, Ruan Ling immediately jumped out of the cover and ran over, followed by more than 30 men in camouflage uniforms.

"Why are you here?"

Watching Ruan Ling kill, Ling Tian turned and looked at the team following behind him.

These people's faces were covered with camouflage oil, and they couldn't see their real faces clearly, but they all had Huang Quan's sickle armband on their right arms. They should be the people of Huang Quan Company.

"We got news that there was trouble on your side, so I rushed over with a small team. Your master Yan Wang led his team to stay in the icehouse to prevent accidents. I'm afraid the other party will die this time!"

Ruan Ling briefly explained the ins and outs of the matter, and Ling Tian was very excited when he heard that the master had arrived in person.

I believe that with him, even the entire government army cannot seize the excavated ice bank.

"I'll leave it to you, I'll save people!"

Although everyone on the surface has been wiped out, who knows if there are still enemy troops hiding in this building.

Ling Tian no longer had any worries, turned around and rushed towards the pitch-black forest, he was so anxious that he had no time to explain to Ruan Ling.

Seeing Ling Tian's anxious appearance, Ruan Ling knew that something serious must have happened, but it was still uncertain whether it was safe or not.

So she led the team to the top floor first, and after gradually searching, killed all the fearful ghosts who were hiding.

In the jungle, Ling Tian moved forward quickly. According to the time calculation, the opponent should have succeeded long ago.

In order to get the key, the other party probably won't hurt the two girls, so Ling Tian doesn't have to be wary of any traps.

At a peak of several hundred meters, Ling Tian would soon be approaching the cave, but at this moment, a cold shout made Ling Tian stop.

"lay down your weapon!"

The voice was like a knife, and it came out from the dense forest, with an orderly tone, and no doubts were allowed.

"I'm not carrying a weapon!"

The voice came from the direction of the cave, and the tone was cold.

Ling Tian immediately raised his hands high, and he discarded the weapon before coming up, because he knew that the other party would not fight him.

"It's honest!"

In the darkness, the bushes moved slightly, and a figure walked over with a sense of competence.

With the help of the starlight, Ling Tian probably also saw clearly the outline of the person coming from the opposite side. He was of medium build, standing there with the coldness of a weapon.

Wearing a mask on his face, only a pair of stern eyes were exposed, his hands were in his pockets, and he didn't force Ling Tian with a weapon, but this was beyond Ling Tian's expectation.

Especially the stern eyes, Ling Tian actually had a feeling of déjà vu. On this open ground, the two people looked at each other.

"This is an opportunity!"

The opponent didn't carry a weapon, which was beyond Ling Tian's expectation. The distance between them was less than ten meters, so this was definitely an opportunity not to be missed.

The mind moves at will, and the fighter is fleeting. Thinking of this, Ling Tian kicked his feet on the ground, and his whole body was like a cannonball, and he rushed towards the opponent directly.

With a stretch of both arms, sharp claws came out, and the distance of ten meters was only an instant.

"You are dishonest!"

Facing the sudden Ling Tian, ​​the other party said with a sneer, he raised his foot without dodging, kicking up a cloud of sand.

He had already buried half of his feet in the ground, and the mud and sand that hit his head and face immediately forced Ling Tian to retract his arms to block his eyes. If he was blinded by the mud and sand, it would be really troublesome.

The body stopped suddenly, but the other party had already moved, Ling Tian only felt a gust of foot wind hit his chest, and it was impossible to avoid it.

This kick directly landed on his chest, and Ling Tian immediately flew five or six meters away as if hit by a car, before falling heavily on the ground.

His chest was hurting, but Ling Tian couldn't hesitate. There was a sound of footsteps in his ears, and the other party had already caught up.

Immediately, his body turned backwards, his waist twisted forcefully, and the upside-down carp straightened him upright.

At the same time, he put his hands on the ground and pushed down with his strength. Ling Tian, ​​who turned over, avoided the opponent's foot on the ground, but immediately after, the wind from the opponent's foot hit him again.

The foot kicked sharply, kicking Ling Tian's raised left arm abruptly, that arm that seemed to have been hit by an iron rod was suddenly paralyzed.


Enduring the pain in his body, Ling Tian took three steps back. This guy's fighting ability was actually superior to his own, which surprised Ling Tian involuntarily.

Not daring to hide his killing move, Ling Tian swung his right fist, and with his protruding middle finger, he used his housekeeping skill, ancient martial arts, to fight back at the opponent.

"Anxie, I haven't seen you for so long, why do you still only use this ancient boxing technique, there is nothing new!"

Seeing the blow of Ling Tian's fist, Fan Ni immediately withdrew his right foot, and at the same time swung his fists, and rushed towards Ling Tian.

"you know me!"

The opponent's punches were fierce, and Ling Tian could only switch to attack for defense. He blocked the opponent's fierce punches with both fists, and planted his feet on the ground.

He actually knows his code name, and who is he? While trying to resist the opponent's attack, he observes the opponent's routine.

The punches were to the flesh, extremely vicious, and the tricky punches completely sealed Ling Tian's ancient boxing skills, and this variety of fists reminded Ling Tian of a person.

"Fire Chi!"

(End of this chapter)

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