Chapter 547 Brother, You Have Changed

At night, in the dense forest, two people come and go, fighting inextricably.

Without any weapons, with just a pair of fists, the two of them showed a murderous aura intertwined with weapons.

With his eyes like lightning, Ling Tian felt more and more familiar with this boxing technique.

With a wrong body, Ling Tian turned his right fist into a palm and swept the opponent's cheek, but the price he paid was that he was kicked to the ground by the opponent's corner.

"Huo Chi, it's really you!"

Turning over, Ling Tian felt pain in his chest, but the person standing in front of him made him feel even more distressed.

He is Huo Chi, a comrade-in-arms of his strange beast team, a brother who thought he would die in battle, and his Bamen Fist has always been Ling Tian's formidable opponent.

"Anxie, I haven't seen you for so long, your strength has deteriorated so much, it really makes me sad!"

Huo Chi sneered, but there was no kindness in his tone. Standing there with his hands behind his back, he was Ling Tian's strongest fighter ever.

Born in a family of martial arts, he has been practicing martial arts since he was a child. He was originally a foreign Chinese, and later joined the Huangquan team.

His melee combat is not inferior to Ling Tian at all, even if Ling Tian got the ancient martial arts handed down by Yan Wang, he still can't help him.

"You really didn't die!"

Growing up together and fighting together, looking at the former brothers, Ling Tian didn't feel any kindness at all.

"Yes, you don't look very surprised!"

Huo Chi smiled slightly, the iron-blooded brothers who hadn't seen each other for several years were already enemies when they met again.

"Huo Chi, what happened, why did you do this?"

Ling Tian's heart was twisted like a knife, and he looked at Huo Chi with blood-red eyes. If he saw him in other places, he would definitely ask him if he had any difficulties, or if he was an undercover agent.

But he has been to the top floor and seen those few, this is definitely not something an undercover agent would do.

Even in the enemy's camp, there are naturally things that cannot be done. It is absolutely unacceptable to kill innocent people indiscriminately to hide yourself.

But now, those few corpses represent everything, and Huo Chi is no longer who he used to be.

"You want to say why I rebelled? Why did I do that?"

Huo Chi's face was still stern, and there was a sense of contempt in his speech.

There is nothing wrong with his voice and smile at all, and this is definitely not a state of being brainwashed. He is a completely normal person, and he is even more powerful than before.

"Huo Chi, I hope you can give me an explanation!"

Clenching his fists tightly, the friendship he had spent day and night in those years was actually not worth mentioning in his mouth.

Now he is secretly working for the Paradise Group, and several of his comrades also died at their hands.

And Huo Chi is now standing on the opposite side of him, this is unacceptable to Ling Tian.

Although he was sad and angry in his heart, he still wanted to hear Huo Chi's own explanation.

"Want to know the truth? Let me tell you after you win!"

Huo Chi sneered, he didn't bother to talk to Ling Tian at all, that disdain came from the inside out.

"Huo Chi, don't force me!"

Not even willing to say a word, here and there is still the Huo Chi who is smiling all day long.

Ling Tian squinted his eyes and stared at Huo Chi. He never thought of fighting him on the battlefield.

"So what if I force you, your two women are still in my hands, if you don't kill me, they will be finished!"

Huo Chi had a haughty expression on his face, and his words immediately made Ling Tian's heart ache again.

"Don't you want that key?"

Ling Tian gradually calmed down, impatience would not help him in the slightest.

Facing a powerful enemy now, he can only calmly think about countermeasures. His physical fitness has been greatly reduced, and he has not yet returned to his heyday.

Even in its heyday, Huo Chi was not dominant, let alone now.

The two women have remained silent all this time, so they should not have been murdered, so where are they now?

"Key? Do you think I still think this thing is useful?"

Hearing Ling Tian's words, Huo Chi reached out and took out the key from the tactical vest, and threw it on the ground with a sneer.

"I remember the head of the regiment said that only by thinking of the enemy's thoughts can we win a decisive victory thousands of miles away. I am afraid that someone has already occupied that place by now!"

Completely ignoring the key, Huo Chi stood there, looking at Ling Tian with a smile.

"Then what do you want?"

He didn't even care about the key, so why did he stay? Huo Chi, who knew himself, had already seen through his plan.

But he didn't hesitate to take the opportunity that those subordinates were completely annihilated by him, what did he intend to do.

"It's very simple, someone asked me to kill you, now your life belongs to me!"

Huo Chi's words revealed a murderous look, his eyes were like knives, and now he is not lying at all.

That strong murderous aura made Ling Tian feel chills all over his body, and he hadn't seen his strength improve again for a few years.

"Okay, my life is here. I still remember that in the group competition, I beat you with a punch. You may not be able to beat me today!"

Ling Tian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked at Huo Chi coldly.

"That's right, of course I remember it, and I remember it very clearly, so I will definitely beat you to death with these fists today, and let you know the power of the eight-door boxing passed down in my family!"

Huo Chi slowly raised his fists. He lost with one punch back then, but now he wants to get it back.

Judging from what he did just now, not only did Ling Tian make no progress, but he also regressed a lot. It seemed that he wasted his fist.

"Okay, haven't you always looked down on my ancient martial arts? Today I will show you the complete ancient martial arts!"

Ling Tian shook his head and shook his arms. Since he insisted on a fight to the death, he had no choice but to stay with him to the end.

With both feet on the ground, Ling Tian took the lead in attacking. No matter in terms of physical fitness or boxing skills, Ling Tian is now at a disadvantage.

However, he can't be afraid to fight, let alone be afraid. It is his honor to fight for the people, and there are two beauties in pink waiting for him.

"Okay, the complete ancient boxing method, I think it's just a child's play!"

Looking at Ling Tian who was charging towards him, Huo Chi waved his fists, stepped on the gossip step, and waved his arms with gusts of wind.

The eight-door boxing, which has always been known for its fierceness, quickly enveloped Ling Tian. On this slightly older weekday, the two of them came and went and fought together.

The ancient boxing method pays attention to ingenuity, but one effort can break through all ingenuity. In the face of Huo Chi, who is greatly superior in physical fitness and absolute strength, Ling Tian quickly fell into the disadvantaged.

After three punches in a row, Ling Tian's body was in pain, but when the third punch landed on Ling Tian, ​​Ling Tian's hands clasped his arms.

Thirteen captures are the catching tactic of ancient martial arts. After learning from my aunt, I will show my strength this time. Whether the ancient martial art is better or the Bamen fist is more powerful, it depends on who gives birth to whom tonight died.

(End of this chapter)

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