Chapter 548 My Will
In the jungle where fists exchanged, there was a muffled groan, like a roaring beast.

Ling Tian, ​​who kept tumbling together, tightly clasped Huo Chi's arms, and used the force of the tumbling to undo his punches.

Using softness to overcome rigidity, these thirteen grabs are definitely the best weapon. While rolling back and forth, Ling Tian was also in a state of embarrassment.

Bamen Boxing is also an ancient inheritance, which combines the strengths of various boxing methods, and is a unique family tradition. Huo Chi has grown up through experience since childhood.

So soon, after figuring out Ling Tian's routine, Huo Chi threw Ling Tian out with a back throw, and then broke free from Ling Tian's shackles.

"You've already lost!"

Huo Chi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked coldly at Ling Tian opposite him.

Just now I hit him with a total of thirteen punches, but Ling Tian only hit him with five punches and one kick.

No matter in terms of numbers or the power of punching, Huo Chi is clearly superior, and with his faster movement speed, he has completely crushed Ling Tian.

"That's not necessarily true, you will always be my defeated opponent!"

Getting up, Ling Tian shook his head, his nose was broken, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding from internal injuries.

His whole body was bruised, but Ling Tian still roared like an angry lion.

"Today I will wash away this shame with your blood, go down and find Nine Wings!"

The nine wings in Huo Chi's mouth are naturally the other teammates of the strange beast team, and he was sacrificed in the mission where Huo Chi disappeared.

"Don't call him by his name, because you don't deserve it!"

Nine Wings was short of breath in his arms. When he heard this name, Ling Tian's eyes became more murderous.

At the beginning, Huo Chi, Nine Wings and Xuan Jing were on a mission together. He disappeared, Jiu Yi died in battle, and Xuan Jing became disabled.

And now he is still standing here, if he hadn't betrayed, Nine Wings might not have died.

"I can tell you another thing. I actually fired the shot in the back of Nine Wings back then, but this poor guy won't know until he dies!"

Every word of Huo Chi's words pierced Ling Tian's heart like a dagger, he couldn't accept such cold words from this guy.

To actually kill his teammate with his own hands, Ling Tian felt his whole body was set on fire.

"You know, the reason why I was able to win you back then was not my ancient martial arts, let alone the luck you mentioned, but my will. Today I will definitely kill you!"

Ling Tian suddenly looked up to the sky and screamed loudly, and once again he slowly lowered his head, a withered feeling emanating from his body.

At this moment, everything around Fangfo began to become barren, the trees were a little withered, and the vitality quickly disappeared, Ling Tian's eyes were so empty.

The state of ecstasy is a legend, but in the state that exists in reality, ecstasy is the meaning of forgetting all pain.

If this state is reached, the whole person will no longer have any fear, and even the pain in the body can be ignored, and he can become a real madman.

"Okay, will, today I will bury your will too!"

Huo Chi looked at the changed Ling Tian, ​​and suddenly felt a wave of fear. With a loud roar, he rushed over, lifted his right foot, and kicked Ling Tian directly on the chest.

Everything happened so fast, Huo Chi, who had never taken the initiative to attack, kicked Ling Tian's chest, and he didn't even dodge at all.

Ling Tian, ​​who was kicked five or six steps abruptly by the foot wind, did not fall to the ground, but still maintained his standing posture, but the blood spurting from his mouth proved that this kick was not weak.

"You're scared! That's why you lost!"

With his arms hanging in front of him, Ling Tian squinted his eyes and looked at Huo Chi opposite him with a strange smile.

He was arrogant just now, but the moment he took the initiative to attack, it meant that he was afraid.

Psychologically, he has already lost to himself, so next, he will fall in front of him.

"Afraid? You think too much!"

He refused to admit it, but Huo Chi rushed over again.

This time he will not show mercy, he wants to bury his former teammates with his own hands.

A whip kick came towards Ling Tian's armpit, with the power of thunder, but Ling Tian still did not dodge, the moment the opponent kicked, Ling Tian's right fist smashed towards his face.

The foot wind hit Ling Tian's armpit heavily, but Ling Tian's fist also hit Huo Chi's face.

This was just the beginning, and Ling Tian's next actions completely stunned Huo Chi, because he was completely reckless.

There is no longer the slightest punch, you kick me, I will definitely give you a punch, even if you suffer, you will never defend and retreat.

Ling Tian, ​​with a bruised nose and a swollen face, kept roaring and charging, and the desperate appearance made Huo Chi feel more and more frightened as he fought.

He seemed to be insane, so he charged forward with all his might, and in the end Huo Chi could no longer fight him.

"Anxie is really Anxie, I have seen it today, but it is a pity, your life is still in my hands!"

Huo Chi turned around and left, galloping towards the top of the mountain, Ling Tian naturally couldn't give up, he limped and followed, and soon came to the cave.

But when he saw the scene in front of him, Ling Tian's empty eyes suddenly became tense, because at this time Shi Shi and Tang Xinyi were being grabbed by Huo Chi.

Behind him is the [-]-meter-high Bijia Peak cliff, and the bottom is full of withered vines.

Holding Shishi in one hand and Tang Xinyi in the other, Huo Chi stood there, letting the sea breeze blow the hair of the two girls.

At this time, their hands and feet were bound, and their mouths were tightly sealed with tape. They were standing on the edge of the cliff, unable to move, and they would fall if they moved a little.

"You let them go, you want my life, you can take it away!"

Ling Tian's eyes were swollen to the point that he couldn't open them, but he still stared at Huo Chi.

"You are still so infatuated, think about you and my brother, I will give you a chance, keep one dead, you choose!"

Huo Chi's face was also red and swollen, and he pinched the arms of the two women in pain all over his body. Now as long as he exerted a little force, the lives of the two women would hang by a thread.

Especially with his hateful choice, Ling Tian suddenly didn't know what to say.

"Choose quickly, the one on the left or the one on the right, don't worry, I will never break my promise!"

Huo Chi looked at the silent Ling Tian, ​​shook Shi Shi slightly, and her body immediately leaned back.

"Don't! Don't hurt her!"

Looking at the precarious Shishi, Ling Tian immediately shouted loudly, but now he has nothing to do.

"Oh, then you don't like this, then I'll help you deal with it!"

Pulling Shishi back, Huo Chi waved his hand with a smile on his face, and Tang Xinyi on the other side immediately leaned back.

(End of this chapter)

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