Chapter 550 The Scary Machine
Above the canopy, the three people were still hanging there. They didn't dare to move, and they didn't know what was going on underneath.

Fortunately, just now, Ruan Ling's voice was heard from the cliff, so Ling Tian decided to wait for rescue.

The two girls lying on Ling Tian's body just lay there obediently, feeling Ling Tian's heartbeat, they had thousands of words but couldn't speak at this moment.

At the moment of life and death, they thought that this time they had to go the other way, but they didn't expect Ling Tian to be so crazy.

"Hey, did I come at the wrong time, or I'll come back later!"

With a rustling sound in the woods, several beams of bright flashlights illuminated their location.

Ruan Ling saw that the three people hanging on the tree were very close, so she couldn't help asking.

"I find you are cuter when you're still silent!"

Ling Tian sighed helplessly, this Ruan Ling was a dull gourd in front of others, but he always spoke harshly in front of himself.

"I'm not a little girl, why should I be cute?"

Like an ape, Ruan Ling quickly climbed to the top of the tree, and with the illumination of a strong flashlight, she could see everything clearly.

He stretched out his hand and pulled Shishi over first, cut the rope in her hand with a dagger, and rescued Tang Xinyi.

"Are you ready?"

After rescuing the two girls, Ruan Ling shook the dagger in her hand and said to Ling Tian.

"What is ready?"

This question stunned Ling Tian, ​​his whole body was in pain, and his eyes were so swollen that he could barely open them.

But before he could understand, Ruan Ling's dagger slashed at the two vines around him, and the vines as thick as his wrist were cut off by the sharp dagger.

Ling Tian who fell in the air suddenly felt his body loosen, but he fell in the blink of an eye, making Tang Xinyi and Shishi scream in fright.

Just when it was more than one meter away from the ground, the vines binding Ling Tian's legs tightened immediately, and Ling Tian was hung there on his head and feet, shaking constantly.

Living in the jungle since she was a child, Ruan Ling is very familiar with this tree vine, and she can tell how long it is just by taking a look at it.

"Hey, I found that you are really targeting me!"

Ling Tian, ​​who was hung there, really had no strength at all. He couldn't speak clearly, so he could only let his inertia move him around.

"I've saved you with so much nonsense, let me tell you, this time it's three lives back, and you're still seven!"

On the canopy, Ruan Ling shook her hand, and the dagger in her hand cut off the vines on Ling Tian's feet with precision, and Ling Tian fell to the ground with a plop.

It was more than one meter high, and the fall did not hurt, but Ling Tian, ​​who no longer had any strength in his body, could no longer move.

He didn't know how many ribs were broken on his body, lying there covered in blood, breathing in the damp air.

"There's no need to be so embarrassing!"

Ruan Ling who came to Ling Tian looked at Ling Tian who was lying there, his whole face was deformed, and he was severely beaten.

However, Ling Tian didn't even have the strength to reply. He was completely relaxed and lay there, unable to do anything other than breathe hard.

Shishi and Tang Xinyi naturally ran over. Although they were also scratched a lot, they didn't care.

But after seeing Ling Tian's somewhat deformed feet, the two girls shed tears immediately, but Ruan Ling walked up without saying a word.

"Why are you crying, it's just a misplacement, it's fine if you don't connect it!"

Fortunately, there was such a formidable expert as Ruan Ling, and with a pull and a push with both hands, Ling Tian's dislocated ankle returned to its original position.

He checked Ling Tian's body again, his left arm was dislocated, blood was also oozing from the old injury in his lower abdomen, at least two ribs on the left side were broken, and three ribs on the right side were also broken.

Fortunately, the ribs in this weak underbelly have very strong resilience, and they don't need surgery at all, and they will grow back in a short time.

After reconnecting the dislocated arm, and taking out the morphine used in the battlefield to inject Ling Tian, ​​the others have already prepared temporary magazines.

"Did you kill him?"

The power of the morphine dissipated, and Ling Tian felt a sense of relief. Lying on the stretcher, he looked at Ruan Ling who was walking beside him and asked.

"No, he escaped from the other side. I just saw a ship nearby that should have picked him up!"

Ruan Ling shook her head, that guy was too vigilant, he didn't even have the hands to attack him.

"That's good, his life must be resolved by me!"

Ling Tian slowly closed his eyes, exhausted, he never imagined that his long-lost teammates would turn out to be so despicable.

After tonight's battle, he had completely seen the true face of Huo Chi, especially when he admitted that he had killed Jiu Yi, and this blood debt must be paid in blood.

Shishi and Tang Xinyi naturally stayed with Ling Tian all the time, and the two girls, who held his hand tightly and never let go, understood Ling Tian's responsibility even more after experiencing life and death again.

However, the exhausted Ling Tian was too tired. After handing Ruan Ling the key picked up from the tactical vest, he closed his eyes.

A group of people went down the mountain all the way, and soon left the small island. It was already the third day when Ling Tian woke up again.

He tried hard to sit up, but suddenly felt his hands were still being held tightly, moved slightly, only to find that Tang Xinyi and Shishi beside the bed had opened their eyes.

"you're awake!"

Looking at Ling Tian who opened his eyes, the two girls with dark circles asked hurriedly.

"Yeah! How long have I been asleep?"

Ling Tian still felt sore all over his body, and looked around again, this should be a hospital.

"It's only been two days, just wake up! Just wake up!"

The happy two girls hurriedly helped Ling Tian lean on the thick pillow, and looking at their bloodshot eyes, they believed that they hadn't had a good rest these two days.

At this moment, the door of the ward was pushed open, and a man in his 30s walked in, followed by Xuan Jing and Ruan Ling.

"Boy, the mission is well done!"

It was none other than Ling Tian's master Yan Wang. As the legendary Hades of the Underworld, he was a feared figure in the mercenary world.


Having not seen his master for several months, Ling Tian raised his arms in a particularly excited salute.

At the same time, he looked at Xuan Jing standing beside the bed with a smile on his face. Now he has shaved his hair and hung his beard, returning to his brave image again.

As for Ruan Ling, she stood there without saying a word, still with that expressionless face, she was still used to this state in front of outsiders.

"Okay, lie down well, this time I'm going to give you a head start!"

Both keys were found, and the batch of poison gas bombs was completely solved, smashing the conspiracy of the Heaven Group, but in the process, the new situation made Ling Tian shudder.

(End of this chapter)

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