Chapter 551 Super Warrior
It turned out that when Ling Tian confronted Huo Chi on the island, there was also a fierce battle in the excavated ice store.

A group of mysterious people rushed in suddenly, and defeated the government forces that had blocked the area.

Immediately afterwards, they attacked the ice cave with a clear goal. Fortunately, Yan Wang personally supported him, leading his Huangquan team and dozens of people, and started a life-and-death fight with the opponent there.

During the battle, Yan Wang discovered that the opponent was not only powerful, but also fearless of life and death. They were moving so fast, but they could not help but roar like wild beasts.

They, with strange shapes, kept rushing forward, and even shot at the icehouse. This was a state where they were about to die together.

If the poison gas bomb there is detonated, even if it is not killed alive, it will be infected with the poison, but this group of people completely ignore it.

That kind of enthusiasm for seeing death as home is really embarrassing, even Ling Tian, ​​who has seen a lot of death squads, can't help but gasp.

Fortunately, the King of Hades here is not an idler, and Huang Quan's team, who came out personally, is even more powerful. With the cooperation of several parties, they formed a firepower net in front of them.

Fry the guys who are about to rush over one by one into meat sauce.

This sudden battle was extremely fierce at first, but it disappeared immediately. Not only the group of mysterious people evacuated urgently, but also all the dead bodies were taken away.

A storm-like attack also seemed to be ebbing, and soon disappeared.

Because he was worried that the opponent was trying to lure the enemy, and keeping the icehouse was an equally important matter, Yan Wang did not pursue it.

However, when cleaning the battlefield, they still found a lot of shattered torsos, especially one guy's head was still intact.

This guy's body has long been blown into pieces, but that huge head is really scary enough.

The most important thing was that there was a thick lead weight on his head, which was full of marks of bullets.

The lead block is five or six centimeters thick, and it has been specially processed to cover the forehead, the sides of the head and the back of the head.

Ordinary bullets are hard to injure this elastic but hard lead helmet, but how can ordinary people bear such a heavy thing around their necks?

In addition, from the analysis of the bullet marks, he was hit on the head by bullets at least three times. Although the bullets could not penetrate the helmet, the kinetic energy was still there, and the strong impact force was fatal to the cervical spine.

What's more, these guys are all strong and strong men, and each of them has a burly figure that is two meters away.

But their movement speed is simply at the abnormal level, and their physical strength and dodge ability comparable to wild beasts are beyond the reach of ordinary mercenaries.

This strange mercenary came like a tide and receded like a sea wave, and the uniform behavior was definitely beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Especially during a strong attack, they would actually carry their companions as human shields. Hades watched helplessly as the companions who were blocked in front of them were still struggling with their hands and feet.

With such a bloody and cruel fighting style, it is really difficult for anyone to surpass him. If Hades hadn't personally led the team, it would be really difficult to stop them.

"This incident makes me think that these guys should be similar to the transformation of the super fighters of the Paradise Group, but it is obviously not just as simple as genetic modification!"

When Yan Wang said this, he couldn't help but frowned. An evil organization like the Paradise Group would do such a thing.

In the current international situation, major countries will have nuclear deterrence, and the nuclear warheads and intercontinental missiles they manufacture are hard to buy even if they have money.

The Paradise Group cannot obtain such a terrifying power that can destroy everything in an instant, so they will only try their best to open other weapons.

For example, gas bombs, genetic modification, and even more despicable loss viruses, the imagination of the wild and unconstrained style is definitely much more exaggerated than in the movies.

"Speaking of which, I seem to have met a similar guy some time ago!"

Ling Tian leaned on the hospital bed, after listening to Yan Wang's description, this super soldier reminded him of someone.

That was the Invincible Killer King he had fought against, that guy was as tough as steel, and if he hadn't been electrocuted to death by an electric current in the end, Ling Tian might not be able to escape.

"Anyway, the matter is over, and this time you brothers have worked together to do a beautiful job!"

Yan Wang looked at Ling Tian, ​​he had something to say, but he didn't know how to say it.

"Master, I beg you, Ruan Ling has nowhere to go now, I promised to give her a place to stay, so I wonder if it is convenient for the Huangquan team to let her stay?"

Ling Tian looked at the master, this matter was promised to Ruan Ling on his own initiative, after all, her abilities are also suitable for Huang Quan.

"Of course it's okay, but since you left, I've had some difficulties when I employ people. Why don't you think about it and go back with me?"

Yan Wang smiled, he knew what would happen when Ling Tian went back, and sometimes he was very helpless.

"Master, don't be joking, which one of the Ten Kings of Hades is not the king of soldiers, and he is a soldier in the country, and he can take care of his mother!"

Ling Tian didn't hear anything wrong in Yan Wang's words, Huang Quan has a lot of talents, and he is just one of them.

"Okay, since it's your decision, stick to it to the end and bring me to Auntie!"

Yan Wang smiled knowingly. When he said this, his smile was obviously different. I am afraid that besides her mother, there is another person she misses.

"By the way, Master, about Huo Chi! Could he be a lost warrior?"

After talking about the super soldier, Ling Tian thought of Huo Chi again, this heartache made him clenched his fists involuntarily.

Perhaps he, like the Persian cat, was a member of the lost warrior. After recovering his memory, he returned to the Paradise Group, so he did such a thing.

"Huang Quan's background investigation is extremely strict. Huo Chi's background is innocent, and he is definitely not a lost warrior. The reason why he became like this is probably because of his second personality!"

Yan Wang's words made Ling Tian stunned. This is a kind of mental illness, but it is not within the scope of Huang Quan's background review.

But now Hades is only suspicious. After all, the strange beast team is a very powerful team, and the probability of their defection is basically zero.

With many years of experience and knowledge, Hades can only relate this seemingly absurd matter to Huo Chi.

If he has a split and independent second personality in his body, it is not surprising that he has become like this.

Predators who have experienced many battles will more or less have mental illnesses, and Huo Chi's illness may be very serious.

(End of this chapter)

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