Chapter 556 Special Forces
Before the barracks, Ling Tian didn't know what to say when he saw the five members of Huanglong's team.

Qiao Xue was right to be worried, Ling Tian hadn't considered accepting other people as his comrades-in-arms.

After all, the heart-wrenching sense of loss made Ling Tian a little afraid to accept newcomers.

What is a brother, someone who lives and dies together on the battlefield, and are the few people in front of him really what he needs?

"I didn't have the chance to thank you personally last time!"

Xiucai walked over first, and stretched out his hand to Ling Tian. When Ling Tian left the team, Xiucai was lying in the hospital.

After he recovered from his injury, he didn't see Ling Tian, ​​but Xiucai knew that he was able to save his life because of Ling Tian.

"you are welcome!"

Xiu Cai took the initiative to extend his hand, and Ling Tian could only offer it. Although there was no rejection in his tone, at least he did not reject it.

"What I said before is my fart. You are not a relationship soldier, nor are you useless!"

Pharmacist also walked in front of Ling Tian, ​​who was injured with Xiucai last time, was directly blown out.

All the things were mentioned by the blacksmith, the mouse, and the panda. He really admired Ling Tian's bravery.

Straightforwardness is what soldiers are most used to. What is the difference between beating around the bush and being a girl?

The blacksmith and the mouse stood there, and they didn't know what to say. Before the situation was clarified, neither of them spoke.

"Let's go, let's go back first, I've left you a bed by the window!"

Looking at Ling Tian's smile, the thing that Panda was most worried about didn't happen, which made him hurriedly said to Ling Tian.

Their ten-kilometer armed cross-country was considered completed. While talking, the panda pulled Ling Tian and walked towards the barracks.

They have been here for a week, and they are quite familiar with this. As the beast battalion among the ten battalions, they have special training methods here.

"Stop, please show your ID!"

But when the five people led Ling Tian to walk inside, the guards standing motionless at the door suddenly blocked them.

"It's from our team, can we still bring spies in!"

Panda spoke first, but obviously, the two guards ignored him at all.

Instead, they still stood there without saying a word, looking at Ling Tian in front of them with their guns and bullets in their hands.

"Forget it, follow the rules, I was also stopped when I came here on the first day!"

As the captain, Xiucai hurriedly smoothed things over. The guards were just loyal to their duties, which was right.


When they said this, Ling Tian remembered the little red book that the driver had given him before, he took it out without paying attention to read it, and handed it directly to the guard.

After receiving the red book, the two guards flipped through it and returned the red book to Ling Tian, ​​but they didn't move away.

"Please report to the barracks opposite!"

He gave a military salute to Ling Tian, ​​and these words made several people stunned.

"Could it be that the bald eagle also agreed to his request and acted alone?"

After taking back the red book, Ling Tian guessed suspiciously, but anyway, this arrangement is more in line with his mind.

Fighting alone is more flexible and free of worries, so Ling Tian patted the panda on the shoulder, turned around and walked towards the barracks next door.

"No, it must be a mistake!"

It wasn't until this moment that the pandas realized that Ling Tian didn't know what was on the other side, but they knew.

The panda hurriedly wanted to stop Ling Tian, ​​but was held back by the scholar. This is the dragon group, how could such a thing be easily mistaken.

"Go find the bald eagle first!"

Xiucai felt that there must be something wrong with it, and now to find out, it was natural to go to the bald eagle.

So several people turned around and ran towards the Beast Camp. On the other side, Ling Tian carried his bag and came to another building not far from the barracks.

It was still a barracks, but there were no guards standing guard, just two old dogs squatting there, their beards and hairs were all white, lying there lazily basking in the sun.

Seeing Ling Tian walking over, the two old dogs didn't even move, as if they didn't see Ling Tian at all.

Feeling a bit puzzled, Ling Tian walked into the yard with his bag on his back, but the huge yard was very empty, and there were several shelves standing there that he had never seen before.

Some of these obstacles are extremely simple, but some are also very difficult, especially on an iron frame more than ten meters above the ground, and the springboards at both ends are ten meters wide.

In normal training, this is a kind of training ladder specially designed for soldiers to overcome their fear of heights. They jump from one end to the other, and the surrounding boards are only [-] centimeters wide.

This is definitely a test of a person's psychological quality, but the general distance is only four or five meters, and it is very difficult to reach six meters.

While Ling Tian was still looking at the huge combined shelf, suddenly, several black shadows rushed towards him quickly.

Looking back, Ling Tian couldn't help feeling tense, because those dozen or so black shadows were moving as fast as a gust of wind, and their movements were uniform, and the sharp teeth and fangs exposed in the wind definitely made people tremble.

I don't know if it's a dog or a wolf, but they are all vigorous and vigorous, and they rushed towards them silently without any roar or growl.

Just when Ling Tian was instinctively preparing to protect himself, the dozen or so figures rushing over unexpectedly stopped within five meters of Ling Tian.

They were sitting on the ground one by one, sticking out their tongues, and staring at Ling Tian with vigilant eyes.

"what's going on!"

Ling Tian looked at the group of black dogs that surrounded him in surprise. It was quite surprising how they seemed to understand human language.

"Boy, what is the origin!"

The voice sounded thick and powerful, Ling Tian followed the voice and saw a man on crutches walking towards Ling Tian step by step not far away.

The man was over 50 years old, about 1.8 meters tall, with a hulking back, missing most of his right leg, until the heel of his thigh was incomplete, and he wore a blindfold on one eye.

But even so, he still walked vigorously, and with his sonorous and forceful words, he came to Ling Tian in the blink of an eye.

"The guard on the opposite side told me to come here!"

Ling Tian saw that the dozen or so dogs made way for him, and the man on crutches had already arrived in front of him.

Although there is only one eye left, the glance of that gaze makes people feel shuddering, even Ling Tian can't stand it.

"Oh? So it's you kid, well, you're finally here!"

After taking the red book that Ling Tian handed over, the man glanced at it and even laughed.

"What is this place?"

Ling Tian looked around suspiciously, why did he suddenly have a bad feeling, it seems that this is not a state of eating small stoves.

"Special Breeding Brigade!"

Ling Tian was taken aback by the man's words, and immediately realized that he had to be used to go to another military camp, and he was actually asked to raise dogs.

(End of this chapter)

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