Chapter 557 You asked me to raise a dog!
Special Forces is just a general term, and there are many other different classifications.

Special breeding can also be regarded as a type of special forces. It specializes in raising military dogs to cooperate with troops in combat. The soldiers of the dragon group are all masters at the level of soldier kings, so the military dogs of the dragon group are naturally selected from the best.

And the dozens of military dogs in front of them can be regarded as the king of military dogs. They have pure blood, and they have undergone special training to become what they are today.

However, Ling Tian never imagined that he would become a special breeding soldier.

"You let me have a dog?"

Ling Tian looked at the man in front of him and asked with a puzzled expression.

He couldn't believe this fact, after all, he was a hideous, king of soldiers fighting on the battlefield.

"That's right, from today onwards, you'll be messing with me, my name is Zhonghuaying, and they'll be your teammates from today onwards!"

Zhonghuaying smiled slightly, he was the only one here besides the dogs, and he also proclaimed himself the dog instructor, in charge of all the training of police dogs.

"Are you kidding me? I'm here to serve as a soldier, not to keep pets. I'm going to find the bald eagle!"

Ling Tian couldn't help being furious, he was the mighty king of soldiers, and now he actually asked him to raise a dog.

He doesn't care about the Chinese Eagle or the Global Hawk, he is the king of the battlefield in life, and he is also the hero of the battlefield in death.

While speaking, Ling Tian turned around and left. He wanted to discuss it with the bald eagle.


But at this moment, the Chinese Eagle behind him gave a cold shout.

At the same time, the military dogs surrounding Ling Tian instantly became arrogant.

One after another, their front legs fell to the ground, their bodies lay low, and they entered the attack state with grinning teeth. I am afraid that as long as the Chinese Eagle gives an order, the dozen or so military dogs will rush up and tear Ling Tian into pieces.

"what are you going to do!"

The murderous intent of wild beasts was definitely much stronger than that of ordinary humans, Ling Tian, ​​who was surrounded by more than a dozen military dogs, suddenly felt his heart tighten.

Looking at the military dog ​​with fierce eyes, if these guys rushed up, he would definitely be finished by himself, and they were also one in a thousand to enter the beast camp of the dragon group.

"From the moment you came in, you are a member of this beast camp. Without my order, no one can get out, let alone get in!"

The Chinese Eagle's tone was domineering, and the voice was like a bell, and a large group of military dogs rushed over from a distance while speaking.

It's just that the movements of this group of military dogs have obviously become very slow. With their gray beards, they should not be too young, but at this time they all showed fierce looks.

Surrounded by more than 30 military dogs, Ling Tian couldn't move.

"You threaten me!"

It was the first time for Ling Tian to encounter such a situation, he would not panic in the slightest when he was surrounded by more than 30 people, but the more than 30 military dogs in front of him made his heart jump.

"so what?"

Standing on crutches, the Chinese Eagle looked at Ling Tian with a sneer on his face. The group of military dogs only obeyed his orders.

As long as he snapped his fingers, [-]% of Ling Tian would be swallowed up.

"alright, you win!"

Ling Tian still didn't leave in the end, and under the threat of the large group of military dogs, he actually became a special trainer.

But he wasn't completely scared, because he stayed for an answer, and he wanted to see how the bald eagle explained to him.

"That's right, let me take you to familiarize yourself with the environment first!"

Zhonghuaying nodded in satisfaction. Tianlong's mission was successfully completed. Even if he used force, he still wanted to keep Ling Tian.

After all, from a special soldier king to a breeder, this is definitely not something that can be explained by doing work.

Otherwise, why didn't King Yan, who knew the news, tell Ling Tian, ​​because he also knew that Ling Tian was stubborn by nature and would never bow his head.

Even if he stayed to fulfill his master's entrustment, his heart would not stay.

If this is the case, it will definitely not be good for his growth, but Zhonghuaying believes that he will definitely be able to make Ling Tian stay in this special breeding farm obediently.

Leaning on crutches, Zhonghuaying still walked fast, because the entire knee was forced to be amputated, and even with prosthetics, it would not be particularly flexible.

So he would rather be on crutches. In his words, even with crutches, he can still run so fast.

Ling Tian followed behind helplessly, but his mind was now in a state of chaos. Could it be that the bald eagle drove him to raise a dog just because he refused to accept other teammates.

If that's the case, he would rather go abroad again and follow his master.

However, after following the Chinese Eagle for a long time, Ling Tian realized that domestic military dogs still have such treatment conditions and living facilities.

In addition to training, they enjoy a single room with air conditioning. After three to five years of retirement, they will spend the rest of their lives here.

Of course, outside of training, their standard of food was even frighteningly high. Looking at the single kennel and the pieces of beef, Ling Tian was dumbfounded.

This group of dogs has been following Ling Tian all the time, and they no longer have the slightest hostility, as if what happened just now never happened.

They are not noisy, just follow behind the two of them neatly, as if they can understand the words of the Chinese eagle.

From coming in to now, they haven't even barked once, abandoning their instinctive barking, they are indeed the king of dogs.

"From today onwards, you will be living here. You will be responsible for cleaning the kennels, bathing them, and grilling them. When you have time, you will learn how to train dogs with me!"

The entire dog training base not only has the iron frame that Ling Tian saw, but also has a swimming pool, but these are all prepared for military dogs.

When I saw the narrow room arranged by Zhonghuaying for Ling Tian, ​​there was nothing but a big bed, let alone air-conditioning.

"Damn, I don't live as well as a dog!"

Ling Tian sighed, he really didn't expect to be dragged here during the New Year's Eve, and he was sent here to raise a dog. Thinking of this incident, he felt annoyed.

But it was too late today, and he could only stay here temporarily.

"They haven't eaten yet, so hurry up and cook!"

The special dog food is equipped with two catties of fresh beef, and even milk and other food, plus fruits after meals.

This dog's life is definitely better than his, and these guys obviously know the arrangement of the Chinese eagle now, so they surround Ling Tian, ​​and they can't wait without the Chinese eagle's urging.

"Be patient for one night before talking!"

Leaving his backpack behind, Ling Tian reluctantly went to prepare dog food, but with the dozens of military dogs watching him, he couldn't escape at all.

Zhonghuaying returned to the room leaning on crutches. He dialed the phone and said to the receiver with a smile on his face.

"The puppy has been received, I will sharpen his teeth!"

If Ling Tian knew his code name, he would definitely go crazy, but now he has no time to take care of this, surrounded by a group of dogs, he is cooking dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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