Chapter 558 The Truth Comes Out
Under the night, Ling Tian was holding the rice bowl, and he was responsible for their food, but his food was delivered from the opposite barracks.

Although it can be regarded as food, the diced meat is far less enjoyable than those military dogs who eat large pieces of meat. Smelling the smell of the dog food, Ling Tian is so envious.

Sitting on the steps, Ling Tian didn't want to say anything more to the Chinese Eagle, and the Chinese Eagle also saw that Ling Tian didn't want to talk to him, so he didn't show up.

But those military dogs were lying beside Ling Tian, ​​ignoring him, but walking step by step.

Once Ling Tian got close to the gate or the base of the wall, they would immediately grin their teeth and prepare to bite, but as soon as Ling Tian left, they immediately returned to normal.

The group of military dogs following him seemed to be watching him and protecting him, but they were actually monitoring him.

"Just wait, another day when I'm in a bad mood, I'll make you hot pot!"

Ling Tian glared at them fiercely, but his eyes had no effect on those military dogs.

They still sat or lay down, completely ignoring him, and devoted themselves to their duties and only listened to the words of the Chinese Eagle.

Talk to them, ignore Ling Tian at all, even insults are useless, in the end Ling Tian can only give up.

"You are ruthless, I will sleep!"

With nowhere to vent, Ling Tian walked back to his room.

As he stood up, those military dogs also stood up one after another. They didn't look at Ling Tian at all, they looked around, but as soon as Ling Tian left, they immediately followed him.

There is no need for the Chinese eagle to watch, they have become the best guards, including those retired military dogs who seem to be asleep, and they are also very alert.

They don't particularly care about Ling Tian who suddenly broke into their lives, but as long as Ling Tian gets close to the gate or the fence, they will start to attack.

He never imagined that he would be put under house arrest by a group of dogs, and they were even the most outstanding military dogs.

After closing the door, Ling Tian lay down on the bed angrily, this good start actually threw him into the kennel, which really made him sigh.

Now, unable to move, Ling Tian could only wait for the bald eagle to appear, and he wanted to see what reason this bald eagle would give him.

At this time, in the Bald Eagle's office, Xiucai stood there without saying a word.

Just now five people rushed to look for the bald eagle, but they didn't get his order. After returning to the dormitory helplessly, Xiucai was called over alone.

"I know you want to ask why Ling Tian was transferred to the Special Breeding Brigade because of your combat report!"

The bald eagle didn't hide it either, he couldn't tell Ling Tian about this matter, only the scholar who revealed Ling Tian's little secret would do it himself.


Xiucai's heart tightened. When he wrote this, he was actually hesitating whether to record it in detail.

But in the end, he still upheld his duties as a soldier and wrote down what he saw and heard in detail, but he never thought that the consequences would be so serious.

After going through what happened last time, Xiucai discovered that Ling Tian is a mysterious soldier king with strong strength and a lot of on-the-spot experience.

His judgment and ability are far beyond his reach, which makes the scholar who has always regarded himself as a noble person can only be convinced.

If he was allowed to become a breeder, wouldn't that bury such a rare talent? Thinking that he was the one who brought him back from the death line step by step, Xiucai blamed himself so much.

"You did the right thing, and he did the right thing, but this matter is a bit complicated, and he can't come back for the time being!"

The bald eagle frowned, he was more anxious than a scholar, his Huanglong team lacked a strong general like him, but he never thought that an accident would happen to him.

"So, he still has a chance in the future?"

At this point, the scholar's self-blame was relieved a little, and he looked at the bald eagle expectantly.

"It's hard to say, now the other party is biting to death, a narrow-minded guy!"

Even though he said so, it's no wonder that the other party bit him to death. Ling Tian hit hard that day, and that kid is still lying in the hospital.

It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, but Ling Tian was too anxious this time to cause disaster. Being able to stay in the dragon group is already Tianlong's greatest help.

And this kid will not know that he picked up the treasure, even though the Chinese eagle is disabled now, but he was Tianlong's comrade in arms back then, as a sniper, his strength is definitely not weaker than Ling Tian's mother.

In addition, he has devoted himself to research these years, not only has achieved great results in dog training, but also has even better treasures at the bottom of the box waiting for Ling Tian to discover.

"I see, I'll go back and explain to him tomorrow!"

Xiucai sighed, turned around and returned to the dormitory, leaning there with a serious face, and just kept silent about the inquiries of several teammates.

Ling Tian actually went to work as a breeder. Although as a soldier, any position is the same, but who doesn't want to charge forward?

Xiucai fell into deep thought as to how he would explain it to him tomorrow.

The light-off signal sounded, and the forest returned to calm, and the beast camp was extremely quiet, only the sentinels were still guarding there.

"Wow, Qiao Xue, so proactive!"

Qiao Xue rushed over suddenly and directly hugged Ling Tian's shoulder.

This offensive really caught Ling Tian off guard, it was so comfortable.

"No, I'm not in the barracks!"

Ling Tian suddenly remembered something.

Immediately afterwards, he opened his eyes suddenly, and when he saw something clearly in front of him, he retched suddenly.

At some point, the military dog ​​was lying on his bed, licking Ling Tian with its tongue.

Thinking of the saliva all over his face in his sleep just now, Ling Tian understood something instantly.

"Your uncle, you actually took advantage of me, are you mother's!"

By the time Ling Tian wiped his mouth clean and was about to beat it, the military dog ​​had already fled away.

"Chang'e is the goddess here, and she is also a hero mother. Her seven sons are all serving here. You better be careful when you speak!"

The door was pushed open again, and Zhonghua Ying walked in. He stood there with a cane and said with a smile on his face.

"Is this the way you all wake up?"

Ling Tian looked outside, it was still dark, there is no wake-up call in the army.

"Who do you think you are? A special breeder, can your routine be the same as theirs? You have to be like a dog. Now that they are awake and ready for morning exercises, you can take them and run!"

Zhonghuaying was absolutely straightforward, asking Ling Tian to be like a dog.

At this time, outside the door of the room, a Kunming dog was already standing there with staring eyes.

Looking at those eyes, Ling Tian didn't dare to contradict him anymore, he didn't want to be bitten on the ass.

(End of this chapter)

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