Chapter 559 I want to escape
The sun rose slowly in the morning, and there was still a layer of mist in the mountains and forests.

The barracks of the beast camp had already started to become noisy. This is a barracks, and everyone had to do morning exercises.

Of course, the cooking class does not need to do morning exercises, but their work is definitely not easy. They have to prepare everyone's meals, so they get up early in the morning and start working.

Soon, the Huanglong team also finished their preparations, and the five-kilometer cross-country in full armor every morning was what they had to do every day.

But when they slowly ran out of the gate of the barracks, they only saw a group of black shadows running towards them in the distance.

This scene is nothing unusual, every day before they set off, the real protagonists of the beast camp, the military dogs, have already returned.

This is a very normal thing, this time is already too late for the military dogs, but what is different from before is that the group of military dogs seems to be chasing something away.

When the shadow ran over, they saw clearly that it was not another animal but a person who was driven away.

This person was naturally Ling Tian. He was sweating profusely at this moment, and was constantly driven away by the barking of the dogs. At first he cursed at them, but later on he no longer had the energy to scold them.

Firstly, these guys didn’t understand his swear words at all, and secondly, although they didn’t understand, they were really retaliating, and this retaliation was not barking twice, but actually biting Ling Tian’s ass.

To be bitten by a dozen military dogs that are more ferocious than wolves is fatal. Fortunately, this job is only done by Chang'e.

And it didn't bite anywhere else, it just bit Ling Tian's buttocks, Ling Tian kept screaming in pain, and could only run wildly with his life.

In the past, Ling Tian might have been able to compete with them, but now his physical strength has not recovered, he is running with them here and there, he is simply driven away.

For a full ten kilometers, even with light clothes, Ling Tian couldn't outrun the group of dogs. He walked past Huanglong's team panting, but didn't bother to talk.

"Damn, running with the dog will exhaust him to death!"

This group of military dogs are selected from the best, one in a hundred purebred, how can the speed of those four legs be matched by humans.

Seeing Ling Tian staggering and falling headlong in the courtyard, the panda couldn't help but gasped, it was too abnormal.

The scholar didn't speak, he didn't close his eyes all night and looked at the embarrassed Ling Tian, ​​all of this was caused by him.

It seems that confessing to him this time will definitely anger him, but as a man, he cannot escape.

"let's go!"

Finish the morning exercises first, so Xiucai gave an order, and the five ran towards the distant goal.

Along the way, Xiucai was thinking about how to say things as tactfully as possible, but now it seems that it is definitely not that simple.

Lying on the ground, Ling Tian gasped for a long time before getting up, looking at the leisurely military dogs, Ling Tian hated them so much that he was itching.

"Hurry up and prepare breakfast for them, they will be hungry if you are not hungry!"

Zhonghua Ying came out again with a cane, and looked at Ling Tian who was drenched in sweat with a smile on his face.

"It's better to starve to death, forget about hot pot!"

Ling Tian returned weakly, his legs were like pipe wrench, he was really unable to move.

"Chang'e, he wants to eat your son!"

Seeing Ling Tian not moving, Zhonghua Ying turned his head and said to Chang'e.

Chang'e, who Fangfo understood immediately, stood up immediately, with a pair of eyes shooting a murderous look.

At the same time, the other military dogs Fangfo also instantly regarded Ling Tian as an enemy, and they all bared their teeth, feeling as if they were rushing forward to do their best.

"I was wrong! I was wrong, I will prepare breakfast for you now!"

Ling Tian hastily bowed to the group of military dogs surrounding him. Ling Tian, ​​who was reduced here, could not be eaten alive by these group of military dogs.

Not daring to neglect, he hurriedly ran towards the dog food warehouse, and the group of military dogs who regained their calm immediately walked towards his kennel.

The general dog's dog food, fresh meat and clean water were delivered to each dog. Looking at the gentlemen lying in the air-conditioned room, why did Ling Tian feel like a book boy in the landlord's house?

After he had done all the work for the dogs, he had time to take a rest. He was lying on the concrete floor almost exhausted from top to bottom, not even wanting to move his fingers.

After breakfast, the military dogs lay there lazily and fell asleep, but soon, they all got up again, and after sleeping for half an hour, they regained their energy.

"Clean up the kennel in the morning!"

Zhonghua Ying poked Ling Tian who was lying on the ground with his crutches, and after he finished speaking, he had already whistled, and the group of military dogs immediately ran out of the small building on the second floor.

The exhausted Ling Tian was carrying a mop and broom, looking at the kennel full of dog hair, he was speechless.

Didn't he agree with the king of ace soldiers, and now he actually started this kind of work, watching through the window that the group of military dogs were already running like flying on the iron frame.

People had to bow their heads under the eaves, and their ass was bitten miserably, Ling Tian could only make amends.

After cleaning the kennel carelessly, Ling Tian came out to clean the dog, this was the first time in his life.

"Ling Tian!"

While Ling Tian was resting on the steps, a figure walked up from afar.

Looking sideways, Ling Tian saw that it was Xiucai who came in from the outside.

"What's up?"

Could it be that the bald eagle was going to tell him to go back, Ling Tian immediately stood up and asked.

After what happened this morning, Ling Tian felt that he could completely accept his new teammates, at least they were human.

"I apologize to you!"

The scholar stood there straight, and said to Ling Tian with a serious face.

After much deliberation, there seems to be no euphemism for this matter.

"What do you owe me again?"

Ling Tian frowned slightly, but Xiucai had already told the ins and outs of the matter.

After hearing about this matter, Ling Tian finally understood why he ran to the beast camp to work as a breeder in a daze.

"Ling Tian, ​​this time it's my fault, I shouldn't have written those things!"

Xiu Cai wanted to say something, but was stopped by Ling Tian.

"Okay, I got it!"

It turned out that it was because of the combat report that Ling Tian suddenly became angry, and he never thought that a scholar would do such a thing.


The scholar still wanted to speak, but Ling Tian suddenly turned his head and looked at the scholar with a murderous expression.

"Enough, I said I understand, you can go!"

Clenching his fists tightly, Ling Tian squinted his eyes. He didn't want to say any more, but now he had only one thought.

"I want to escape! I must escape, so I can't raise dogs here!"

It seemed that the huge dragon team couldn't accommodate him anymore, so Ling Tian decided that he had to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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