Chapter 564
In the compound, surrounded by many military dogs, everyone stopped.

Yunbao's nose was still bleeding, and he looked angrily at the scholar opposite.

At this time, he was absolutely miserable, his eyes were black, and he stood there with blood hanging from the corner of his mouth. He was no longer as chic as he used to be.

The blacksmith, the pharmacist, and the mouse were all in a panic, and the panda was the worst. He was beaten badly by the other party while he was lying on the ground.

The opponent's strength is very strong, and their melee combat ability is comparable to Ling Tian's. The Huanglong team, which is still considered a non-staff, may still have a long way to go.

"You guys are lucky today, our business is endless!"

Yunbao glared fiercely at Ling Tian who was standing not far away. Now that Xiucai got in the middle, Ling Tian didn't make a move at all.

If they didn't make a move, they didn't make a mistake. If the trouble continues, they will also be punished.

So Yunbao didn't bother anymore, turned around and left with the people, and at the same time glanced unwillingly at the Chinese Eagle standing not far away.

He knew that the Chinese eagle in this beast camp had a strong background, and he was even a super fighter when he was young, so he definitely didn't dare to provoke him easily.

Returning in resentment, he will definitely not let this matter go like this, and he will not let it go until Ling Tian is taken away.

"Sorry, we're leaving!"

Xiucai pulled the panda up, saluted the Chinese eagle standing not far away, then turned and left.

Pharmacist, Blacksmith and Mouse looked at Ling Tian without saying a word, but the most injured panda stopped in his tracks.

He wanted to say something, but couldn't say it, so he nodded to Ling Tian.

"You don't have to stand up for me in the future, you are not their opponents!"

Just when the five of them were about to leave, Ling Tian suddenly spoke.


The pharmacist stopped in his tracks immediately, and he turned around to help because of the scholar.

Unexpectedly, Ling Tian not only didn't have a good word, but also said that they were strong, which immediately made him angry.

But before he had a chance to speak, the scholar on the side had already pulled him up and walked out.

Although the blacksmith and the mouse didn't speak, they must be equally unhappy.

"Why do you say that to them, they are doing this to help you!"

The Zhonghua Eagle, who had seen the whole story long ago, actually discovered it early in the morning, but he thought this was a good opportunity for them to mend the rift.

But he didn't expect that Ling Tian's words made all the original hopes come to naught.

It seems that he still can't easily accept the word brother.

"They can't help me, these people are stronger than them, they just add to my confusion!"

Ling Tian sat down on the steps slowly, what happened just now reminded him of his brothers in the past, whether it was fighting or fighting, they absolutely lived and died together.

"Maybe they are not strong, but that doesn't mean they can't be your brothers. Those who survive the battlefield may not all be strong, but there will definitely be a large number of brothers who risked their lives to fight for his life!"

As someone who has experienced it, Zhonghuaying naturally has comrades who sacrificed their lives, as if Qiao Xue's father was his former best friend.

It was also to protect them that they died on that battlefield, and it is precisely because of such comrades in arms that the Chinese Eagle can at least stand here today.

These words made Ling Tian's heart tighten involuntarily, recalling his former brother, the pain was indescribable.

Looking at the silent Ling Tian, ​​he can feel the painful memory, and at this time, everything must be overcome by Ling Tian himself.

The barracks returned to silence again, Ling Tian sat there, looking at the group of lazy old dogs, they must have the experience of sacrificing their comrades.

The days will continue, and the Chinese eagle has also ordered that from today on, outsiders must not enter the beast camp.

However, these words were not addressed to Ling Tian, ​​but to Chang'e, which made Ling Tian who was standing by the side somewhat disdainful.

But soon, this matter was fulfilled. As night fell, when Ling Tian was delivering dinner to the military dogs, there was a sudden barking sound from the yard.

Ling Tian hurried out, and at this time the group of old dogs who were originally scattered in the yard gathered at the door one after another.

They made a state of attack, and surrounded the two people tightly.

Ling Tian hurried up and looked at the surrounded people. They were the two cooks who brought them meals.

At this moment, the two of them also stood at the door with dazed faces. They used to deliver meals to the Chinese Eagle every day, and they were still helping out at the kennel when they were free.

But tonight, these old dogs that were familiar before, it seems that they don't know them at all.

"In the future, the food will be delivered to the door!"

Ling Tian hurried over, took the two meals, and couldn't help admiring in his heart how the Chinese Eagle trained the dogs so obediently.

It's beyond Ling Tian's understanding that they can do their duty faithfully with only one order.

Seeing the puzzled cook leave, Ling Tian delivered the food to Zhonghuaying's room.

"Tell them that there is no need to deliver meals in the future, and I will ask Chang'e to arrange for a dog to pick them up when it is time to eat!"

Zhonghuaying took the food and said to Ling Tian with a smile on his face. From his face, Zhonghuaying could read the admiration on his face.

"How did you make the dog so obedient!"

Although Ling Tian tried very hard to restrain his curiosity, he still couldn't help asking.

I was going to fight with someone today, and they all ignored them, but the Chinese eagle only needed a look, and they knew what to do.

"Don't treat them like dogs, they won't treat you like a human being, as long as you integrate into their team, you will have the most loyal comrades-in-arms!"

China Eagle smiled slightly. This seemingly simple sentence contained a lot of things.

This group of purebred military dogs have very bright minds, but if you want to gain their trust, you must let them fully accept you.

Looking at the proud appearance of the Chinese eagle, Ling Tian could only sigh, but he didn't plan to learn it, because he didn't want to stay either.

Escaping needs a chance, and Ling Tian is a very patient person, he must wait for the opportunity, as long as the opportunity comes, he will definitely be able to escape.

On weekdays, Chang'e and the others protected Ling Tian, ​​and Yun Leopard didn't have the guts to harass him.

He could only stare at Ling Tian who was running with Chang'e and the others from a distance, but Ling Tian was very disdainful of the angry eyes of those guys.

He wanted to escape wholeheartedly, and finally waited for an excellent opportunity, and it was midnight.

(End of this chapter)

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