Chapter 565: Hungry Wolves

Night, dark.

Because it was the end of the month, there was no light in the sky.

The stars that originally covered the sky also disappeared without a trace.

Ling Tian, ​​who was sleeping, suddenly sat up amidst a burst of rapid dog barking.

Years of combat literacy made him instinctively put on his shoes and rushed out.


A howl of wolves echoed in the dense jungle, and the sound seemed to form a wave of sound.

Hearing this howling of wolves in the deep mountains and old forests far away from the city can't help but make people's backs shudder, and the howling of wolves is definitely not one, but a large group.

"Wow, woof, woof..."

And when Ling Tian rushed out of the second floor, Chang'e had already rushed out with dozens of military dogs.

With vigilant faces, they kept roaring towards the high mountains not far away. At this time, whether it was those retired military dogs or those in their prime, the fur on their bodies exploded.

They entered a state of madness entirely because of animal instinct, that roaring sound made Ling Tian feel as if he wanted to follow suit.

"These guys are provoking again!"

Just when Ling Tian was surprised, the Chinese Eagle with a cane came out.

With a smile on his face, he suddenly looked up to the sky and let out a long roar. The sound was like thunder, which made all the military dogs present even more excited.

"what's the situation?"

Ling Tian looked at Zhonghuaying, and at this moment, there was a hint of arrogant smile on his resolute face, like a warrior about to rush to the battlefield.

"Wolf pack, the biggest pack of wolves here now, you stay here and be honest with me, I'm going to meet that pack of wolves!"

It's too late to explain, they are all old opponents, I didn't expect them to launch a provocation at this time.

The Chinese Eagle, whose blood was instantly ignited, let out a roar again, and he rushed out while leaning on crutches.

Immediately afterwards, all the military dogs rushed out of the yard after him, and quickly disappeared into the night.

The sound of the dog barking became farther and farther away, but the sound of the howling wolf was still so clear. Looking at the Chinese eagle that shot out like an arrow, Ling Tian really didn't expect that he could run so fast while leaning on a cane.

Ling Tian, ​​who was standing in the yard, didn't realize what happened at all.

But when he understood, he couldn't help but pat his thigh.

"This is the best chance to escape!"

Looking at the empty beast camp, all the military dogs have rushed out with the Chinese eagle, even the three-legged old dog ran away.

Only Ling Tian's own barracks was left as if it was haunted. This is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him.

Thinking of this, Ling Tian didn't even bother to tidy up. He just walked away. Just now, he watched Zhonghuaying lead the military dogs to chase north.

But he ran in the opposite direction and ran towards the south. In order to avoid the pursuit of the military dog, Ling Tian even went to great lengths.

He purposely bypassed the barracks on the opposite side. There are more people there, so the taste will naturally be more. Ling Tian has scouted the terrain well in the past few days.

Especially during morning exercises, he even found a way to escape.

After disturbing the smell, Ling Tian immediately turned around and ran towards the northern mountain peaks, with the wind blowing under his feet, he wished he could fly out with his wings.

After running for a long distance in one breath, the howling and barking of wolves had long since disappeared. Ling Tian, ​​who had turned over a hill, wiped the sweat from his brow.

I really didn't expect that there would be such a day for me. After being under house arrest for so long, I could finally escape from birth. This feeling is very good.

However, he didn't dare to stay. In the past half a month, he had experienced the power of a military dog.

Their noses are very effective, and I have to escape far away.

Bearing the brunt, Ling Tian naturally wanted to find the river, so he gritted his teeth and tried his best, and he managed to climb over a mountain ridge in the shortest possible time.

Not caring about the raw pain from the scraping on his body, Ling Tian jumped into the water for life, and followed the river all the way down.

The water in this small river was careless, and it probably didn't reach his thigh just now, so after swimming for a while and taking a bath, Ling Tian finally climbed onto the bank.

"You can't find me this time!"

The river water can dilute the smell, Ling Tian found a place among the dense branches, and he got into the deep mountains and old forests again.

After washing away his exhaustion, Ling Tian turned over another mountain ridge, and with that river, he was considered safe.

I found a big tree and climbed up. In this kind of place, it is naturally safer to be on top of a big tree.

Without any change of clothes, Ling Tian could only take off his coat and wring it dry.

Fortunately, this is the south. Although it is still a bit cold in the jungle, it will not freeze to death.

Finding a tree branch sheltered from the wind, Ling Tian leaned against the tree trunk. He suddenly felt lucky after fleeing overnight.

This pack of wolves really did him a great favor, this time the Chinese Eagle will probably die of anger.

Ling Tian, ​​who is in a relaxed suit, now only thinks of going abroad after escaping from the jungle, and then pick up his old mother. As for Qiao Xue, he also feels that he will definitely go with him.

Closing his eyes and running wildly all the way, he was very tired. He wanted to hurry up and sleep to prepare for tomorrow's escape.

This vast mountain is a no man's land within a hundred miles, Ling Tian hides here by himself, even if he spills out all the people in the beast camp, he can't find himself.

There was a triumphant smile on the corner of his mouth, he really didn't want to stay in this damn place for a day.

He fell asleep very quickly, and he had already started the fierce battle in his dream.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

But when Ling Tian was soundly asleep, there was a sudden sound of dog barking, causing Ling Tian to suddenly open his eyes.

Could it be the fault of being a breeder during this time? Looking at the faint sunlight, Ling Tian rubbed his eyes.

However, when he lowered his head, he suddenly felt black in front of his eyes. It wasn't that he was going to faint, but that there were more than a dozen figures squatting under the tree at this moment.

The leader, Chang'e, was barking at him continuously, while the other military dogs also raised their heads and looked at Ling Tian who was squatting on the tree.

"Damn, how did you find me!"

Ling Tian, ​​who was surrounded by military dogs, almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Squatting on the tree and looking at the silent comrades below, didn't he already do a good job.

"Little brat, do you really think you can run out of my territory? Let me tell you, if you don't want to be torn apart, just get out of here honestly!"

Just when Ling Tian was depressed, the voice of the Chinese Eagle came from the satellite phone hanging around Chang'e's neck.

"If I tell you that I accidentally got lost, would you believe it or not!"

Helpless, Ling Tian could only climb down the big tree, and wept sadly, his second escape plan was aborted.

(End of this chapter)

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