Chapter 566 Returning to the Cage
The sun rises in the east, illuminating the earth and the entire mountain forest.

The dejected Ling Tian followed Chang'e and the others all the way back to the beast camp.

From a distance, the Chinese eagle leaning on a cane was standing at the door looking proudly, and those old dogs were also lying at his feet.

"You really think you can escape, don't you? Let me tell you, Chang'e is more familiar with this area than you!"

Zhonghuaying didn't blame Ling Tian either, he firmly believed that Ling Tian wouldn't just let it go, but he was still sure because he believed in his old comrades.

Didn't Zhuge Liang capture Meng Huo seven times and let him work for him? Today he wants to imitate it to make Ling Tian completely convinced.

"I didn't run away, I just wanted to see the pack of wolves, but I accidentally got lost!"

Ling Tian's explanation was so pale that even he himself didn't quite believe it.

Zhonghuaying didn't even pay attention to him, this kid was slippery, but deep down he wouldn't be so easy to deal with.

"Hurry up and get them something to eat, and come back to find you after a fight, you really know how to choose the time!"

Zhonghuaying turned around and left, but Ling Tian was stunned by these words, only then did he realize that these military dogs seemed to be wounded.

Chang'e's injuries were not serious, they looked as if they had been scratched in the woods, but the fur on the old dogs had turned out, as if they were scratches and bite marks from wild animals.

They were lying on the ground tiredly, like wounded soldiers withdrawn from the line of fire. Ling Tian wanted to ask, but the Chinese Eagle had already left.

"Wait a minute, it will be ready soon!"

Looking at the old dogs with many scars, Ling Tian suddenly couldn't bear it. After all, they were military dogs and his comrades in arms.

Although he was still upset at being caught by Chang'e, he dragged his exhausted body and ran to get them food.

Soon, the food was delivered to them, dog food, purified water and fresh meat. Next, Ling Tian had another job to do, which was to heal their injuries.

Use a knife to scrape off the fur around the wound, then sprinkle the medicine powder, and then wrap it with a bandage.

Handle every injured military dog ​​carefully, and this busy work will pass in one morning.

"Heal with peace of mind, you will recover in a few days!"

Petting the heads of those old dogs, they were surprisingly quiet during the healing process.

It seems that this is not the first time they have been injured, and they have a surprisingly high tolerance for dealing with the pain of wounds.

Military dogs were lying casually on the lawn, breathing and panting, they were obviously not as good as those military dogs in their prime of life.

However, based on their wounds, I believe that the battle last night must have been very fierce. They may be old, but they are still so brave.

"Is it done?"

While Ling Tian was still stroking those old dogs, the voice of the Chinese Eagle came from behind him.

Ling Tian turned around, looked at the Chinese Eagle carrying a basket, Ling Tian nodded.

"Take the medicine Lou, follow me up the mountain to collect medicine!"

Throwing the basket directly to Ling Tian, ​​Zhonghua Ying walked out on crutches. Because of the fierce fighting last night, all training for today was cancelled.

"Pick medicine?"

Carrying the basket on his back, Ling Tian hurriedly followed. Although Chang'e and the others did not follow, Ling Tian knew that as long as the Chinese eagle whistled, they would appear.

It is meaningless to escape like this, and I am afraid that he will have to make careful arrangements in the future. Since he cannot escape for the time being, he can only behave as a man with his tail between his legs.

The Chinese eagle on crutches walks like flying. If he hadn't seen him on crutches, how could he believe a disabled person in him.

Along the way, Ling Tian also curiously inquired about the mysterious wolves that appeared last night, and Ling Tian probably understood what the Chinese eagle said.

There used to be a group of wild wolves entrenched here, there were about a dozen of them, and they have been living here for more than ten years.

Everyone is living in peace. As an old neighbor, the Chinese Eagle once gave the wolves some food when they couldn't catch their prey.

So although the wild wolves were ferocious, they never disturbed the safety of the beast camp. As a beast trainer, the Chinese eagle would naturally not harm them.

However, this original peace has completely changed with the appearance of another pack of wolves.

The group of invading wolves may have invaded this territory because humans approached their territory.

At that time, the wolf king even brought his own pack of wolves to fight back. After all, each pack of wolves has a sphere of influence of more than a hundred miles, how can one mountain accommodate two tigers.

But after several battles, the original wolf pack retreated steadily because of the small number and the old wolf king.

Finally withdrew from the territory of the beast camp, and the new wolf pack also became the owner of the territory of the beast camp.

The new wolves have new rules, especially for this beast camp, they don't seem to have the same intention of living in peace as the previous wolves.

Just last year, the new wolf king led a pack of wolves to try to attack the beast camp. A pack of more than 30 wolves quietly approached him late one night.

Ever since, a protracted story of military dogs and wolves began. With wolves as opponents, this is also a kind of exercise for military dogs.

What's more, this is a jungle, it would be unfair to fight with guns, so under the leadership of the Chinese eagle, the military dogs of the beast camp became the mortal enemies of the wolves.

Basically, they will come once a month or two, and Chang'e also brings her own team to fight bravely with each other.

Perhaps because there is no domestication, the survival of the fittest in the wolves has basically passed the test of life and death at birth, and the wolves that survive are more ferocious than the military dogs.

After all, their ancestors have lived in the jungle for generations, and the law of the jungle is survival of the fittest.

As for the military dogs, although their combat effectiveness is not weak, but because of other training, they do not rely on culling as a way of survival. Therefore, in several battles, the individual ability of the military dogs cannot match the opponent.

But it is precisely because of their military dogs, under the command of the dog king, they can practice actual combat tactics, and they have not gained advantage in fighting the wolves several times.

With the existence of such an opponent, the attack and bite of military dogs have become more sophisticated. This may be the ultimate explanation of the pros and cons.

The battle last night was still not too intense. After the two sides fought fiercely, the wolf king withdrew with his pack of wolves.

Chang'e and the others were not considered to be winning, but they were not considered to be losing either. It was just a special training session.

"There is such a thing!"

After hearing this, Ling Tian shrugged his shoulders. Having an opponent is really helpful to improve the score.

Of course, at this moment, he would never have imagined that he and the wolves would have a life-and-death struggle in a short time.

(End of this chapter)

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