Chapter 567
Among the green mountains and green waters, Ling Tian, ​​who followed the Chinese eagle to shuttle through the mountains and forests, was an eye-opener today.

According to China Eagle, there are treasures everywhere.

All kinds of herbs are nothing but weeds in Ling Tian's eyes. After listening to Zhonghua Ying's explanation, he really suddenly realized.

Unexpectedly, there is such a function in this mountain full of wild grass.

But today they came to look for a kind of herbal medicine that is specially helpful for wound healing, called dog fibrous root.

The original discoverer of this herbal legend was not a man, but a dog.

After some dogs fight, they will go to the mountains to eat this kind of grass, so as to promote the healing of wounds as soon as possible.

Of course, it is difficult to verify this kind of legend, but this kind of grass does have such effects, but it must be used when it is fresh.

Soon, Ling Tian picked a whole bunch of baskets, followed the Chinese eagle, and returned to the beast camp again.

Wash the herbs, mash them into mud, mix them in the food, and then give the injured military dogs additional meals and water.

After a lot of busy work, a day passed, and Ling Tian, ​​who had taken a shower, lay comfortably on the bed.

It was absolutely unexpected for him to escape so failed last night.

He won't give up easily, so he naturally has to rethink how to escape.

However, he was already tired last night, and he had another busy day today, so Ling Tian, ​​who was lying on the bed, soon fell asleep.

Before dawn, Ling Tian was awakened by Chang'e, and it was the most painful time of the day.

After following the pack of dogs for a ten-kilometer cross-country trip, Ling Tian was absolutely refreshed and unable to get up.

But when he returned to the camp, he still had to prepare food for the military dogs. After finishing his work, he carried the baskets on his back again and followed the Chinese Eagle into the mountains.

It was another busy day of collecting herbs, but when Ling Tian picked the dog fibrous roots into the basket according to what Zhonghua Ying said, he was stopped by him.

"Why are you picking herbs indiscriminately? This is fire purging grass, which is used to treat defecation. If you feed it to dogs, they will have diarrhea!"

Holding the herb similar to dog fibrous root, Zhonghua Ying said to Ling Tian.

"Running diarrhea!"

Looking at the herbs and listening to the words of the Chinese Eagle, Ling Tian suddenly rolled his eyes.

That's right, as long as those military dogs have diarrhea, they won't have the energy to chase themselves.

Thinking of this, Ling Tian agreed, and secretly put a purge grass in his trouser pocket.

Along the way, when looking for the dog's fibrous roots, Ling Tian also did not forget to look for the purging fire grass, this kind of herb clears the liver and improves eyesight, but it causes diarrhea due to purging fire.

All in all, it was completely tailor-made for him, but Ling Tian couldn't mess around with things like poisoning.

Ignoring this matter, after returning, Ling Tian still took care of the injured military dogs as he did yesterday.

It wasn't until the sun was setting and the moon was rising that Ling Tian, ​​who had dinner, got into his room.

I took a little of the purgative grass that I had washed by chance and stuffed it into my mouth. After chewing, I found that there was no special taste.

After waiting for a while, there was no reaction from his stomach, so Ling Tian ate another one, and after waiting for a while still nothing, Ling Tian ate one after another.

When he was halfway through eating, Ling Tian suddenly felt a sharp pain in his stomach. The pain that seemed to collapse made him rush to the bathroom in a hurry.

"Damn it, it came all at once!"

Ling Tian, ​​who was squatting in the toilet, was like a world shattered. After half an hour, he dragged his numb legs and walked out. Ling Tian's face was pale.

Obviously, he underestimated the power of the purging grass, and he ran back to the toilet again immediately before even returning to the dormitory.

In this way, one after another, Ling Tian spent most of the night in the toilet, and the rest of the time in the corridor.

It was bright in the east, and Ling Tian dragged his tired body out of the toilet with a pale face like a paper doll.

"what's the situation?"

Ling Tian, ​​who was coerced by Chang'e to go downstairs, only felt his legs shaking. After a whole night, he was completely useless.

Zhonghuaying looked at Ling Tian with sunken eyes in surprise, why did he disappear all night, and it became like this.

"I've been a little angry recently. You said that purging fire grass is useful, so I ate a little, and that's how it turned out!"

Ling Tian couldn't hide anything, he could only confess honestly, but he changed his excuse.

"You dare to eat herbs indiscriminately, so be careful in the future, there is nothing to get angry at a young age!"

Seeing Ling Tian's exhausted appearance, he was unable to participate in the morning training, so he waved to Chang'e, who immediately ran out of the yard with the military dogs.

For a whole day, Ling Tian was lying on the bed, unable to move, now he truly experienced the terrifying power of the purging grass.

But this strengthened his determination to escape, but how to control the dose of medicine, he had to try a little bit.

The next day, Ling Tian took one-third of the medicine, the effect was good, and he went to the toilet after a few trips.

Seeing that his plan was about to succeed, Ling Tian was very excited, but he didn't act rashly immediately, he had to wait for the opportunity.

In the blink of an eye, another three days passed, and Ling Tian had been in the beast camp for a full month. During the day, he followed Chang'e to exercise, and at night, he secretly developed his own diarrhea medicine.

Finally, he roughly understood the usage rules of this meter, and he was so excited that he couldn't sleep all night.

Now, he was waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity to escape, and the sudden appearance of this opportunity really caught him off guard.

"Tomorrow's training task is to capture, you should be the target!"

Waking up early in the morning, the Chinese Eagle said to Ling Tian that this special training is to exercise the search ability of the military dogs.

"That's not good?"

Hearing Zhonghuaying's words, Ling Tian burst into laughter in his heart, but there was no reaction on his face.

He looked at Zhonghua Eagle with a mournful face, showing a state of extreme reluctance.

"Didn't you always want to escape? This time is obviously an opportunity for you, and you have to leave for a day first, so don't cherish it!"

Zhonghuaying didn't see Ling Tian's smirk, so he patted Chang'e on the head and said with a smile.

"Well, knowing that I can't escape, it's interesting to do this on purpose!"

Ling Tian gave Zhonghuaying a helpless look, turned around and walked towards his room.

I tried my best to overcome my excitement, but fortunately I was prepared, and I must cherish this sudden opportunity to escape.

After going back, he stuffed the prepared purgatives into tonight's food one by one. Through the adjustment of the measurement, Ling Tian probably estimated that it would take at least five hours for the group of military dogs to have an attack after eating.

In addition, I set off a day earlier, and by the time the Chinese Eagle found out, it might be too late.

"Freedom, I'm coming!"

Excited, Ling Tian clenched his fists, looking at the overlapping mountains, he must grasp the rare opportunity.

I just found out yesterday that a reader actually rewarded 10000 book coins. This is the second time I have received such a big reward in my life. Thank you for your support. Writing books is work. If you like it, I will work harder, because there will be a recommended position in a few days , so it hasn’t exploded in the past few days, and at the same time dug a new pit "The King of Special Warfare", which can be regarded as the third part of the Army Soul Trilogy, which is the story of the son of Hades. I hope everyone will collect it first.

(End of this chapter)

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