Chapter 568 Crazy Escape
At noon, Ling Tian swaggered out of the beast camp, looked at Chang'e and the others squatting at the door, Ling Tian smiled and waved.

He still has one more day to escape, and this time the Chinese Eagle took the initiative to let him go, so he would not be polite.

"Hide as much as possible, don't be found as easily as last time, that's not training, it's relaxation!"

The Chinese Eagle with a cane looked at Ling Tian who was carrying a bag. This guy even prepared the dinner before he left, and he seemed to have entered the role.

"Don't worry, I will give them a big problem this time!"

Ling Tian waved his hand at the Chinese Eagle, and walked towards the dense forest swaggeringly. He was not in a hurry and could not arouse the Chinese Eagle's vigilance.

However, when he disappeared into the dense forest, he immediately changed his appearance, and he was no longer evasive as before when he was galloping all the way.

With the experience of escaping last time, the methods used to deal with ordinary military dogs will not work against Chang'e at all.

Whether he can escape now depends on the ability of the fire purging grass at night, so instead of playing tricks, Ling Tian ran straight to the east.

The terrain here is relatively low, so Ling Tian quickly climbed over a mountain ridge.

All the way down the hillside, he ran wildly in the jungle, but he has extremely high experience.

Ling Tian didn't stop when he trekked across mountains and rivers. Anyway, he had dry food in his backpack, so he didn't need to worry about finding food.

You have to drive a little longer while it's still dark.

There are dense forests in a radius of a hundred miles, and if you want to escape in no man's land, you can only rely on your feet.

That's why the Chinese Eagle is extremely confident. At least if Ling Tian wants to escape, he will have to walk for at least three days.

Ling Tian, ​​who was determined to run, didn't stop until the moon was rising, and sat down on a flat surface.

Calculating the time, I'm afraid it's time for Chang'e and the others to eat. Thinking of the purgative grass hidden in the fresh meat, Ling Tian started to laugh.

"Chang'e, I'm sorry, anyway, you didn't bite my ass less during this time, so everyone will be clear!"

After resting for a while, he recovered his physical fitness. Although the night sky is not very bright tonight, Ling Tian still decided to travel overnight.

With the Big Dipper in the sky, it was easier for Ling Tian to determine the direction. As he galloped all the way, he listened to the neighing of the wild beasts in the night.

However, the cries of those beasts were far away from him, so Ling Tian didn't care. He kept going all the way until dawn, and then stopped again.

"The drug effect should start to work, I'm afraid Zhonghuaying is jumping around and scolding his mother now!"

Taking out the dry food, Ling Tian sat by the side of a stream, it was the time when the sun and the moon were changing, and the earth was pitch black.

While gnawing on the steamed buns and drinking the cool water of the stream, Ling Tian, ​​who was full and full, stretched and started on his way again.

He wanted to escape, but this time he fled openly, as if he had already seen the dawn of victory at this time.

In the beast camp, Zhonghua Ying frowned, clenched his fists, and the veins popped out on his forehead.

"You bastard, you actually took medicine!"

Seeing the howling of the military dogs, the kennel was already a mess.

I thought he had entered the state to prepare food for the military dogs, but never thought that he would actually prescribe medicine.

The hero couldn't hold back three times, even the military dogs couldn't hold it anymore, they were lying on the ground one by one, sticking out their tongues listlessly.

Of course they don't know what happened, they just feel powerless.

Another day passed quickly, and when night fell, Ling Tian was even more excited.

According to his calculations, if Chang'e and the others were all right, they might have found him by now.

Now that he is still free, it proves that his ghost idea has worked, and it is impossible for the Chinese eagle to find him again this time.

Thinking of this, Ling Tian also slowed down, he was really tired from the continuous rush.

But just in case, Ling Tian didn't stop to rest, after all, no one knew if the Chinese Eagles had other ways to treat them.

Moving forward along the mountain ridge, the sky quickly darkened. In the dark forest, Ling Tian walked briskly.

During this period of time, being threatened by Chang'e and others to run was of great help to his physical recovery.

Therefore, although Ling Tian is also tired, he is not exhausted. He is in a better mood all the way forward, and his overall state is better.


Suddenly, a howl of wolves exploded in the deep mountain, and the howl echoed in the valley, carrying the domineering aura of a king.

There are no tigers or bears on this mountain, so the wolves are naturally at the top of the food chain, and the roar of the wolves surprised Ling Tian.

Because the location of the wolves should be on the opposite mountain ridge, and there is also the only way for him to pass.

There are many high mountains on the left and right, and there are many trees. If you want to drill through there, it will not only be a matter of twice the result with half the effort.

Being blocked by a pack of wolves was something Ling Tian hadn't thought about, and he hurriedly stopped in his tracks.

Although he had never seen a pack of wolves, the howling of the wolves was enough to prove that there were a lot of them, and this pack of wolves should be the one that fought with Chang'e and the others.

Based on Chang'e's strength, they didn't kill them. This pack of wolves should be very powerful.

Now that Ling Tian has nothing on him, not even a gun, if he rushes there rashly, he will only cause trouble.

But he couldn't stop moving forward. After all, he didn't know what was going on with Chang'e and the others. After thinking about it, there were wolves and dogs.

After a pause, the howling of wolves gradually disappeared, and it seemed that they should have left.

So Ling Tian was going to try his luck, if he walked in the same direction as the wolves, it would be a blessing in disguise for him.

At that time, even if Chang'e and the others catch up, after smelling the smell of wolves, they may not be tracking themselves.

After making up his mind, Ling Tian acted immediately, walking all the way down the hillside, towards the gentle hill between the two mountains.

While walking, Ling Tian carefully searched for clues, and soon he found the footprints of a wild beast.

Crouching down and checking the footprints, Ling Tian was sure that they belonged to the pack of wolves. They were originally walking from his right hand side, and they were walking towards the east.

This made Ling Tian's originally tense heart relax a lot. At most, they were just going along with him. Following them, there might be unexpected gains.

So, Ling Tian stepped forward again, and when he reached the foot of the hill, Ling Tian bowed his waist and climbed up the hill along the traces left by the wolves.

This can be regarded as a beast road, with fewer branches around it, and it is more convenient to travel.

But when Ling Tian climbed halfway, he suddenly felt something was wrong, and a murderous aura surrounded him.

(End of this chapter)

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