Chapter 569 Encountering the Wolves
In the dark night, murderous aura filled the air, making the already slightly cool body temperature instantly chill to the bone.

Ling Tian couldn't help being clever, and looked around, only then did he realize that pairs of dark green eyes in the grass were staring at him.

As a soldier king, Ling Tian's perception was already very powerful, but when he found out that the wolves were lying in ambush, he was less than 50 meters away.

No way, even the best soldiers cannot live in life-and-death struggles every day.

But wolves are different. They hunt every day in order to fill their stomachs and survive.

The technological development of human beings and the sensitivity of beasts are incomparable to each other.

Ling Tian stopped and didn't run away immediately, because if he turned around, the wolves might charge up.

If the enemy does not move, I will not move. Even if he did not travel overnight, Ling Tian's leg strength is definitely not comparable to that of the wolves.

Even ordinary wild wolves can run at a speed of [-] kilometers per hour.

That is equivalent to more than six seconds for [-] meters. Even if Ling Tian ran to death at this speed, it would be impossible to outrun them.

Standing there, Ling Tian didn't have a torch and a firearm, so a pair of fists alone wasn't enough to face a pack of wolves.

The legend of Wu Song is just a legend. The story of the unarmed tiger does not know how many fresh human flesh has been given to the tiger for thousands of years.

Once he was thrown down by the wolves, if he tried to get up again, it would be his next life. Ling Tian, ​​who was trying to maintain his composure, squinted his eyes and looked around hard.

"Ow ooh..."

With a low growl, the wolves hiding in the grass jumped out one after another.

Seeing that Ling Tian didn't move, they didn't rush up directly, but kept staring at Ling Tian from a distance.

Amid the low growls, the pack of wolves with sharp teeth were still staring at Ling Tian, ​​and more and more packs of wolves jumped out of the grass one after another.

There were more than 30 of them, and they began to restlessly, as if they were talking to each other.

Ling Tian tried his best to find the figure of the wolf king among the wolves, but it was obvious that the wolf king did not come out.

Looking left and right, Ling Tian found several wolves tentatively approaching him. Ling Tian hurriedly waved his arms, causing them to retreat in fright.

Going on like this is not an option, especially with the sound of bushes coming from behind, Ling Tian hastily looked sideways.

The voice was not loud, and it disappeared without a trace when Ling Tian turned his head. In the pitch-black jungle, Ling Tian was sure that he heard the voice correctly.

"It can't be to surround me!"

Ling Tian was taken aback, although he couldn't see anything in the darkness, the tiny voice was definitely not an illusion.

Although he has never encountered a pack of wolves, Ling Tian has also read relevant information. The hunting methods of wolves are generally divided into two steps: siege and ambush.

Even when actively attacking, they will cooperate with each other and use the power of the team to kill prey larger than them.

Unable to stand like this anymore, Ling Tian turned his heart and kicked his feet on the ground at the same time, and suddenly ran towards the bushes on the right.

From stillness to movement, Ling Tian completed it in an instant. Although he rushed forward without looking back, a bloody aura had already surged from behind.

Immediately afterwards, three burly wolves chased up from the hillside where he was about to retreat just now.

The pack of wolves in front immediately surrounded Ling Tian, ​​and there were bursts of howling wolves in the valley.

Running with all his strength, Ling Tian raised his speed to the extreme, but it was obvious that his two legs still couldn't run with four legs.

In the blink of an eye, there were less than ten meters left, and Ling Tian only ran out less than 30 meters.

Hearing that the footsteps behind him were getting more and more serious, Ling Tian jumped up suddenly, and he rushed up a big tree with his feet kicking.

The wolf at the front also jumped up, opened its mouth and bit it, its sharp teeth grazed Ling Tian's clothes.

Kicking off the tree trunk, taking advantage of that forward momentum, Ling Tian rushed to a position about three meters away from the big tree in a blink of an eye.

The inertia had been lost, and seeing that Ling Tian was about to fall, Ling Tian stomped hard on the tree pole with his right foot, and his whole body jumped up again.

With a pull of both hands, he firmly grasped a branch, exerted strength with his arms, and stuck his whole body on the branch where the arm was present.

After a while of shaking, the leaves of the branch fell off, and it didn't break after a few shakes, which is considered Ling Tian's luck.

Twisting his waist forcefully, Ling Tian turned over and sat on the branch of the tree. At this time, the moonlight was shining, shining on the wolves under the tree through the shade of the tree.

At this time, all the wolves, more than 30 wild wolves, rushed over and surrounded the thick tree.

Wiping the sweat off his brow, Ling Tian let out a sigh of relief, he was almost torn apart by these guys just now.

Dozens of wolves were gathered under the tree, growling constantly, raising their heads angrily, their green eyes staring at Ling Tian on the tree.

But there is no way, they don't know how to climb trees, and they can't do anything to Ling Tian who is squatting on the tree.

"Come up if you have the ability!"

Seeing the wild wolves trying to jump up and bite him, Ling Tian waved his hands at them with a smirk.

No matter how brave they are, they will never be able to climb up.

Although this tree is not tall, it is enough to deal with these terrifying carnivores.

Constantly circling the big tree, the wolves obviously didn't want to give up the delicious food they got.

In this no man's land, it is not easy to find such a big piece of flesh like Ling Tian.

So they were reluctant to leave for a long time, and they were still trying to figure out how to climb the tree.

If they don't leave, Ling Tian won't be able to leave either, he can only spend time with them.

Looking at the star-studded night sky above, Ling Tian leaned against the tree trunk, and happened to be a little tired, so he might as well take the opportunity to take a rest.

In a daze, Ling Tian, ​​who was on the road continuously, leaned there and closed his eyes, and fell asleep comfortably as he fell asleep with peace of mind.

Continuous exhaustion and diarrhea a few days ago made Ling Tian sleep comfortably. Although the wolves roared from time to time, he didn't care.

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, Ling Tian sat up in a jerk, looking at the vast darkness, the pack of wolves that surrounded him had disappeared without a trace.

"So impatient!"

After searching left and right, there was no sign of wild wolves on the ground. It seemed that they were about to give up.

That being the case, Ling Tian still decided to leave the place of trouble as soon as possible, so he slid down the tree pole little by little.

Both feet landed on the ground, Ling Tian heaved a sigh of relief, looking at the messy footprints all over the ground, and the gnawed tree trunks, the teeth of these guys are really sharp enough.

Just take a step and leave, this is the wrong place to stay for a long time, but just when Ling Tian was less than 20 meters away from the big tree, he suddenly gave a jolt.

"not good!"

(End of this chapter)

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