Chapter 570: The Wisdom of Wolves

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A murderous aura permeated the air, although Ling Tian's back felt cold even though his eyes were small.

That feeling of spying in the dark made Ling Tian, ​​who is a soldier king, extra vigilant.

Turning around, he ran towards the big tree again without hesitation.

Ling Tian, ​​who climbed up the tree two or three times, squatted on the tree pole, looking towards the dark night.

Sure enough, not long after, the wolves came back under the tree again, and the wild wolves looked up at Ling Tian curiously.

They were full of doubts, probably because they couldn't figure out why Ling Tian would find them.

"It's really ruthless to actually lay an ambush. If I hadn't discovered it early, I would have been fooled by you!"

Wiping the cold sweat off his head, it seemed that the pack of wolves were not ready to give up, once again surrounding the big tree, they squatted on the ground.

More than 30 wild wolves look like dogs from a distance, but their eyes are obviously more aggressive.

In order to survive, they have the genetic inheritance of natural selection, otherwise how could they possibly compete with the top military dogs.

One by one was lying lazily on the ground, some were playing and playing with each other, and some were looking around innocently.

From time to time, there are wolf pups shuttled among the pack of wolves, they seem to have not seen Ling Tian on the tree in a leisurely manner.

But Ling Tian knew that if he jumped down, they would probably jump up without hesitation in an instant. Those shriveled stomachs obviously needed food.

This may be a war of attrition, and this pack of wolves will not leave easily. It seems that I am in big trouble this time.

Crouching on the tree, looking at the pack of wolves, Ling Tian couldn't escape, but at least temporarily he could protect his life.

The long night, it seems that I can only spend the night in this tree, and the wolves are also nocturnal animals, I believe they will leave soon.

Watching the dawn rise, his chance of escape was smooth, but he didn't want the wolves to get involved.

Perhaps when they left, Chang'e and the others would catch up. Thinking of this, Ling Tian was really angry.

But anger is anger, this pack of wolves is not a place for him to vent his anger, now we can only see who is more patient.

The trunk is not big, so they don't care about it and are not afraid of them gnawing on it, and the thick tree trunks in their arms are not enough for their teeth to eat.

Suddenly there was a howling sound of wolves, which was some distance away from the big tree, and upon hearing the howling wolves, they stood up one after another.

Soon, they left again, but not all of them left, but five or six of them squatted under the tree without moving.

The other wolves disappeared into the night before dawn, and when Ling Tian was puzzled, they returned one by one.

"what's the situation!"

Looking at the returning wolves, Ling Tian was puzzled, but at this moment, they were actually holding tree branches in their mouths.

Tree branches, big and small, were piled up in front of the trunk, and Ling Tian was even more puzzled when he saw the piled up branches.

Could it be that they are preparing to keep warm? This is obviously impossible, but why did they bring these things.

Ling Tian squatted on the tree trunk and looked down patiently. It was a rare opportunity to observe the wild wolf so closely, and he was quite interested.

If he had raised a wolf, it would be absolutely majestic, but it was obvious that this wild wolf was very lofty, and it was difficult to integrate with them.

Gradually, there were more and more branches, and the returning wolves quickly built a firewood pile.

There were also many little wolves playing together, making Ling Tian feel like he was going to have a bonfire party.

The inexplicable state of the wolves did not stop until noon.

Looking at the pile of wood that was getting higher and higher, with stones mixed inside, Ling Tian also curiously broke off a branch and threw it into it.

It seemed that his kindness was not forgiven by the wolves, but it was not until a wild wolf stood on the pile of logs more than one meter above the ground that Ling Tian felt that something was wrong.

"Damn it, you're not going to step on this thing to catch me!"

Ling Tian, ​​who suddenly understood, looked at the pack of wolves that kept piling up the wood with their noses.

These guys have been busy all morning, so they are going to make a pedal.

Just when Ling Tian was still thinking about whether this wild wolf was that smart, a wild wolf stepped on the pile of firewood and jumped up.

However, it was obvious that their timber piles were not very well stacked, and before it jumped up, the timber piles collapsed as a whole.

"Fortunately not smart enough!"

Seeing the pile of firewood collapsed, Ling Tian let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the wolves' hands-on ability is not very strong.

After repeated attempts, they still couldn't be used as stepping stones, but Ling Tian still felt that they were already very powerful.

After a few times, the wolves obviously started to give up, but just when Ling Tian felt that they would not mess around again, there was another long howl from among the wolves.

But this time, Ling Tian noticed that it was a big wild wolf that was a circle bigger than ordinary wild wolves.

It weighs more than 50 kilograms, and it is in the prime of life, with a pair of eyes with the majesty of a king.

When it howled, the other wolves instinctively lowered their heads, and with its rhythmic howling, those wolves started to move again.

They used their noses to gather the branches continuously, but this time, several wolves formed a circle with their bodies, blocking the scattered branches inside their bodies.

And other wolves stepped on their bodies and climbed onto the firewood pile little by little.

They stacked one on top of the other, wrapping the outside of the pile of wood with their bodies, and soon, wild wolves were already crawling over the pile of firewood.

Lying there obediently, this reminded Ling Tian of an arhat in military dog ​​training.

I didn't expect untrained wild wolves to get along with such an idea, they are really smart enough.

A stepping stone formed by a pack of wolves suddenly appeared under the tree where Ling Tian lived, and at this moment, the wolf king was already running towards the pack of wolves stacked on top of each other.

"not good!"

As the wolf king stepped on the backs of the other wild wolves, it jumped up high and rushed towards Ling Tian who was above the big tree.

This big tree was only five meters high, and Ling Tian, ​​who was standing on the top of the tree, hurriedly dodged to the side.

Originally thought that the wolf king would fall when he jumped into the air, but unexpectedly he opened his mouth and bit the tree pole in mid-air. With his whole body hanging in mid-air, his goal was not Ling Tian, ​​but to climb up the tree.

Now Ling Tian is in no mood to praise such a smart move, because as long as it lets go, it might really fall on a tree.

The trees were not very lush, but there were not many places to hide. Just when Ling Tian was hesitating whether to attack, a figure suddenly shot from the jungle.

As fast as a gust of wind, it came to the side of the wolves in a blink of an eye, stepped on the back of the wolves, and shot towards the wolf king who was still hanging in the air like an arrow.

This sudden change stunned Ling Tian.

(End of this chapter)

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