Chapter 571 Wolf King vs. Wolf King

Everything happened so fast, it happened in a blink of an eye.

Watching the black shadow hit the wolf king's body heavily, followed by two black shadows falling down at the same time.

Falling from a tree pole nearly three meters high, the two figures let out a scream after landing.

But Ling Tian was even more taken aback by the two black shadows that got up quickly. One of them was the wolf king just now, and the other was also a wolf.

It is about the same size as the wolf king, and it is also covered in black hair, but a strand of white hair between its eyebrows looks like a third eye.

The supple fur all over his body is now bursting, and a pair of fierce eyes are staring at the wolf king opposite.


Following its appearance, several black shadows shot out from the jungle again, but they were stopped by the wolves who stood up one after another as they rushed forward.

The pack of wolves that came here were only five wolves, they were about the same size as the other wolves, they stopped one after another and kept growling.

And the big wolf pack on the opposite side also roared at them, this strange thing really made Ling Tian not understand.

"Oh, I remembered, it seems to be the former wolf pack that Zhonghuaying mentioned!"

The two packs of wolves encountered each other, reminding Ling Tian of one thing, which was mentioned by Zhonghua Eagle on the way of gathering medicine.

There was only one pack of wolves here before, and the Chinese eagle could live in peace with them.

The wolves that attacked his group were originally from outside, but there were a lot of them, and they quickly killed the original wolves.

It is said that the original old wolf king was killed by the wolf king of the big wolf pack, so the two packs of wolves became sworn enemies.

But helplessly, the strength of this outsider is getting bigger and bigger, the original wolves are retreating steadily, and the Chinese eagle has not seen them for a long time.

The law of nature is natural selection, and the law in the jungle is naturally the survival of the strong.

Although it is a bit unbearable, there is no way, the Chinese eagle can't help them with a gun.

And Zhonghuaying also mentioned that the wolf king of the old wolf pack had a white hair between his eyebrows, so he gave it the code name Erlang.

Could it be that the young and strong wolf king in front of him is the son of the old wolf king? Looking at the new pack of wolves that suddenly appeared, Ling Tian felt something was wrong.

This young wolf king only had five wolves with him. Although he was about the same size as the wolf king, he was obviously much younger.

Coupled with the fact that its companions were very small, it was quickly surrounded by the big wolf pack, and it kept roaring but there was nothing it could do.


Suddenly, the new Erlang roared and rushed towards the wolf king of the big wolf pack.

With incomparable anger in its young eyes, it opened its bloody mouth and bit towards the wolf king's throat.

The old wolf king didn't neglect either, and rushed up with a growl. He was so experienced that he wanted to fight Chang'e and the others from time to time.

Especially among wolves, it must be absolutely strong, so its fighting skills are definitely superior.

Soon, the wolf kings of the two wolf packs fought in one place, and the five wild wolves who followed from the other side were also surrounded by the big wolf pack.

However, they did not retreat, but roared and attacked them.

Waves of wolves howled under the big tree, and Ling Tian, ​​who was squatting on the tree, saw everything in his eyes.

The battle between the two wolf kings was fierce from the very beginning, and they were one-on-one, rolling back and forth, like a blood feud.

But from the point of view of strength, the new Erlang was obviously lacking in combat experience, and was crushed by the old wolf king several times.

Although it resisted desperately, it was only about three years old, and its body was not fully developed. A single strength alone could not defeat the experienced wolf king.

But it still persisted, and it continued to growl red-eyed. Although he heard different wolf language, Ling Tian felt a sense of death as home from the sonorous and powerful howling.

On the other side, the five wolves who were rushing over were almost unable to hold on anymore.

Besieged by a pack of wolves several times larger than themselves, they were covered in blood.

Because of the bloody stimulation, it made them even crazier, but no matter how hard they tried, they were still tightly surrounded by each other.

The motivation level of the battle is intense from the very beginning, and even Ling Tian has a kind of passion for that desperate feeling.

The courage was great, but the strength was very different. In less than 10 minutes, three of the five wild wolves were about to die, and the remaining two were also seriously injured. They kept trying to attack, but they were almost unable to stand.


Hearing the cries of his companions, Shinjiro, who was still fighting desperately with the old wolf king, suddenly rushed out and got into the surrounded pack of wolves from behind.

He took a bite of a wild wolf that was about to pounce on his companions, swung its neck violently, and flung it out abruptly.

But it also paid its own price, its right leg was bitten by another wolf, and blood gushed out instantly.

He hurriedly turned back to force the wolf that attacked him back, and it limped, walking towards his companion step by step.

The last wolf was already lying on the ground covered in blood, panting continuously, it raised its head and barked at Erlang.

This soul-stirring sound continued to echo in the mountain forest, as if it had finished roaring its last words before falling to the ground unwillingly.


Erlang looked up to the sky and howled, the wolf roared with infinite sadness, his blood-red eyes fixedly stared at the wolf king who walked in.

Grinning its teeth, it suddenly felt a sense of grief and indignation.

The five wild wolves who followed were all killed in battle, and Erlang stared at the opposite wolf king with blood eyes.

This is its father-killing enemy, and also its sworn enemy who seized its territory. Perhaps it has already awakened to this revenge.

Looking at the five companions who were lying on the ground and not moving, Erlang let out a long roar, and attacked the wolf king again.

Obviously, it was not ready to escape, and this time, the limping it also launched the final death charge.

It rushed to the wolf king and opened its mouth to bite the wolf king, but the movement was obviously much slower. The wolf king wanted to dodge to the side to avoid its bite.

At the same time, he slammed his head against its injured wound, forcing it to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the wolf king rushed up, opened his blood basin, and bit Na Erlang's throat.

If he was bitten, Erlang might lose his life, but he fell on the ground covered in wounds, and there was no way he could dodge it.

Just as Erlang let out a long cry, feeling unwilling, a figure suddenly shot over.

He slammed into the wolf king's body hard, forcing it to fly away.

"I'm absolutely fucking crazy!"

Ling Tian, ​​who fell on the ground, turned over, quickly stood up, and cursed secretly, he was now standing among the wolves surrounded by wolves.

(End of this chapter)

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