Chapter 572 Fighting the Pack of Wolves Again
Ling Tian didn't know why he was so stupid. Is there any difference between this and jumping into a fire pit?

Looking at the more than 30 wild wolves that surrounded him, they grinned at this time, and bright red blood dripped from the corners of their mouths.

Because of the bloody stimulation, they became irritable and frenzied, roaring at each other.

Ling Tian's arrival made the wolf king stunned, and he roared in a low voice as he got up, it seemed that he didn't understand what happened.

Looking at Erlang who was struggling to get up, Ling Tian seemed to see himself at that moment just now.

The grief of watching his comrades die in front of him made him rush down out of control.

Fortunately, Erlang who got up didn't give him a bite directly, otherwise Ling Tian would be called wronged.

He landed on the ground with his bare hands, the only thing he had was the sharp dragon rope, but it might not be that sharp when dealing with these fur guys.

Amidst the roar, the pack of wolves approached one person and one wolf little by little.

The menacing wolf king also walked towards Erlang step by step, it seemed that he wanted to kill him himself.

Erlang stood on the spot, his eyes were blood-like, but there was a feeling of death in his eyes.

A piece of flesh was torn off from the right hind leg, and blood poured out. Even though it could no longer charge like before, it still had a strong fighting spirit.

On the other side, Ling Tian clenched his fists tightly. The ancient boxing technique was used to attack the human body. He knew nothing about the wolf's acupuncture points.

Now I can only use the grappling hand, hoping to kill a bloody path.

"Ow ooh..."

The wolf king let out a long howl, and rushed towards Erlang, the wolves also attacked one after another, it was their instinct to attack as a group.

They pay attention to teamwork, and there are very few things like heads-up.

Sharp teeth and claws are their sharp weapons.


Falling among the pack of wolves, Ling Tian couldn't retreat, he gritted his teeth and kicked out, directly on the neck of a rushing wild wolf.

With fierce kicks and unrivaled strength, he kicked the wild wolf five or six meters away.

However, the extraordinarily strong wild wolf got up after rolling. It has been in the wild since its birth, and its physical strength is not comparable to that of humans.

The fighting continued, and in less than a minute, Ling Tian was covered in blood. Fighting against the pack of wolves was impossible with only one's strength and anger.

Teeth marks were left on both arms, and the calf of his right leg was also bitten. The pain caused Ling Tian to frown.

But the more this was the case, the more brave Ling Tian became. The fist wind howled and hit the heads of those wolves. Although it was not fatal, it also made them howl.

Just as Ling Tian was fighting more and more courageously, suddenly there was a gust of wind behind him, and Ling Tian, ​​whose left arm was bitten tightly by a wild wolf, was thinking that it was too late to turn around.

The wild wolf jumped high and bit Ling Tian's neck. If the sharp long teeth hit a vital point, it would be fatal.


At this moment of life and death, a black shadow suddenly bumped over, forcefully knocking away the wild wolf that was rushing towards Ling Tian's back.

Erlang also fell to the ground at this time, his right leg was unstable and he could only support the ground with his front leg.

Shaking off the wild wolf that was biting his left hand, Ling Tian stepped forward and kicked over the other wolf that was pounced on Erlang.

A man and a wolf who were trapped in heavy siege fought desperately, but they were all covered in blood.

"Brother, I'm afraid none of us can get out this time!"

Looking at the big tree that was firmly blocked by the wolves, Ling Tian said helplessly that in just a few minutes, he had no strength left in his body.

The same is true for Erlang on the side. Although it has a strong fighting spirit, the blood gushing out of its wound makes it unable to move.

As if he understood Ling Tian's words, Erlang growled in a low voice, which was his response.

Unexpectedly, he would be buried in the mouth of that wild wolf today, and Ling Tian's eyes were bloodshot, unwilling to do so.

At this moment, the murderous aura came from the left side, and Ling Tian turned around, only to see that the wolf king who looked like a calf had already rushed towards him.

The bloody mouth showed sharp teeth, and it looked like it was going to bite Ling Tian to death.

Seeing the danger approaching, Ling Tian reached out with both hands and directly clasped its mouth, grasped its upper teeth with his left hand, and clasped its lower jaw with his right hand.

But the huge inertia still pressed Ling Tian under him, not only shaking the wolf king around his neck, trying to break free from Ling Tian's arm.

If it breaks free, your neck will suffer.

Clamping the wolf king's teeth firmly, Ling Tian exhausted his last strength, his arms became more and more unconscious, Ling Tian knew that his bad luck might have arrived.

"Wang Wang Wang..."

Suddenly, there was a sound of dog barking, followed by more than a dozen black figures shooting out from the dense jungle.

Chang'e, the leader, was like a general, roaring and jumping over the surrounding wolves, and bumped into the wolf king.

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen well-trained military dogs rushed in one after another.

In an instant, the encirclement of the wolves was broken through, and they stood in front of Ling Tian neatly.

All of them grinned and looked at the wolves opposite, with a strong fighting spirit, which made the wolves avoid them one after another.

Erlang obviously didn't think about what happened, and it kept looking around, showing its sharp teeth and fangs, always on guard.

"It's too time for you to come!"

Ling Tian, ​​who was in a mess, hurriedly got up, looking at Chang'e behind the pack of dogs, Ling Tian felt that it was really beautiful for the first time.

Especially at this time, even more so.

"Ow ooh..."

But at this moment, the wolf king roared angrily, and the red-eyed wolf rushed over first.

The rest of the wolves also swarmed in, and on this side, Chang'e and the wolves also pounced on it without hesitation.

After a fight, screams came from the depths of the dense forest again, sharp teeth against fangs, fierce dogs against wild wolves.

The pack of wolves was united and continued to attack the pack of dogs together, while the wolf king faced Chang'e and tried to break through its block to bite Ling Tian.

Although she was not as strong as the wolf king, Chang'e still blocked its way firmly, her fur burst and she barked fiercely.

This is definitely the first time Ling Tian has seen such a battle. More than a dozen military dogs are not afraid of wolves, this is also what he did not expect.

However, as the battle started, Ling Tian soon discovered a fatal problem, that is, the military dogs were not only inferior in numbers, but also obviously moved slowly.

They were still so brave, but their speed of movement was too slow, and there were faint bouts of fatigue, so they quickly fell into a disadvantage, but they still protected Ling Tian without risking their lives.

It was only then that Ling Tian secretly hated himself. The reason why they behaved like this must be caused by him. They had diarrhea and followed such a long distance, and their physical fitness was greatly reduced.

(End of this chapter)

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