Chapter 573 Erlang's Wailing

The fierce fighting was accompanied by howling dogs and howling wolves.

The pack of dogs and pack of wolves still showed no fear, even though they were retreating steadily, they still stood loyally in front of Ling Tian.

If they were killed because of him, Ling Tian would definitely hate him to death.

Now he finally understands why Zhonghuaying keeps saying that military dogs are also the closest comrades-in-arms.

There has never been a half-step back between life and death, and now Ling Tian has finally seen it with his own eyes.

But Ling Tian, ​​who was covered in wounds, was powerless at all. Without weapons, it was even more impossible for him to force the wolves back.

Suddenly, Ling Tian's eyes lit up, and he slapped himself hard, how could he be so stupid, and even forget this matter.

"Chang'e, come!"

At this time, Chang'e had just been knocked to the ground by the wolf king, Ling Tian hurriedly shouted at Chang'e.

Chang'e, who usually doesn't pay much attention to Ling Tian, ​​really backed away to Ling Tian's side a little bit at this time, and Ling Tian hurriedly took a strap from it.

Military dogs have their own tactical vests, and as the king of dogs, Chang'e not only has a tactical vest, but also carries a satchel on her body.

Ling Tian hurriedly opened the satchel, and excitedly took out the flare gun inside. Although there were only three bullets, it was definitely enough.

Loading the flare into the flare gun, Ling Tian shot at the wolf king who was about to pounce on him without hesitation.

The signal flare hit the wolf king's head in an instant, and then refracted into the air.

A burst of pain made the wolf king retreat instinctively. Although the flare was not fatal, it still had blood on his forehead.


The signal bomb exploded with a deafening explosion, and at the same time, the burning light caused the pack of wolves to retreat immediately.

The trained military dogs are no longer afraid of sound and fire, but wild wolves are still very afraid of it.

They retreated one after another, and soon broke away from the battle group, but they did not leave immediately, but expanded the encirclement.

The respite of the military dogs retreated one after another, grinning at the terrified wolves.

On the other hand, Ling Tian immediately loaded the flare again, but this time he didn't fire at the sky.

Turning around, he aimed the flare gun at the firewood pile built by the pack of wolves before, pulled the trigger, and the flare went into it immediately.

Accompanied by the loud sound, the signal flare instantly ignited the dry pyre, and the magnesium burst by the signal flare was a sharp weapon to support the combustion.

The fire flickered, and the match pile immediately burned blazingly. Although it was still daytime, the fire was still what the wolves were afraid of.

After filling the last flare, Ling Tian picked up a burning branch. At this moment, in the eyes of those wolves, he had become a terrifying existence.

"Don't go yet!"

Only with fire can human beings survive. Now that there is a torch in hand, I believe the wolves must be very scared.

Pointing the muzzle of the gun at the middle of the pack of wolves, Ling Tian pulled the trigger, and the flare that flew out went directly into the weeds at their feet.


The signal flare exploded among the wolves, and the terrifying sound accompanied by the flames completely made the wolves lose their fighting consciousness.

Before the wolf king gave an order, they had already scattered and fled in all directions. Seeing his subordinates fleeing, the wolf king felt unwilling, but he could only turn around and quickly disappeared into the dense forest.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Ling Tian sat down on the ground, and he finally escaped a catastrophe with his whole body weak.

But before he could react, Chang'e had already led the dogs and surrounded Erlang tightly, and Erlang kept roaring nervously.

"Don't! Your own people! Your own people!"

It seemed that Chang'e was not very friendly towards Erlang, so Ling Tian hurriedly rushed over, standing between Erlang and Chang'e.

Ling Tian's strange behavior made Chang'e look at him suspiciously. Although they couldn't understand, they all backed away.

"It's okay, it's okay, everyone is our own!"

Sitting on the ground, Ling Tian turned his head to look at Erlang, obviously it couldn't understand his own words.

However, Erlang was really not blowing his hair anymore. He looked at Chang'e who was crawling not far away, and then at Ling Tian, ​​who was lying on the ground wearily.

A fierce battle ended with the temporary departure of the wolves, but no matter whether it was Ling Tian, ​​Erlang, or the military dogs who came to support, they all suffered injuries to varying degrees.

So Ling Tian couldn't rest, he had to treat them as soon as possible, so he got up and searched around for a while, and soon found the dog's hair root.

Chewing it up with his mouth, he took out a bandage from the military dog's vest, first smeared his own wound and bandaged it, then Ling Tian began to heal the military dog's wounds again.

Soon, every military dog ​​had been bandaged, but Erlang was the most seriously injured. If he was allowed to bleed like this, he might die.

But Ling Tian had never been close to a wolf, and it was a wolf that grew up in the wild.

"I'll heal you, just like them!"

With courage, Ling Tian walked to Erlang's side step by step, looking at Erlang with a vigilant face, Ling Tian gestured hard.

He never imagined before that he would have to explain these things to a wolf, but no matter what, Erlang's appearance could be regarded as saving his life.

I don't know if Erlang was too tired, or because he saw that other military dogs were all bandaged up.

Seeing Ling Tian apply the chewed herbal medicine to his wound, it didn't bite Ling Tian other than twitching in pain.

Having the courage to bandage a wild wolf, Ling Tian finally heaved a sigh of relief, his whole body was soaked in sweat.

At this time, night had fallen, and not only was he too tired to walk, Chang'e and the others were also extremely tired after a great battle.

Although there are no signal flares, at least there is still the bonfire. I believe that the wolves will never approach easily.

So Ling Tian decided to take a rest where he was, and Ling Tian, ​​who was leaning against the big tree, soon fell into a dream.

"Ow ooh..."

A burst of howling wolves made Ling Tian suddenly open his eyes, he thought it was the pack of wolves who had returned.

But it turned out that Erlang had sent it, and at some point, it returned to the corpse of its companion.

Lying there, it looked up to the sky and howled, as if mourning its teammates.

Ling Tian's heart tightened in such a sad scene, he could completely feel Erlang's loneliness, because he had lost his teammate once.

This heartache is unimaginably uncomfortable, otherwise he wouldn't have jumped off the tree regardless.

Erlang turned his head slowly, and looked at Ling Tian with puzzled eyes. Maybe he didn't understand the language, but he seemed to feel something.

This strange feeling was cultivated in such days, and Ling Tian also figured out one thing at this time, he was not going to leave.

He wanted to stay because he found the silent teammate so cute, and he also decided to start again.

(End of this chapter)

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