Chapter 574

In the beast camp, the roar was like thunder.

The roaring roar of the Chinese eagle made the soldiers passing by the beast camp shudder.

However, they didn't dare to approach here, they could only listen from a distance.

Standing opposite to the Chinese Eagle, Ling Tian felt that his eardrums were about to ooze blood.

The Chinese Eagle looked at the wounded military dogs with bloodshot eyes.

The roar nearly shattered his vocal cords.

"You bastard, you actually poisoned them. Do you know that I can send you to a military court in minutes? I really want to shoot you right now!"

Amidst the roar like a volcanic eruption, the Chinese Eagle's body was still trembling.

The military dogs were injured more than he was injured, and these military dogs were his lifeblood.

Ling Tian, ​​who was standing opposite, just stood there honestly, without saying a word, he could feel the anger of the Chinese eagle.

After some angry reprimands, Zhonghua Ying sat down, but his clenched fists still did not hit Ling Tian.

No way, he was the one who patted his chest to promise that Ling Tian would be able to change completely, so he had to bear all the consequences.

Fortunately, although the military dogs were injured, they were not life-threatening.

This can be regarded as a blessing in misfortune, otherwise he would really kill this kid.

"Okay, you can go now. My temple here is too small to accommodate a great god like you. Go find your master. I can't control you anymore!"

Zhonghua Ying waved his hand, Yan Wang was right, this kid was more naughty than he imagined.

I can be poisoned this time, but I don't know what I will do next time.

"I'm not leaving!"

Originally thought that Ling Tian would turn around and leave, but unexpectedly, his first sentence was actually this sentence.

"I'm just a dog breeder here, not a soldier king who charges into battle on the battlefield, what can you do if you stay!"

Zhonghuaying looked at Ling Tian suspiciously. He was planning to run away several times before.

But now that he let him go, why is he still unwilling to go.

"I want to stay and learn how to train dogs with you!"

Ling Tian's voice was not loud, but he was extremely firm. This bloody battle made him suddenly discover something that he had never noticed before.

In all fairness, during this time with Chang'e and them, his physical fitness recovered very quickly.

And following Zhonghuaying's side, he also learned a lot of knowledge that he hadn't learned before.

Also, he now found that the comrade-in-arms who couldn't speak was a brand new help to him.

"Dog training? You said lightly, this is not an easy task to train. If you want to train a dog, you must first learn to communicate with the dog, can you do it?"

Ling Tian's sincere words really made Zhonghua Ying a little surprised, but dog training is not about practicing guns, it is about investing in emotions.

"I am willing. I can bear any suffering. Before, I cared too much about the name, but now I understand it!"

Ling Tian replied without hesitation that he was able to survive the painful training in the past, and now he believes that he can still do it.

"Okay, then I'll keep you here temporarily, but if you're messing around with me, get out of here immediately!"

The original force to stay has become Ling Tian's initiative, and Zhonghuaying believes that this will be a very good start.

"I have one more thing to tell you!"

Hearing that Zhonghua Ying wanted to keep him, Ling Tian said in a bit of embarrassment.

"Are you going to bargain with me?"

Zhonghuaying looked at Ling Tian, ​​squinting his eyes and looking at this naughty guy up and down, not knowing what conditions he wanted to raise.

"No, no, I want to ask, can I bring new partners?"

Ling Tian shook his head hastily, he was not prepared to bargain, but he did ask for something.

"A new partner?"

This requirement is really special. Does anyone still want to learn how to train dogs? But when Ling Tian turned around and came back after a while, the Chinese eagle was stunned.

His so-called new partner turned out to be a wolf, and Erlang with a tuft of white hair between his eyebrows was standing beside Ling Tian.

"You are going to tame the wolf!"

Looking at the young Erlang, this reminded Zhonghuaying of the old Erlang he had encountered a few years ago.

At that time, it probably didn't exist yet. Zhonghua Ying, who knew dogs well, looked at Erlang, and it should be only over two years old.

"That's right, its pack of wolves has already been killed. Without the pack of wolves, it alone cannot survive, so I want it to stay here!"

Ling Tian nodded, all the wolves were dead, and it was seriously injured, so Ling Tian couldn't just leave it there.

So, he brought Erlang back. Although it didn't object, it didn't accept it either. The one that backed to the right and couldn't move was carried back alive by Ling Tian.

"This is impossible. Wild wolves are full of wildness. Even if you bring back cubs that have not been weaned, they cannot be domesticated unless they wait for five generations, but then their IQ will degenerate, and they will be different from normal domestic dogs. No difference!"

Wildness is integrated into the DNA, and even unweaned cubs cannot be tamed.

After raising dogs for so many years, China Eagle knows this truth very well. Because wolves are smarter than dogs, it is difficult to domesticate them.

Although I don't want to describe it like this, in fact, a dog is a wolf with degraded IQ. It is precisely because of its degraded IQ that it can serve humans.

It seems that the smarter a person is, the harder it is for others to control him, just like Ling Tian, ​​a sharp blade that is difficult to tame.

"How will you know if you don't try it? Besides, it's injured and can't move normally. It is also my savior. If it wants to leave after it recovers, I won't stop it!"

Ling Tian looked at Erlang, at least he wasn't hostile to him now, although he was still wary of looking at the surrounding military dogs, but he didn't bark any more.

Ling Tian, ​​who had a similar experience with it, couldn't bear it to die in the forest like this, so no matter what, he wanted to help it.

"It's not a problem if you want to keep it. I'm afraid it won't last for a few days. Just do your best!"

Looking at Ling Tian's shining eyes, since it was what he wanted to do, Zhonghuaying also supported it, because Zhonghuaying saw his former self in him.

I still remember that when the beast camp was first established, he also had such an idea, but obviously, he failed.

Sometimes, without experiencing failure, one cannot experience that kind of failure, so he also hoped that Ling Tian would give it a try.

He will not reflect until he fails. This is the feeling that he will never have if he does not try. So just like this, Ling Tian returned to the beast camp smoothly.

And Erlang also has a room of his own, right next door to Ling Tian, ​​the two of them can be regarded as neighbors, but he is still a little uncomfortable with this new residence.

It has lived in the jungle since childhood, looking at the brick-and-tile concrete structure room, and the cool air conditioner, everything is so novel.

(End of this chapter)

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