Chapter 575: Operation Wolf Taming
The night was quiet and peaceful, but with the sound of a wolf howling, a pot exploded in the beast camp.

All the military dogs kept barking, and this sound made Ling Tian stand up hastily.

Turning around, I came to Erlang's room, watching it neighing constantly outside the window.

Dogs have got rid of their nocturnal life after domestication, but Erlang has not.

As nocturnal animals, this time is the best time for them to hunt, so it stared at the full moon outside.

"It looks like you're not used to it yet, so I'll take you out for a walk!"

Although Ling Tian was also covered in injuries, he still stretched out his arms to hug Erlang, who weighed forty to fifty kilograms.

Up to now, Erlang was the least hostile towards him, letting Ling Tian carry him down the second floor and into the empty courtyard.

Putting it on the lawn, Ling Tian sat beside it, leaving the castle built by humans, Erlang's mood was much more stable.

"Ow ooh..."

However, it still raised its head, neighing at the moon in the sky, and the long howling sound was mixed with the loneliness of losing its companion.


Ling Tian also opened his hands, put them by his mouth, and roared loudly towards the sky.

Ling Tian fell down on the grass until he was deprived of oxygen.

"No wonder you guys like to yell, it's so enjoyable!"

After a long delay, Ling Tian finally took a breath, and said to Erlang with a smile.

But obviously, Erlang didn't understand what he said, and just looked at Ling Tian with doubts, wondering if he was wondering why this guy's voice was so ugly.

Just like that, Ling Tian lay on the lawn with the injured Erlang that night, the dew was very wet, but Ling Tian slept soundly, because he had found his goal.

When the sun rose again, Ling Tian stretched himself, looking at Erlang who was lying not far from him.

It also opened its eyes and looked at the surroundings vigilantly. It was obvious that it still felt quite insecure about this place.

"Let's go, I'm going to eat something, and then I'll go up the mountain to collect herbs for you!"

Ling Tian sat up and hugged Erlang in his arms again. The weight of forty to fifty catties plus the fur all over his body was definitely not light.

But Ling Tian didn't care, enduring the tingling sensation in his hands, put Erlang back in the room he cleaned, and then turned around to prepare food for them.

Because of the injury, all training was canceled so that they could recover from their injuries with peace of mind.

However, when Erlang put the dog food and raw meat in front of him, he just smelled it and didn't eat it.

If it says it doesn't eat dog food, Ling Tian can accept it, but why doesn't it eat raw meat?

"Because in nature, there is no such meat in front of it, it is very smart to think it is a trap!"

Standing at the door with a cane, Zhonghua Ying looked at Ling Tian who was sitting on the ground, and his appearance made Erlang alert and refused to eat even more.

"What should I do?"

It is already injured, and if it refuses to eat, it will be a great obstacle to recovery.

Ling Tian asked anxiously, he thought it was injured and lost his appetite because he didn't eat yesterday.

"No way, that's the reason why the wild is untamable!"

The Chinese Eagle shook his head. It is difficult for wild animals to trust other species, including humans.

"Okay, I'll think of a way!"

Ling Tian, ​​who was sitting across from Erlang, squinted his eyes. Originally, he was ready to face all kinds of difficulties and challenges.

But he didn't expect that eating became his first difficulty, and Zhonghua Ying left here with a cane, and his staying would only make Erlang more irritable.

After thinking about it, Ling Tian suddenly grabbed the piece of raw meat and took a hard bite.

Although the raw meat was all beef, it was raw after all, and it didn't have any aroma in your mouth, instead it had a fishy smell.

Seeing Ling Tian swallowing the raw meat, Erlang just looked at him quietly, with a strange expression in his eyes.

"It tastes good, you can try it!"

Hu Lun swallowed the beef, Ling Tian threw the remaining half to Erlang.

Wipe the blood on his mouth, this raw meat is definitely not tasty, otherwise humans would not use flames.

Looking at the beef in front of him, and then at Ling Tian, ​​Erlang waited for a long time before he lowered his head and sniffed the beef.

After repeating this several times, it suddenly opened its mouth and swallowed the raw meat. Looking at Erlang who was chewing the raw meat, Ling Tian stretched out his hand and grabbed another handful of dog food.

This dog food was also specially processed, and Ling Tian ate it without hesitation. Like beef, after Ling Tian ate a lot, Erlang actually started to eat.

"That's right!"

While chewing the dog food, while looking at Erlang, Ling Tian suddenly burst out laughing.

He successfully passed the first level, and Erlang finally started to eat.

After eating, Ling Tian left. Looking at Erlang lying on the mat, Ling Tian felt more and more that this journey of taming animals is indeed very interesting.

But he couldn't sleep, because he had to go up the mountain to eat food, so he went downstairs to carry the basket on his back, and came to the door of Zhonghuaying's room.

"Erlang ate well, but I'm afraid I don't need to save food for the time being!"

Seeing the Chinese Eagle walking out, Ling Tian burped and said, the raw meat and dog food are really filling.

"I think I need to apply for a little more dog food. I have two more dogs from today!"

Zhonghuaying laughed loudly, while Ling Tian stuck out his tongue. Although the raw meat was high-quality beef, it was not very comfortable to eat it raw.

But as long as Erlang can eat, everything is worthwhile. Zhonghuaying looked at Lingtian with a smile on his face.

This kid is a good piece of jade in the rough, as long as he carves it carefully, maybe he can really succeed.

The path of collecting herbs was very tortuous. Apart from dog fibrous root and purging fire grass, Ling Tian also saw hundreds of other herbs.

A little bit of memorization, a little bit of learning, Ling Tian is such a disposition, if he sticks to something, he will accomplish it better than anyone else.

Therefore, collecting herbs during the day and sleeping with Erlang at night is basically equivalent to living together, eating and living together, and ten days have passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, when Ling Tian got up, he found Erlang snuggling in his arms. This feeling made Ling Tian very happy, at least he accepted himself more and more now.

However, what Ling Tian was worried about was about to happen, because as the wound healed, this child of nature might choose to leave.

But no matter what, in the past ten days, he really enjoyed a kind of treatment that he had never had before, and he also gained Erlang's trust.

Although this trust can't be the same as Chang'e and the others treat the Chinese eagle, but at least it is a very good start.

(End of this chapter)

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