Chapter 576 Erlang Missing
Before dawn, a group of black shadows had already run over from the beast camp.

Ling Tian, ​​who trained with Chang'e and the others in the morning, is still covered in sweat.

For Chang'e and the others, the ten-kilometer cross-country is just a warm-up, but for Ling Tian, ​​it is fatal.

No way, who made them so fast, even the world's flying people can't run ten kilometers in a [-]-meter sprint.

The increase in speed put Ling Tian's physical fitness to the test, but this time without Chang'e's urging, he still gritted his teeth and persisted.

Once again, he fell down at the gate of the beast camp in embarrassment, and Ling Tian, ​​who was covered in sweat, couldn't move. The exhaustion all over his body and the feeling of his lungs bursting made him slow down for a while before he recovered.

After resting for a while, Ling Tian got up and walked towards the second floor, because he still had to prepare breakfast for the military dogs.

But when Ling Tian finished his busy work and came to Erlang's house with drinking water and raw meat, he suddenly found that the house was empty.

"No, where's Erlang!"

Ling Tian was taken aback, and hurriedly turned around and went downstairs, but he searched the entire beast camp, but couldn't find Erlang.

Only the bandage that was about to be removed today fell not far from the door.

Ling Tian, ​​who came back with a bandage in his hand, suddenly felt extremely lonely.

"It used to live in the jungle. Now that its injury is healed, it will have its own life!"

The Chinese Eagle came over and patted Ling Tian on the shoulder. It seemed that Erlang still chose to leave the beast camp.

This is also expected, after all, it is a wolf, as a wild animal, this beast camp is not its home.

Only the jungle is where it lives, and it will naturally return there when it grows up.

"I just thought why didn't even say hello, just left!"

Holding the bandage, Ling Tian sighed helplessly, eating and living together for more than ten days, he thought it had already recognized this place.

He didn't expect it to go away like this, so he would feel a little empty in his heart.

"Okay, it's time for you to take a bath, you smell like a wolf!"

Zhonghuaying knew that consolation was of no use to Ling Tian, ​​only failure would lead to a better start.

At least since they came back, Chang'e and the others have actually begun to accept Ling Tian. They are closer than before, and they will act like a baby with Ling Tian from time to time.


Nodding his head, Ling Tian turned around and walked out, sitting in the empty square, watching Chang'e and the others come out.

The training in the morning was about to start, and Chang'e had already rushed to the iron frame first without anyone leading her.

More than a dozen military dogs behind them also rushed up, and a new day kicked off.

Looking up at the figure shuttling on the iron frame, Ling Tian had hoped that he could bring Erlang to train on it.

It seems that everything is empty now, it can only be a fantasy, and the wild and untamed Erlang still chose his own path.

But this didn't affect Ling Tian, ​​because he gradually discovered the joy of dog training.


Suddenly, just as Ling Tian was about to get up and take a shower, a low wolf howl suddenly came from behind him.

Ling Tian turned his head abruptly, and Erlang was standing not far behind him with a killed pheasant in his mouth.

"Erlang, you're back!"

Excitedly, Ling Tian quickly ran to Erlang, knelt on the ground and hugged its neck.

Touching its soft fur, Ling Tian almost shed tears.

Gently placing the pheasant on the ground, Erlang who was hugged by Ling Tian was obviously more aloof.

After hugging for a while, Ling Tian let go of Erlang, and he lowered his head slowly, and pushed the pheasant towards Ling Tian with its nose.

"Don't tell me, you went to catch pheasants for me?"

Looking at the pheasant whose neck was bitten off on the ground, Ling Tian looked at Erlang again, but he ignored Ling Tian because of his aloofness.

"Well, since you gave it to me, I'm not going to be polite!"

After finally getting closer, Ling Tian stretched out his hand and grabbed the pheasant, frowning, but in order to express his sincerity, he really bit it down.

He kept tearing off the chicken feathers and devouring the chicken bite by bite. If outsiders saw it, they would definitely think Ling Tian was crazy.

After eating raw beef and raw chicken, Ling Tian really didn't know what he would eat next time. He hadn't eaten cooked food for almost half a month, and he instantly felt like he had traveled back to a prehistoric civilization.

However, Erlang didn't pay attention to Ling Tian, ​​but looked at Chang'e and the others who were still jumping back and forth on the iron frame suspiciously.

"Do you want to try it?"

Seeing Erlang's curiosity, Ling Tian hurriedly asked, stood up at the same time, and waved to Erlang.

But Erlang stood there without moving, still staring blankly at the things it couldn't understand.

A wolf is very smart, but it does not mean that it can communicate and communicate like a human.

In order for it to understand, Ling Tian walked directly towards the iron frame.

He was jumping back and forth, jumping up and down on the iron frame that trains the dog, like a lunatic, and now he only wanted to arouse Erlang's curiosity.

Sure enough, not long after, Erlang also came over, hesitating for a while before he stepped on the iron frame, and all this was a very good start.

The Chinese Eagle standing in the back room can see everything outside through the window. I really didn't expect Erlang to go and come back.

Moreover, Ling Tian seems to have successfully guided it, and started a brand new training step by step.

"I said Hades, I told you I'm afraid you won't believe it, your precious apprentice has finally enlightened!"

After dialing the international long distance, Zhonghuaying said excitedly.

"Why? Is he willing to learn dog training from you?"

Yan Wang asked with a smile, it seemed that Ling Tian accepted it faster than he expected.

"Indeed, I am willing, but this kid didn't train dogs, he started training wolves!"

What Zhonghuaying said really surprised Hades, but after understanding the cause and effect, Hades also laughed.

"I said Hades, you are very capable outside now, do me a favor for my brother, even if it is paying some tuition for your apprentice!"

Zhonghuaying changed the subject and said with a smile on his face.

"No problem, let's talk, how do I need to pay the tuition?"

Hearing Zhonghuaying's words, Yan Wang is very happy now, besides, he is Yan Wang's father's comrade-in-arms, not to mention that Ling Tian is studying there, even if he doesn't study, he is obliged to help him.

"Could you get me a tiger? You said that my apprentice has raised wolves. We, masters, can't always train dogs!"

Zhonghuaying's words almost made Hades spit out a mouthful of blood.

"You mean to use a tiger when you report to my dad, do you think it's appropriate?"

Yan Wang smiled helplessly, the idea of ​​the Chinese eagle is really unique.

"It's true, hey, my master will be caught up so soon!"

Hearing Yan Wang's answer, Zhonghua Ying also laughed, which is really inappropriate.

(End of this chapter)

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