Chapter 577
In the blink of an eye, three months passed, and during these three months, Ling Tian's changes can only be described as astonishing.

Before dawn, the black shadows were already shooting from a distance quickly, and the fast figures even far away from the black shadows behind them.

"Hey, run faster!"

Ling Tian didn't forget to turn his head and shouted to Chang'e behind him, but just when Ling Tian was complacent, suddenly a black shadow shot out from behind Chang'e.

Like a gust of wind, Erlang came to Ling Tian's side in the blink of an eye. He could jump more than ten meters in one stride, possessing a speed unmatched by dogs.

"Damn it, Erlang, you are cheating!"

Ling Tian didn't expect Erlang to have such physical strength, he hurriedly stepped on the wind, and the whole body quickly chased after Erlang.

However, it was too late, Erlang ran back to the beast camp like lightning, and it stopped slowly and squatted on the ground, looking at Ling Tian whose clothes were soaked in sweat.

It raised its head, its eyes shone with excitement, and Ling Tian had already come to its side.

Panting heavily, watching the sun gradually rising in the east, the exercise in the past three months has been more ferocious than his previous three years.

Only then did Chang'e and the others run over, and when they returned to the beast camp, they all lay on the ground one after another, breathing heavily.

All in all, Erlang's physical fitness is still as high as the sky, and this is what makes him so powerful. Nature has given him a stronger body, and Chang'e and the others are all inferior.

After resting for a while, Ling Tian moved his body and waved at the military dog ​​and Erlang at the same time.

In the past three months, he has now become the leader of the place, and Chang'e acts like a baby in his arms when she has nothing to do, and even obeys his orders.

However, all of this is achieved by Ling Tian's hard work. He eats, sleeps and trains with them every day, and Erlang is gradually getting used to this kind of life.

The high IQ of wild wolves is completely unmatched by military dogs, whether it is physical fitness or sense of smell, they are also completely outmatched by military dogs.

But in obeying orders, Erlang was far inferior to military dogs. During the three-month running-in period, he escaped four times, and the longest time he ran away for three days.

But this is also a very good result, at least it now regards Ling Tian as a partner, and although they are not particularly close to Chang'e, they are relatively familiar.

Not much contact, but not very repulsive, but Ling Tian knows that there is still a long way to go.

The one-day training was successfully completed, and in the subject of eliminating dangerous objects, Erlang did particularly well.

"Very good, I have a special reward for you tonight!"

Excitedly patted Erlang's head, Ling Tian watched the sunset, turned around and walked outside the beast camp.

In order to motivate them, especially Erlang, Ling Tian had a new idea, and it seemed that the time was almost up, Ling Tian turned and walked out of the beast camp.

He walked towards the training camp opposite, and came to the kitchen of the training camp with ease.

During this period of time, everyone has to go to the beast camp to borrow military dogs for training, so everyone knows the newcomer Ling Tian.

He also met Xiucai and others before, but Ling Tian acted as if he couldn't see them. Only when he saw a panda, he was able to chat a few words.

"How is it? Are the prepared things ready?"

Came to the kitchen, picked up a chicken leg, Ling Tian asked the cook while eating.

"Don't worry, everything is ready. The six hares are definitely alive and kicking, and they were all collected from the villagers!"

The cook is a few years older than Ling Tian, ​​and the two of them can still be regarded as fellow villagers when they talk.

So for the matter that Ling Tian proposed, he directly asked the buyer to help.


After forcing the money to the cook, Ling Tian walked out of the kitchen carrying the cage.

These lively rabbits will definitely make them crazy, and it can be regarded as their reward for accepting themselves during this time.

Carrying the cage and leaving, Ling Tian was in a good mood, but within a few steps, several people stood in front of him in the dark night.

"Hey, who am I supposed to be? It turns out to be a dog breeder. No wonder it smells like dog urine!"

The leader is none other than Yunbao, the nemesis who caused trouble before.

Because since the last time, the beast camp has not allowed outsiders to enter, and those retired military dogs who are dedicated to their duties are strictly following orders.

If something happened, he could only stop at the door and shout, so Yunbao came to the door several times, but was blocked.

Finally, Ling Tian walked out of the beast camp, how could he let this opportunity go, as long as Ling Tian made a mistake and got a demerit, he would have to leave.

"Do you know what Goubuli is? You are now!"

Ling Tian squinted his eyes and looked at Yun Leopard, since the panda told him the truth last time, he was very depressed.

Three months ago, maybe he fought alone, but he might not be able to beat the six people in front of him, especially the dark and thin guy inside.

Panda told him that this guy also came from a family of martial arts, plus he has been trained in the Tianbu for many years, he is definitely a stubble in his thirties.

But now, although it can't be regarded as a complete transformation, Ling Tian's physical fitness is no longer what it used to be.

Now he really wants to fight that guy to see if he has returned to his prime.

However, with punishment in hand, Ling Tian really can't mess around anymore. Under the influence of the Chinese Eagle in the past three months, he has understood some things again.

Sometimes, forbearance is a very important thing, and he is not planning to leave the dragon group now.

"Boy, you have been huddled in the turtle shell for so long, I will never let you go today!"

Yunbao didn't come to bicker with him, no matter what happened today, he had to teach him a lesson.

If he doesn't fight back, then beat him hard, even if he fights back, at worst, everyone will record a big mistake together.

Anyway, he wasn't afraid of being punished for his demerits, but now someone was targeting Ling Tian, ​​as long as he made another mistake, no one could save him.

"You really want to fight me?"

Holding the cage, Ling Tian looked at the clouded leopard standing opposite.

This guy is like a dog skin plaster, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

"You think you have a chance to escape, but well, if you kneel down and kowtow to me obediently, I might consider letting you go!"

Yun Leopard pinched his waist and said with contempt, while the people behind him also laughed.

What a group of like-minded guys, if you don't give them some color, Cloud Leopard won't know how good he is.

But just when Ling Tian was about to strike, five people rushed over not far away, and the leader, Xiucai, appeared beside Ling Tian again.

Originally thought that the harsh words last time would stop him from being so impulsive, but it was obvious that after three months, Xiucai still blamed himself.

(End of this chapter)

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