Chapter 578
At night, in the training camp, the two sides that had fought three months ago gathered together again.

Because what happened in the beast camp last time, no one knew except the people present.

But today in the training camp, the bar is on the line, and the special forces members trained in the distance are all looking this way in doubt.

"Xiu Cai, don't you want to give you face? I warned you last time, don't worry about my business, otherwise don't blame me for not giving you face!"

Looking at the scholar who appeared, Yunbao said coldly, this guy is really annoying enough.

"I can do whatever I want, if I want to bully my brother, step over me!"

The scholar had an angry face, and Ling Tian was taken aback by what he said.

I have never admitted that I am his brother, but this scholar said so in front of so many people.

"Don't think I don't know, he is not a member of your Huanglong team, and he doesn't want to pay attention to you at all!"

Yunbao sneered, and this sentence immediately made Xiucai's face serious, he was right, Ling Tian ignored him from the beginning to the end.

"That's our business, it has nothing to do with you, let me tell you, don't cause trouble, otherwise our Huanglong team is not vegetarian!"

The panda spoke hastily at this time, and at the same time looked angrily at the black and thin guy on the ground.

In the last battle, he suffered a big loss, and for the past three months, he has been bent on revenge.

This time, he brought his own weapon, the long whip, just to have a good fight.

"Yo, yo, the Huanglong team is so powerful, but it's just a temporary team outside the staff. I really thought you were members of the Heavenly Department. Let me tell you, if you don't get lost, I will abolish you today!"

Yun Leopard folded his arms and said with a sneer that his team is really popular now, especially the four new players, which made them even more powerful.

In the past three months, they have won three consecutive victories in the internal confrontation of the Tianbu. Up to now, no one can match them.

"Okay, come on, I've been upset with you for a long time!"

Pharmacist clenched his fists and glared angrily at the opposite Clouded Leopard. Last time Xiucai had already told the other four people what happened.

Only now did they understand why Ling Tian became a dog trainer, so they also understood why he sneered at the scholar.

He wanted to go to Ling Tian for a private interview several times, but was blocked by military dogs. Ling Tian ignored them and didn't give them a chance at all.

Now that something like this happened again today, whether it was to thank him for saving his team, or to help Xiucai make up for his mistakes.

It is their agreement to advance together and retreat together, as long as they decide on something, they will not change it.

"Then teach them a lesson!"

It seems that these five guys will not back down, so today in front of Ling Tian, ​​I will give them a hard lesson.

He wanted to see if Ling Tian could stand there and watch the show as honestly as last time.

"call out!"

But just when Yunbao was about to make a move, Ling Tian, ​​who had been standing there, suddenly whistled loudly.

This whistle made several people startled, but when the whistle stopped, several black shadows rushed over like a gust of wind.

The beast camp and the training camp are opposite each other, and the distance can be reached in only a dozen seconds.

Erlang was the first to bear the brunt, followed by Chang'e and the others, as well as those retired old dogs, all ran over one after another.

With their ears pricked up, they came to Ling Tian and sat down one after another, staring at Ling Tian with a pair of eyes, waiting for his new order.

"It just so happens that they didn't have enough to eat today. Although your meat is stinky, they don't seem to care. Since they want me to make mistakes, they might as well get a big one!"

Ling Tian, ​​who walked up from the panda directly, patted Erlang who was following him.

It was only at this time that people noticed that the wild wolf, which looked like a calf, had different eyes from the military dogs, and the wild murderous aura it carried, immediately made everyone's hair stand on end.

"It's a wolf, not a dog!"

Several people instantly recognized that this was definitely not a military dog, but a [-]% wild wolf.

That kind of primitive animality shot out from those stern eyes, which made people feel chills down their backs.

Instinctively took a step back, Clouded Leopard swallowed his saliva, not seeing him for three months, he actually tamed a wolf.

"Boy, how about it, do you want to contribute some meat to me!"

Smiling slightly, Ling Tian looked at the clouded leopard with a pale face, even a guy who could fight would be terrified to death when he saw Erlang.

"You wait for me, I won't let you go!"

Unexpectedly, he will be able to control the military dogs so soon, and there are wild wolves around him, and the clouded leopard is invincible.

Even with a gun in his hand, he didn't have the guts to kill the military dogs. To be honest, these military dogs had a higher status in the dragon group than him.

The king of soldiers is one in a hundred, but the king of dogs is one in a million. No matter what he does not have the guts to provoke military dogs, otherwise he will not even have the chance to go to a military court.

Fleeing in a hurry, he still didn't forget to leave a harsh word, looking at the fleeing cloud leopard, Ling Tian patted Erlang on the head.

Three months of kung fu practice was not in vain, they are quite obedient to Ling Tian now, and this is also thanks to Erlang's appearance.

"You don't have to worry about my affairs in the future, I have my own way to deal with them, but...thank you anyway!"

Ling Tian just wanted to leave, but he stopped. He turned his head and said to Xiucai.

The "brother" just now warmed his heart, and he didn't want to care about the anger he once had.

"Ling Tian, ​​I'm sorry, it's my fault!"

Xiucai looked at Ling Tian, ​​clenched his fist and said apologetically, the more he thought about it in the past three months, the more he felt that there must be something wrong with his mind.

"You're right. Soldiers should be dedicated to their duties. It's right not to tell lies, and I'm fine now!"

Ling Tian smiled, he was a blessing in disguise, otherwise how could he experience the joy of dog training.

Erlang is now a kind of glory for him, and in the days to come, he will make Erlang even better.

He walked away, carrying the rabbit cage, Chang'e with Erlang, and they quickly walked towards the animal camp.

Xiucai and the others stood where they were, looking at Ling Tian who was surrounded by military dogs.

Everyone knows that those military dogs are arrogant masters, and Ling Tian tamed them in three months, which is really amazing.

"To tell you the truth, I want to train dogs now. How majestic it would be if there was a wolf standing next to me!"

The panda scratched its head and said enviously, that whistle just now was extremely arrogant.

"I think so too!"

The mouse and the blacksmith couldn't help but nodded. Although the pharmacist didn't speak, he obviously agreed with this idea.

"But his performance on the battlefield is even better!"

The scholar sighed, he was still full of guilt for killing an excellent soldier.

(End of this chapter)

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