Chapter 579
In the empty beast camp square, as a gray shadow shot out of the cage, Erlang, who was standing aside, rushed out instantly.

Chang'e, who followed closely behind, was also not to be outdone, and a dozen military dogs rushed out quickly in order to chase the fleeing hare.

Perhaps this training is a bit cruel, but their military dogs need to go to the battlefield.

There are not only fierce enemies on the battlefield, but also the deadly bullets. If they can't even complete this training, their lives will be in danger.

The wild rabbits ran wildly, and the military dogs chased them wildly. The reason why wild rabbits were used was precisely because they had innate escape experience.

Running wildly all the way, Yelu is trying to escape now, but the military dog ​​and Erlang behind Zhennaihe are not slow, and they catch up in a blink of an eye.

Seeing that Erlang's mouth had opened, and he was about to bite off the hare's neck in the next second, the hare suddenly kicked its hind legs and jumped up high.

Turning around in the air and refracting it out at [-] degrees, such a quick conversion made Erlang go straight into the air.

It wanted to stop, but it rolled five or six times on the ground because of inertia, and then got up again.

But the distance between the rabbit and it suddenly became tens of meters away, and Chang'e and the others all slowed down.

A trace of grass was splashed, and the hare desperately fled in another direction. It covered an area of ​​one square kilometer. On this wide grassland, it fled left and right.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and after several rounds of chasing, Erlang and Chang'e were already driving side by side.

The hare's stamina was also declining rapidly, and its speed slowed down significantly.


With a roar, Erlang saw the timing and jumped up, biting the hare that was about to turn around.

The sharp teeth directly penetrated its fur, and the hare kicked its legs and stopped moving.

Erlang with his head up, like a victorious general, quickly ran towards Ling Tian with a hare in his mouth.

Chang'e and the others followed, obviously a little downcast.

"Don't give up, there is still a chance!"

Looking at Erlang who put the hare in front of him, Ling Tian said encouragingly to Chang'e.

Hunting is the law of survival of wild wolves. If Erlang can't win at this point, I'm afraid he won't be able to survive now.

The reason for letting Erlang and Chang'e play this game is that Ling Tian wants Erlang and the military dogs to get closer.

After all, it is a herd animal, and a team is very important to it. Now that there are no wolves, it must have new companions.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Just when Ling Tian was about to release the second rabbit, there was a burst of dog barking outside the door.

At this time, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse, who will come to look for them at this time.

Ling Tian stood up, the beast camp still has a foot restraint order, so those retired old dogs acted as the guards.

"Who is it, in the middle of the night!"

The lights on the other side should be about to turn off, so how come there are still people coming at this time.

Ling Tian asked curiously while walking, but when he walked to the door, there was a beautiful figure standing there, which immediately made Ling Tian overjoyed.

Wearing a camouflage uniform, she is so heroic, with short ear-length hair showing incomparably lean, watery eyes with a hint of affection, standing there like a fairy with her hands behind her back.

"Honey, why are you here!"

It was none other than his girlfriend Qiao Xue. Excited, Ling Tian hurried up and hugged Qiao Xue in his arms.

"I came to the beast camp for training. I heard that you are here, so I came to see you!"

Qiao Xue blushed and looked at her lover. After she came to the beast camp, she heard about Ling Tian.

She hurried over to see Ling Tian. She was worried that Ling Tian was in a bad mood just now. After all, she was punished and transferred here to train dogs. It must have been a very big blow to him.

Because her master Mu Lan went out to a meeting with the bald eagle, she naturally didn't know how Ling Tian was doing.

When she saw Ling Tian's smiling face, she finally let go of her hanging heart.

"Great, I miss you so much!"

Hugging Qiao Xue tightly, he hasn't seen each other for more than a hundred days in a blink of an eye. Trapped in this beast camp, of course he misses his woman.

"You stink, what kind of smell!"

Qiao Xue blocked her nose and asked Ling Tian with a puzzled face, even if he came to the beast camp, he wouldn't have to smell bad.

"Smell of wolf, let me introduce you to my new teammates!"

Putting Qiao Xue down, Ling Tian said embarrassedly, he hadn't showered much in the past three months, and slept with Erlang every day.

It smells all over his body, so he must not be able to smell it there, but now Ling Tian just wants to introduce Erlang to Qiao Xue as soon as possible.

He beckoned to Erlang who was standing in the distance with a puzzled expression on his face, and Erlang ran over immediately, but it didn't approach right away, but stood two meters away and looked at Qiao Xue with a wary expression on his face.


As a member of the Tianbu, Qiao Xue instantly recognized that it was definitely a wolf, especially its thick tail hanging down on the ground.

"That's right, this is my new teammate!"

Walking up to Erlang, he patted it on the head. Under Qiao Xue's different eyes, Ling Tian squatted down and strangled Erlang's neck.

To the proud wolf, it didn't resist at all, but let Ling Tian caress it, this is really a miracle.

Compared with Chang'e and the others beside him, Erlang looked a bit cold, especially the wildness in his eyes, which made Qiao Xue dare not relax.

"Hey, old man, she's my queen, you can't be unkind! Or I'll be in trouble!"

After patting Erlang, Ling Tian walked up to Qiao Xue, held her hand, and said to Erlang.

But Erlang still stood still, but Chang'e and the others surrounded him.

Rubbing Qiao Xue with his legs constantly, this is the difference between a wolf and a dog. Even military dogs are more dependent on people.

Especially the people around the master, they will accept her soon, but Erlang is slower to stand in the distance, watching blankly.

"What happened, how did you tame the wolf, and these military dogs seem to listen to you!"

It wasn't the first time Qiao Xue had visited the beast camp, nor was it the first time she had seen Chang'e and them.

In the past, no matter how well she treated the military dogs, after the training, the military dogs would leave without hesitation and would not get close to her at all.

But now, they turned out to be like pet dogs, which really surprised her.

"Because I'm their leader, go, I'll show you my training subjects!"

Ling Tian took Qiao Xue's hand and walked directly into the beast camp. Because of Ling Tian's appearance, those old dogs would naturally not stop him.

Qiao Xue sat on the grass, listening to what happened to Ling Tian recently, and stroking Chang'e who was lying on her lap. It was hard to imagine that during the three months of parting, he had such an experience.

(End of this chapter)

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