Chapter 581 The Wolves Attack
Waking up in Ling Tian's arms, Qiao Xue was shy.

In this barracks last night, he was repeatedly bullied by Ling Tian again.

When she turned her head around, a pair of eyes were staring at her, which made her sit up in shock.

Those blue eyes really scared her, and Erlang was sitting two meters away, looking at Qiao Xue who was lying next to Ling Tian with his head sideways.

"Hey, do you need it so early? I don't know my wife is here, so I need to sleep a little longer!"

At this moment, Ling Tian also sat up, put his arms around Qiao Xue, and said to Erlang with a smile.

He was sleepy, but he didn't let Qiao Xue rest last night, the longing for more than three months was poured into her head.

"Damn it, but it's not dawn yet, so it can't be hungry!"

Qiao Xue punched Ling Tian, ​​hugging the quilt with a ruddy complexion.

But looking at the sky that was still full of stars, it was still dark, why did it come here.

"It's time for morning exercises, let them run by themselves, let's continue to sleep!"

Ling Tian smirked.

During the three months of training in the water camp, she had been soaked white by the water. Coupled with her untanned skin, Tang Junyao was not in the slightest state of a special soldier.

"No, I have to train. I will stay here for a while. There is always a chance. If you give up training, I will ignore you!"

Qiao Xue didn't give Ling Tian a chance, and she couldn't let Ling Tian stop training because of herself.

"Okay, okay, then you can spend more time with me when you have time!"

Seeing Qiao Xue's stubborn appearance, Ling Tian could only let her go.

After getting up and getting dressed, Ling Tian turned and walked outside. There was still more than an hour before Qiao Xue's morning training, so she could still take a nap.

Facing the dark night before dawn, Ling Tian rushed into the night with Erlang and Chang'e, running wildly like him, becoming their king.

And after last night's special training, their relationship has become much more harmonious. Ling Tian believes that if they try a few more times, their relationship will be even better.

When the east was gradually turning white, Ling Tian ran back dripping with sweat, he who still lost to Erlang, kept adjusting his breathing.

"I thought you couldn't get up!"

Just as Ling Tian was panting, the voice of the Chinese Eagle came from behind, and said to Ling Tian with a smirk.

"Just kidding, when will the people in our beast camp fail to get up!"

Ling Tian puffed up his chest and patted his chest, that is absolutely boundless physical strength.

"Okay, it's time for the trump card assessment, and I will send a few military dogs to train them every day. For you, I promise Tianhu that his team can enter the beast camp and start a small fire. If they can't get the trump card, Don't blame me!"

There are three teams participating in the ace assessment this time, and everyone is eager to try to get the ace medal of this beast camp.

Anyone who makes mistakes in any of the three assessments will be eliminated. This is the key to the road to the trump card.

"I'm afraid it's a pity. I won't let people pass this year, so I'll keep the ace medal!"

Ling Tian smiled slightly, no one can pass the test this year, including that beautiful fiancée.

They have agreed that if Ling Tian gets ten training camp aces first, then she will marry him.

The ten trump cards are also considered as a wedding gift, and nothing can make her get the trump card of the beast camp earlier.

"You are really ruthless!"

Listening to Ling Tian's words, Zhonghua Ying smiled wryly and shook his head. The team preparing for the assessment this time can only count themselves as unlucky.

If it were three months ago, maybe Ling Tian didn't have that ability, but now it's different.

With not only the care of military dogs, but also the assistance of wild wolves, basically no one will pass the three assessments this time.

But since Ling Tian is in charge of this matter, it is naturally up to him to decide. Originally, he thought that he would release the water to the Tianhu team, but now it seems that there is no hope.

Soon, after breakfast, Ling Tian was still carefully grooming Erlang's fluff, and the six people outside the beast camp left today in full armor.

The leader, Tianhu, looked at Ling Tian who was sitting on the ground with a smile on his face. He hadn't seen him for a few months, but just based on his temperament, he felt like a sharpened sword.

"Captain Tianhu, the police dogs are ready for you!"

After all, he was his wife's immediate boss, Ling Tian whistled, and six military dogs ran over directly.

This kind of treatment is not available outside, Ling Tian did not forget to wink at Qiao Xue in the team, and said with a smile.

"Okay, thank you then!"

Of course Tianhu knew who the back door was for, but he was also shocked by the big wild wolf lying at Ling Tian's feet.

Last night, I heard Zhonghuaying say that Ling Tian is better than blue now, but he was quite shocked to see the wild wolf with his own eyes.

However, this Erlang was so arrogant that he didn't even obey Ling Tian's orders [-]%, let alone other people.

In this way, for a day, the Tianhu team completed the training subjects of cooperating with military dogs in the beast camp.

There are two more days until the assessment, and the six of them are all trying to win the Beast Camp Ace Medal.

The sky darkened again, Ling Tian sat in the yard after cleaning up.

After all, this is a military camp, so it is impossible for Qiao Xue to come here to sleep every day. Although she wants to, the influence is not good after all.

The army has the rules of the army, and as a soldier, it is natural to strictly abide by them, so even though they are separated by hundreds of meters, they can only sleep peacefully.

Caressing Erlang's head, looking at the moon, three days later, life will be good, and it can be regarded as a bad breath.

It is impossible for that clouded leopard to want to win the trump card without knowing the heights of the sky and the earth.

"Ow ooh..."

Just as Ling Tian was looking at the bright moon and few stars in the sky, suddenly a howl of wolves resounded in the valley.

Hearing the wolf howling, Erlang stood up first, and Ling Tian also stood up at the same time, looking at the mountains to the west.

"It's been three months, and you're finally here!"

Ling Tian, ​​who is gearing up, has been waiting for them to come to the door. The last blood debt has not been settled, and he is unwilling.

On the second floor, Chang'e and the others also rushed out one after another, and they were already becoming irritable after barking.

However, since Ling Tian didn't give the order, they naturally wouldn't rush out, and Erlang also crouched there looking up to the sky and screaming, then turned his head to look at Ling Tian.

"Brothers, fuck him!"

With a roar, it exploded in the air, the blood debt three months ago, no matter what, let the wolf king leave something today.

With a roar, Ling Tian had already rushed out of the beast camp, followed by Erlang and Chang'e.

(End of this chapter)

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