Chapter 582 Fighting the Wolf King Again
In the dark night, the moon is like a disc, and the moonlight shines through the branches and leaves and falls on the ground.

Leading the energetic Erlang and the group of dogs, Ling Tian held a machete flashing coldly.

The cat's waist burrowed into the dense vegetation, and Ling Tian's speed was not slow with both hands and feet.

Erlang and the others behind him naturally followed closely, and it seemed that they were also on fire.

In the last battle, if Ling Tian hadn't used flares to drive them away, the consequences would have been disastrous.

Coming to their territory today, Ling Tian also wants to let them know what it means to come and go without returning.

In the dense jungle, Ling Tian, ​​who was like an arrow, had already turned over a mountain ridge, and the sound of howling wolves came from the flat land behind the mountain ridge.

It can be vaguely seen that among the waist-deep weeds, pairs of faint blue eyes are staring at Ling Tian on the hillside.

"Prepare to ambush us, aren't you!"

At a glance, there are only a dozen or so eyes, and the cunning of the wolves cannot escape Ling Tian's eyes.

I'm afraid these are just bait to attract their attention. In this kind of battle, don't underestimate the IQ of the wolves.

Being able to form a group, they also have their own formations, and the division of labor and cooperation is the way for the wolves to survive.

"Brothers, are you ready?"

Listening to the howling of wolves coming from below, Ling Tian looked at the dozen or so silent comrades standing beside him.

They were completely waiting for Ling Tian to give an order, and the hairs on their necks stood up, revealing their sharp teeth and fangs, ready to fight.

"Okay, follow me!"

With a roar, like a thunderclap, Ling Tian was so arrogant that he charged down the hillside first.

Erlang was on the left, Chang'e was on the right, and a dozen military dogs followed closely behind. They rushed down quickly in formation of sharp knives.


The wolves in the grass also kept making chirping sounds at this time, and they were all grinning, ready to bite.

In just three to two minutes, Ling Tian had already arrived at the bottom of the hillside, swung the machete in his hand, and rushed towards the wolves.

Ling Tian, ​​who had been sharpening his knife these days, finally had a place to use it. As the cold light flashed, all the branches in front of him were chopped down.

He led the team to rush down, and he really had the feeling of bayonet fighting in the Anti-Japanese War.

The flickering machete made the wolves not far away feel murderous.

"Ow ooh..."

Suddenly, a wolf howled from the opposite hillside.

The wolves who heard the howling suddenly turned and ran.

They seemed to be fleeing at an astonishing speed, but Ling Tian, ​​who was following closely behind, didn't stop at all.

A pair of eyes kept scanning the surroundings. The wolf howl just now was definitely from the wolf king hiding on the opposite hillside.

Seeing the defeated wolf pack, the military dogs rushed forward with all their might.

"Do you want to encircle, then let me show you my wolf pack tactics!"

Finally, Ling Tian spotted the dark figure lurking in the weeds on the left, and with a smile on his face, he saw through the opponent's trick at a glance.

The wolf king obviously used the dozen or so wolves in front as bait, hoping to lure Ling Tian and the others to the hillside.

Then use the remaining wolves hiding in the grass to cut off their retreat. This kind of ambush is also the most commonly used by wolves.

Suddenly, Ling Tian slammed on the brakes and stopped, and Erlang and Chang'e beside him also stopped in their tracks.

The tacit understanding developed in the past three months made the military dogs look at Ling Tian one after another, and after he waved his hand and turned [-] degrees to the left, Ling Tian aimed at the little wolf who was about to cut off the back path. group.

There were no more than five or six wolves in this pack, and they were lying in the grass still waiting for orders.

But Ling Tian, ​​who didn't want to run to the general, rushed over with more than a dozen military dogs and Erlang, and they turned around and fled in fright.

"Follow them, don't let them escape!"

They have just started, but Ling Tian and the others have already picked up speed. Ling Tian, ​​who doesn't use guns, pays attention to fairness.

Looking at the fleeing wolves, Ling Tian whistled, the long whistle meant to launch an attack with all his strength.

Erlang was the first to break away from the team and charged forward, and with such a high speed, he jumped forward and bit a wild wolf by the tail.

The tail of the wild wolf kept a straight line while running fast, in order to act like a rudder, and because the tail was bitten, it suddenly staggered and fell to the ground.

With a roar, it instinctively turned around and prepared to bite Erlang, but it didn't expect Erlang to let go at this time, and immediately jumped up high.

It didn't stop at all, and locked its target on the next wild wolf. Before the attacked wolf got up, Chang'e had already arrived.

Chang'e bit the wolf by the neck, but Chang'e was merciless. Several other military dogs also rushed up and killed the wolf in an instant.

I no longer love to fight, because Erlang in the distance is already fighting with another wild wolf, constantly biting down. Although Erlang has the upper hand, he can't kill it for a while.

At this moment, Ling Tian rushed over, and when Erlang attracted its attention and turned away, Ling Tian directly handed out the machete in his hand.

The sharp point of the knife directly pierced its throat. This sharp blade is Ling Tian's sharp teeth, and the place it passes carries an extremely strong murderous aura.

With a scream, the wolf fell to the ground, twitched twice with all its strength, and stopped moving.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chang'e and the others also ran over and killed the two wolves as soon as they came up, which was a good result.

But at this time, the wolf king's long howl also came over, and the wolves who had been fleeing turned around and rushed towards Ling Tian and the others.

On the other side, more than a dozen wild wolves who were about to set up an ambush also rushed over, pinching left and right. Although the encirclement was unsuccessful, the wolf king's ability to adapt to changes was not weak.

"follow me!"

Seeing the pack of wolves chasing after him, Ling Tian smiled slightly, the encirclement that he had broken through might be difficult to form.

So he no longer wanted to fight, Ling Tian took Erlang and Chang'e and rushed up the hillside on the left. The speed was so fast that he broke away from the battle group in a blink of an eye.

The wolves pounced on the left and right sides at the same time because of Ling Tian's sudden turn, and turned into one behind the other. Looking at the bright eyes under the night, Ling Tian smiled.

"This way!"

Ling Tian, ​​who had just run up the hillside, suddenly turned to the left again, slanting down against the chasing pack of wolves.

In the middle are thick thorns blocking the way, forcing the wolves to circle around from the other side of the hillside.

But Ling Tian's speed didn't slow down, he shook the machete in his hand again, and rushed forward.

Because at this time, another group of wolves, which were about to intercept from the front, was passing through the front, and the right side was completely exposed to them.

(End of this chapter)

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