Chapter 583
In the valley at night, the ear-piercing howling of wolves made everyone in the barracks go crazy.

They all put on their clothes and came out to check the situation. Even the Chinese eagle stood on the top of the two-story building in the beast camp with a cane.

Over the years, he had fought with wolves from time to time, and he seemed to hear something from the screams.

"Is this kid going to wipe out the wolves!"

Zhonghua Ying lit a cigarette and looked at the dark forest, but there was nothing he could do.

Over the past few years, there have been dozens of battles with this pack of wolves, and each time they were only beaten to the ground.

However, the screams tonight were extraordinarily piercing, and the number of wolves was more than three times that of theirs. If they fought hard, they would suffer a lot.

Although he was extremely worried, fearing that his precious military dogs would be injured, Zhonghua Ying could tell that Ling Tian cared about those military dogs as much as he did now.

As long as you treat them as your comrades-in-arms, then you won't take the risk of attacking. It is also good to practice with the old enemy of wolves.

With the flash of the knife, another wild wolf that couldn't avoid it was pierced, and a dozen military dogs and Erlang on the other side also killed two wild wolves.

When they rushed out suddenly, they smashed the original pack of wolves into pieces in an instant. Taking advantage of the chaos, they gathered their forces at one point, and the unlucky wild wolf was torn to pieces by more than a dozen military dogs.

They got together again, Ling Tian wiped the sweat from his brow, and roughly checked, none of his military dogs were injured.

Erlang on the side was even more excited, the blood on his mouth proved how much he hated the fight just now.

The wolves on the opposite side have also gathered together now, and they suffered a lot from the original method of dividing the troops into two groups.

The wolf king also noticed something was wrong. He stood in the pack of wolves and looked at Ling Tian who was on the opposite hillside.

The corners of his mouth kept roaring, the price of Ling Tian killing six of them after several charges was really too harsh.

In the past, it might have retreated, but this time, it has no intention of leaving.

Perhaps it was because of Ling Tian's appearance that it reminded it of what happened three months ago, or maybe it was Erlang here that aroused its hatred.

With cunning eyes in its eyes, it kept growling and brought the terrified wolves together again under the call of the wolf king.

"It seems that he is unwilling to give up, so I will leave you today!"

Ling Tian gritted his teeth and wiped the sweat from his brow, this kind of extremely fast charging was extremely exhausting.

Erlang and Chang'e on the side were also extraordinarily excited, growling and roaring constantly, becoming more and more courageous as they fought.


Suddenly, the wolf king let out a long howl, piercing the night sky again.

The howling sound passed through the valley and exploded in the deep mountains.

Immediately afterwards, the wolves also howled piercingly, which seemed to be the horn of attack.

The wolves attacked again, this time they did not separate, but lined up, slowly approaching Ling Tian and the others.

This kind of tactics, firstly, when defending against the enemy, the left and right sides can quickly outflank, secondly, it is also a deterrent, trying to force Ling Tian and the others to give up.

"Don't worry, let's give them a hard time!"

Ling Tian smiled slightly, it was impossible to force them back, since that was the case, no wonder he was there.

Squatting on the hillside to relax and wait for work, watching the wolves that lined up came to the foot of the hill little by little, but Ling Tian's eyes were still locked on the wolf king on the hillside in the distance.

As a commander, it hid behind, constantly controlling the pack of wolves with howls.

Finally, when the wolves were less than a hundred meters away from him, Ling Tian slowly stood up.

"Prepare, charge!"

A roar might not be as loud as the wolf king's voice, but it was extremely domineering.

Ling Tian, ​​who was the first to rush down the hillside, had ice-like eyes, showing the domineering aura of a king.

After receiving the order, Erlang and Chang'e also rushed down one after another. Unlike the other party's formation, this time they lined up in a line.

Ling Tian was in front, Erlang was behind, and Chang'e followed closely. The formation of a long snake rushing down the mountain also made the wolves do not know what to do.

The pack of wolves on the left and right immediately surrounded the middle, forming a semi-circular encirclement, winning by virtue of numbers.

But just when the two sides were about to meet fire, Ling Tian suddenly stopped.

Standing upright with his front foot on the ground, he bent slightly, followed by Erlang suddenly jumped up high and stepped on his back.

This is a climbing board, one of the training subjects, but with Erlang's leap, and on top of the hillside, it still jumped more than 20 meters before it landed on the ground.

Standing on all fours, she was stable and safe, and Chang'e, who followed closely behind, also stepped on Ling Tian and jumped high.

One by one, more than a dozen military dogs leaped out using Ling Tian as a stepping stone.

They landed on the ground, easily jumped over the encirclement of the wolves, and rushed towards the opposite hillside without stopping.

"Kill the wolf king!"

All the military dogs leaped high and flew out of the encirclement, and Ling Tian did not neglect.

Seeing him in a tight siege, he bit the machete in his mouth and used all four limbs to climb up a big tree in just a few seconds.

A pack of wolves came around, they were clever but they couldn't outwit Ling Tian, ​​and with Ling Tian's swing of his hands, he fell outside the encirclement.

Rolling over on the spot, Ling Tian, ​​who turned over, looked at the pack of wolves left behind, and with a loud roar, he also rushed towards the opposite hillside.

Only then did the wolves react, and immediately frantically returned to the original path.

The wolf king on the opposite hillside also noticed something was wrong at this time, but as a wolf king, it didn't turn around and run away.

The fur on its body stood on end, it roared and jumped on the rushing Erlang, relying on the speed of rushing down from a high place, the two wolf kings rolled together.

Biting each other, the beast's instincts were brought into full play, but just when the wolf king thought he could defeat the enemy's son, several figures had already killed them.

Chang'e led the military dogs to arrive, and more than a dozen military dogs all rushed up. This is the beheading method of special forces, gathering the strongest force to attack the opponent's position.


The momentum of the thunder caught the wolf king by surprise, and it was already possible to escape.

After fighting wolves for so long, the purebred military dogs of course know how to bite.

Coupled with professional training, the roar of the wolf king turned into a scream in the blink of an eye, and at this moment, a cold light flashed, and Ling Tian also rushed over under the chase of the wolves.

The machete in his hand pierced its neck directly, and the scream disappeared instantly, and at the same time, the pack of wolves chasing behind him also stopped in their tracks.


With a lift of his right hand, he grabbed its tens of kilograms corpse, Ling Tian waved his hand and threw it in front of the pack of wolves, his eyes were piercingly murderous.

"Aww... woof woof..."

Chang'e and Erlang, whose mouths were full of blood, also roared angrily. Looking at the corpse of the wolf king and their crazy appearance, the wolves turned around and fled, disappearing into the forest in a blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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