Chapter 585 New hatred and old hatred
The assessment is still going on, and there must be no mistakes in following the police dogs through the minefield.

With their excellent sense of smell, military dogs can smell the hidden mines, and they will find a way to leave the minefield while avoiding left and right.

Then the fighters are required to keep up with its footsteps, and at the same time remember where it jumped.

Sometimes, it jumps over, if not checked, the soldiers behind will step on the landmine directly.

At that time, everything will become useless. It will be the same if the military dogs pass by and the people cannot pass by.

Each soldier, according to the requirements during training, constantly observed the dynamics of the military dog. The speed of the all-out military dog ​​is extremely fast, and the requirements for instant memory are particularly high.

Soon, all eighteen people from the three groups finished the competition, and four of them lost the qualification to compete for the ace medal.

"I heard that you raised a wolf and tamed it. Are you ready to participate in the battle for the trump card?"

Just after the 18 people finished, Tianlong smiled and waved to Ling Tian who was standing in the distance, and Ling Tian immediately ran over.

But he didn't expect that Tianlong would say such a thing, which really surprised him.

"Report to the chief, I am a dog trainer, it is not appropriate for me to participate!"

Ling Tian stood up straight, saluted a military salute, and said to Tianlong.

The first two assessments were relatively fair to them, but for the third assessment, it was quite unfair.

He is a dog trainer, who can make those military dogs unable to find him, and even if he finds him, he can make them walk around.

So Ling Tian never thought of participating in the competition, but at the same time, he didn't intend to let anyone get the ace medal.

"It's really inappropriate, but I heard from your master that you plan to make all the contestants in this year's assessment fail, is there such a thing?"

Tianlong smiled slightly and continued to ask.

"That's right, it's not enough for them to win the ace medal!"

Ling Tian nodded without hesitation, and when he spoke, the fourteen people standing not far away were not happy.

But because of Tianlong's presence, everyone could only stare at Ling Tian fiercely, including Qiao Xue, who was naturally unconvinced.

"Hahahaha, you have backbone, but you are a bit arrogant. Do you really think there is no one in our Tianbu? Should we change the game? If you win, this year's beast camp trump card will belong to you!"

Tianlong's words stunned Ling Tian, ​​and at the same time stunned the personnel of the Ministry of Heaven who were not far away.

Only the Chinese eagle stood beside Chang'e with a cane, watching what happened before him with a smile on his face.

As expected of Tianlong, one sentence not only provoked Tianbu's anger, but also gave Ling Tian a chance to win the ace medal.

"Okay, I agree!"

Without hesitation, Ling Tian agreed directly.

"Don't you want to ask how to play?"

Tianlong still asked with a smile on his face.

"No matter how I play, I can win, and win beautifully!"

Ling Tian said arrogantly, his body standing up straight was like a sharp knife.

"Okay, have the backbone, that's it, if you can get first place in the first two assessments, and find out all the people who have not passed the test in the third assessment, that is the so-called no one passed the test. , then this ace medal belongs to you!"

While Tianlong was speaking, he raised the gleaming fist badge. This is the ace medal, and the ace medal of the Tenth Battalion is the strongest trump card.

"No problem, it's mine!"

Looking at the glittering golden medal, Ling Tian said confidently.

Tianlong looked to the other side. As the leader of the dragon group, he had to arouse their anger.

"Then will you really let him get what he wants?"

Tianlong's loud and confident shout was like thunder in the hearts of fourteen people.

"No! Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The fourteen people really felt that they were fighting against each other. Even Qiao Xue clenched her fists and roared angrily.

If it is true what Tianlong said, Ling Tian will eliminate them all with his own strength, and he is indeed qualified to receive this medal.

However, they are not fuel-efficient lamps, and this beast camp medal is also very important to them.

"Okay, how long was the fastest time in the last assessment?"

Tianlong nodded in satisfaction, turned around, and asked the chief of staff.

"The fastest is one minute and 37 seconds!"

This record was set by Qiao Xue, ten seconds faster than No.2, which made her straighten her spine with a smile on her face.

The 400-meter minefield is densely covered with mines, and the speed at which she crossed it is already very fast.

"Did you hear that, pass through within one minute and 37 seconds, or you will be eliminated!"

Ling Tian is the apprentice of Tianlong's son, and Tianbu can be regarded as his subordinate. He wants to see what the apprentices his son has trained are capable.

"No problem, actually 1 minute is enough!"

The fighting spirit is quite strong, Ling Tian's words are very infuriating, even if he runs 1 meters in a straight line in one minute, it is tight.

This guy actually said that it would take 1 minute to complete, which is simply impossible. The fastest time was 12 seconds, and that was created by Brother Ling Tian.

The location of the mines is different each time, so the distance of the safe route is also determined. Although this kind of thing cannot be counted as a record, it is also considered by my brother.

"Okay, as long as you don't step on the mines!"

Seeing Ling Tian's arrogance, Tianlong really waited and waited, while Ling Tian whistled at Erlang, and immediately walked towards the location.

The assessment site has been flattened and there will be no footprints on it, so for the next assessor, it is impossible to refer to the previous footprints.

Therefore, everything had to start all over again, the starter was ready at this time, with his whistle in his mouth, he looked at Ling Tian who was squatting at the starting position.

"Erlang, it's up to you this time, find all the landmines, and charge me in a straight line!"

Patting Erlang on the head, Ling Tian clenched his fists, looking at the minefield in front of him, Ling Tian didn't care about the 37 minute and [-] seconds.

What he wanted was to surpass the record set by his brother Babu within one minute and 12 seconds.

When the whistle sounded, Erlang took the brunt of the shot, his pupils were shining like a gust of wind.

Immediately after, Ling Tian also rushed out, his black and shiny eyes staring at Erlang's movements.

"So fast!"

Everyone looked at the minefield. Although they couldn't see clearly from a distance, he reached full speed at the moment of departure.

In particular, Erlang's sprinting ability is quite strong. He leaps ten meters away, with his thick tail behind his back, and his body keeps moving forward in a straight line.

And Ling Tian followed closely, one man and one wolf galloping through the minefield full of landmines.

(End of this chapter)

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