Chapter 586 Breaking the Record
In the minefield, the two figures moved forward in a straight line, and every time they jumped up and down, Erlang's speed was astonishing.

Move lightly left and right, try to keep charging in a straight line, Erlang's speed is getting faster and faster.

Ling Tian, ​​who was behind him, also precisely stepped on Erlang's hoofprints, keeping a distance of about ten meters from Erlang, and his speed also increased.

In the minefield of 400 meters, he came to the middle position in more than 20 seconds, which shocked everyone.

However, as the distance deepened, the mines became denser. Erlang turned sideways and leaped to the right, as if he could see the mines under the ground.

Unable to charge in a straight line, it began to dodge left and right in the minefield, and Ling Tian also clung to it tightly, and every time he turned and jumped, he did not hesitate.

Time passed by every minute and every second, but there were very few footprints left in the minefield. In order to keep up with Erlang's speed, Ling Tian also galloped with great strides.

He jumped up, only paying attention to Erlang's landing point, and didn't care about some things he found.

During the assessment, there are still a lot of bait to confuse, and the examiner will deliberately leave some traces that seem to be buried.

This mark can't fool the military dogs, but it can fool people. If a military dog ​​hesitates to go around thinking that the military dog ​​has hit the mine, it will fall into the trap.

But this secret is naturally beyond their knowledge. The reason why the four failed was actually just a psychological hint.

Stepping on the dirt bag, Ling Tian trusted his Erlang 100%, and in the blink of an eye there was only a distance of more than ten meters left.

Erlang made a big jump and shot to the finish line like an arrow. After stopping, he turned his head and looked at Ling Tian who was closely chasing him.

With a kick of both feet, Ling Tian stretched out his arms, leaped high and turned over in the air.

Erlang's jumping ability is clearly above Ling Tian, ​​especially this last jump, which is 15 meters long.

If Ling Tian only relied on his pure jumping ability, the 15 meters was basically impossible for him.

But in order to avoid the landmines, Ling Tian rushed forward.

15 meters, which also indicated that Ling Tian could no longer touch the ground with both feet. He curled up in a ball and fell to the ground, barely landing on the finish line.

The timing referee immediately pressed down the stopwatch. Looking at the dusty Ling Tian, ​​he stood up and ran to the timing referee immediately.

"for how long?"

With a nervous face, Ling Tian looked at the stopwatch in the opponent's hand. He made an obvious turn in the second half just now, but it took a lot of time.

So Ling Tian is really waiting to see if he can break the record of his senior brother.

"One minute and eight seconds!"

With the timing referee's announcement, everyone present was stunned.

It was almost half a minute faster than Qiao Xue. Such a minefield was something they had all experienced just now.

"Erlang, great, we won!"

Kneeling directly on the ground, he hugged Erlang's neck. The excited Ling Tian was not excited because he won Qiao Xue.

This time he broke his senior's record, and this was his happiest place, while Erlang stuck out his tongue with a cold expression on his face.

"This kid is interesting!"

Beside Tianlong, several comrades in arms were also discussing, one minute and eight seconds, but set a new record for the beast camp.

"It's really good, the vision is very accurate!"

Tianlong also nodded, and had to admit that his master Yan Wang, the son of Tianlong, had found a good jade in the rough.

As long as he sculpts patiently, he will eventually become the strongest ace soldier. Now he is already waiting for the second exam.

In Tianbu's team, Yunbao naturally gritted his teeth with hatred, and at the same time peeked at Qiao Xue who was standing not far away.

However, Qiao Xue was smiling, she was not angry because she lost, but happy for Ling Tian.

At the same time, her face flushed slightly, she also remembered the agreement, the ten ace medals for the training camp were the bride price for his proposal.

"Okay, you have passed the first level, but it will definitely not be so easy next time, don't underestimate the personnel of our Heavenly Department!"

Tianlong nodded in satisfaction, this time he really found a feeling of successor.

There are talents from generation to generation, and a new generation replaces the old ones. As a former wave, he is worth it.

Just like the current King of Hades, the Huangquan team led by Tianlong has completely taken over the Tianlong team led by Tianlong.

I'm afraid that one day in the future, this kid in front of him will also lead his own team to replace the current Huangquan team.

"Report to the chief, always be ready!"

After paying a military salute, Ling Tian quickly ran to the side, and at the same time, he did not forget to wink at Qiao Xue who was in the distant team.

Today, he will definitely win the ace medal of this beast camp. This is a very good start.

"Okay, prepare for the second assessment, [-] kilometers with dogs cross-country!"

The next step is to rush on the road. Under the leadership of military dogs, they must complete [-] kilometers of cross-country training in full armor.

One person was dispatched every 10 minutes, each equipped with a military dog, and headed for the distant mountains and forests.

"You have to run faster, I will catch up soon!"

Ling Tian walked into the team and said to Qiao Xue that he was the last one to set off, and it was more than two hours before the first set off.

The [-]-kilometer assessment over mountains and mountains is definitely a test of physical fitness and the cooperation of military dogs.

There will be obstacles such as single-plank bridges waiting for them in the middle.

"Okay, I'll wait for you to chase me, don't wait for me to come back, you still can't come back!"

Among the fifteen people, Qiao Xue is the seventh to start, and she will be an hour longer than Ling Tian.

Seeing the team members rushing out one by one and disappearing into the jungle with their military dogs, Qiao Xue also clenched her fists.

This time Ling Tian won't let the water go, so naturally she won't either, this kind of sweet fight makes the cloud leopard on the side grow evil.

"Do it in a while!"

Turning his eyes to his heart, Yunbao lowered his voice and said to several comrades around him.

They were ranked tenth and eleventh, and they were in front of Ling Tian. After some secret words, the two immediately nodded in agreement.

They set off one by one, and Ling Tian, ​​who was at the end, sat on the ground, stroking Erlang's head.

Fifty kilometers of fully armed cross-country, which is a very physical test.

But this time, he was no longer the Ling Tian before. After fighting with Erlang and the others for more than three months, he was full of energy now.

Determined to get No.1 again, Ling Tian looked at the members of the Tianbu who set off one by one, but Ling Tian didn't expect that Yunbao, a bad guy, was still planning how to deal with him.

"Boy, this time you are the one to look good!"

He was the ninth one to start, leading the military dogs and chasing after him. His goal was to stay away from Ling Tian as much as possible.

However, the tactics have been formulated long ago, and handed over to the moose and grizzly, who are good at fighting, I believe that this time Ling Tian will not be able to win the first place no matter how good he is.

(End of this chapter)

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