Chapter 587
"Erlang, let's go!"

Ling Tian, ​​who started as No.15, patted Erlang on the head with a smile on his face.

It has been more than two hours since the earliest departure, but it is nothing to the [-] kilometers of fully armed off-road.

Erlang was already ready. Hearing Ling Tian's instructions, he rushed out immediately.

Ling Tian was not negligent, kicked his feet, and shot out like an arrow. After three months of training, his physical fitness is better than his peak.

As fast as a gust of wind, it disappeared into the dense forest, and Tianlong walked to the side of the Chinese eagle.

"This kid is quite interesting!"

Handed Zhonghuaying a cigarette. The two had been brothers for decades. The trials of life and death on the battlefield made them closer than brothers.

"But it seems interesting that we have even accomplished what I wanted to do but failed to do. We are really old!"

Lighting the cigarette, Zhonghua Ying said to Tianlong with a smile on his face.

This kid is indeed a good piece of material, it seems that today the ace medal of the beast camp will be taken away by him.

"But it's not good to be out of gregarious nature, you teacher, you have to work harder!"

Tianlong took a puff of cigarette and said to Zhonghuaying.

Although this kid is good, he is tough, just like his master.

"I will understand, whether it is a soldier or a military dog, we all need support!"

Zhonghuaying looked into the distance, this is just the beginning, and there will be more tests waiting for him in the future.

To become the trump card of the trump card, what he has to pay is not just to improve himself.

"Yeah, the team is the best battle to survive!"

Tianlong also looked into the distance. What young people need is a will that is constantly honed.

In the depths of the jungle, Ling Tian was still running wildly, this time the road was not an ordinary mountain forest.

There are also cliffs and cliffs, which need to be climbed together with military dogs. Naturally, there are also rivers blocking them, which require the cooperation of humans and dogs.

Living in the jungle since he was a child, Erlang has a sense of familiarity that the military dogs can't match.

Even after rigorous training, military dogs are not wolves after all, and Erlang's home is in the jungle.

Finding the beast road easily, just like a veteran driver, with the help of Erlang, Ling Tian caught up head-on, and soon caught up with the one in front.

"I'm going ahead!"

Facing the comrade-in-arms, Ling Tian waved his hand with a smile, and in the blink of an eye he was actually climbing towards the high mountain.

"He went the wrong way!"

Looking at Ling Tian who was catching up, Ben was a little surprised, but his military dog ​​led him down.

Ling Tian went in the opposite direction and followed Erlang to the high mountain on one side, where it looked like a cliff from the map, it was obviously wrong to go there.

Ignoring him, this soldier also accelerated forward. As a soldier in the Ministry of Heaven, he couldn't lose to Ling Tian.

Climbing up, Ling Tian and Erlang quickly climbed up the [-]-meter-high ridge, and not long after they climbed over the hill, they came to a cliff.

"Erlang, come with me!"

Without hesitation, Ling Tian jumped down. This road was chosen by him, and walking from here would shorten the distance by a long way.

Seeing Ling Tian jumping down, Erlang also jumped up and chased after him. Under the cliff more than 30 meters high, a rushing river flowed.

Ling Tian fell into the bend of the river with his head and feet, and the water flow was stable at a depth of seven or eight meters, which gave him a great buffer.

Letting out a breath, Ling Tian kicked his feet and swam towards the river beach, and Erlang who fell into the water followed him and swam up.

"This time at least five kilometers away, this No.1 position must be mine!"

Swimming up to the river beach, Ling Tian checked his equipment. He was fully armed and did not drop anything.

Erlang also shook off the water droplets on his fur, and one man and one wolf moved towards the target position again.

If you want to reach the straight-line distance of 100 kilometers, you need to run at least more than [-] kilometers.

Especially in the mountains and forests, going up and down is a great test for their physical fitness.

Every morning, he ran ten kilometers of fast cross-country with the military dogs, and Ling Tian's physical fitness was no longer the tail of the crane that day.

Running faster and faster, he and Erlang shuttled through the jungle side by side. As long as Ling Tian doesn't stop, Erlang won't stop either.

The time to complete the first assessment was already close to noon, so they drove all the way until dusk and only walked a third of the way.

In the deserted jungle, it is very difficult to move. According to Ling Tian's estimate, at least it will take until dawn tomorrow to complete the task.

Slowing down, he took out the waterproof map from his backpack again, and after looking at it, Ling Tian decided on the resting place.

About two kilometers further on, there is a single-plank bridge, the bridge connecting the two mountain peaks, which is the only passage.

It was not too late to rest after passing there, so Ling Tian patted Erlang on the head, and one man and one wolf quickened their pace again.

Within half an hour, Ling Tian brought Erlang to the single-plank bridge over the canyon.

At this time, the sun was setting on the western mountain, and there was still a ray of silence in the mountains and forests.

But when Ling Tian was going to take a rest after crossing the bridge, he suddenly found two people sitting in front of the single-plank bridge.

They sat on their backpacks with sweat on their faces, while their military dogs were on the other side of the bridge.

Lying on the ground, they were obviously still waiting for their comrades to arrive.

But these two guys have no intention of leaving.

"Yo, this looks like it's waiting for me!"

Ling Tian slowed down and looked at the two people sitting there with a sneer.

They were the guys who set off before him, and the tall and thin guy among them was the most capable moose that followed the clouded leopard.

The other one was wide and fat, about the size of a panda, and was drenched in sweat, and he was still panting heavily. The code-named Grizzly was also a hard stubble.

When the two saw Ling Tian approaching, they couldn't help being stunned. According to the order of departure, they were nearly an hour ahead of Ling Tian.

Unexpectedly, just as the No.11 Grizzly arrived, Ling Tian, ​​the No.15 who set off, would come.

This speed is really too fast, Moose and Grizzly stood up hurriedly, and Ling Tian also led Erlang, walking towards them step by step.

"It was Yunbao who asked you to stay and block me!"

Ling Tian let go of Erlang's rope, and took off the backpack with a smile.

When looking at Erlang beside Ling Tian, ​​the moose and grizzly also felt a little scared.

Especially the wolf's eyes, with a fierce light, the two worried in their hearts, if Ling Tian really ordered it to attack, would they be able to stop it.

Fortunately, there is a single-plank bridge behind him. If it rushes up, the only way to go is to go up the bridge.

(End of this chapter)

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