588 One-to-two
The sun was setting and the night wind was blowing in the jungle.

On the top of the mountain with a bit of coolness, Ling Tian who was stopped had a smile on his face.

In fact, he had wanted to fight the moose and the grizzly for a long time, and he still remembered that time when he beat the panda badly.

"Get something to eat and come back, I'll play with them first!"

He didn't act in a hurry, let alone ask Erlang to help. After Ling Tian patted Erlang on the head, he immediately ran towards the single-plank bridge.

Obviously feeling the hostility of the other party, when jumping onto the single-plank bridge, it still didn't forget to turn its face sideways, and glanced at the two of them with its cold eyes.

But in the end it still acted according to Ling Tian's order, and at the same time, it did not forget to run to the other side of the bridge and bite off the ropes of the two military dogs.

The three black shadows disappeared into the jungle, and Ling Tian stretched his neck with a smile on his face.

"You guys provoked me first, it must have been the clouded leopard's idea!"

Shaking his arms, Ling Tian said with a sneer.

"We just see you upset, and ignore the entire Tianbu people. Today I will let you know how good we are!"

The moose stepped forward, the grizzly bear hadn't recovered from the gallop all the way, and he rested for 15 minutes, so he felt that it was enough for him to deal with Ling Tian.

"Why are you talking nonsense? How uncomfortable it is, just like me. In fact, I wanted to beat you up a long time ago. You beat a panda into a pig's head last time. Today I will let you know how to be a pig's head!"

Ling Tian smiled slightly, clenched his fists slowly, and with a chill in his eyes, he fixed his eyes on the moose.

I don't know what this guy was thinking, and he came up with such a code name, but after today, he should change his name to hunchback.

"I heard that you are very good at fighting, and I want to learn it too!"

Moose has practiced martial arts since he was a child, and the boxing skills at home are even stronger and more powerful. In addition, more than ten years of hard training have given him strong muscles.

He won the ace medal of the third battalion out of the ten battalions. He originally wanted to win the ace medal of the beast battalion today, but he didn't delay teaching this guy.

He didn't care about the time for fifty kilometers of fully armed cross-country, and a delay of half an hour was not a problem.

"You're wrong, it's not to be taught, but to be beaten!"

Ling Tian was not polite, he had already rushed up with a kick of his feet, his physical fitness had recovered to the peak, and he had long wanted to try his skills.

Since he wanted to make a move, Ling Tian had nothing to be afraid of. Anyway, it is still under assessment now, and it is not a matter of punishment if something happens.

"So fast!"

The moose saw Ling Tian rushing towards him, but felt a chill in his heart.

The subtlety of the ancient martial arts shocked him, who is from a family of martial arts.

Not daring to be negligent, he hastily swung his fist to meet him, but now Ling Tian is like a fierce tiger descending the mountain, how can he stop him.

The flexibility of the body made Ling Tian more handy, and all the moves of the subconscious mind were brought into full play.

Ling Tian, ​​who was already good at melee combat, now punched like raindrops, the fierce wind that hit his head and his face made the moose back again and again.

The speed is fast and the position is tricky, which is something that the moose has never seen before. If it wasn't because Ling Tian didn't use his ultimate move, he might have died long ago.

Under the whistling wind of fists, the moose retreated again and again, and the grizzly bear who was still breathing was also stunned.

Although he was not as powerful as the moose, he was still strong enough. He had never seen a moose so embarrassed, so he hurriedly gritted his teeth and rushed forward.

"I'll help you!"

Seeing the moose biting his lips tightly, Grizzly didn't hesitate. He rushed into the battle group and blocked Ling Tian's attack with his fist.

"Go away, it's none of your business!"

Unexpectedly, Ling Tian's body turned around strangely, and came to his side like a spinning top.

Lifting his right foot and using his left foot as the pivot, a whip kick sent the Grizzly flying five or six meters away.

The pain in his weakness and the exhaustion from not resting, the Grizzly was lying there with one foot and did not get up for a long time.

The moose, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, saw his companion being hit, but had no time to help, because Ling Tian, ​​who had gone berserk, was extra excited this time.

The punches were to the flesh, and the moves were fatal. Ling Tian, ​​who was getting more and more crazy, couldn't control his murderous aura at all.

His eyes gradually turned blood red, and the cold light in his stern eyes was no different from that of Erlang.

For six years, he has been studying abroad, and his kills on the battlefield have already broken through three digits.

This ability is not as simple as killing a few drug dealers in China, let alone melee combat.

When fighting drug dealers, almost [-]% of them will be long-range kills plus melee advances, so how can it be possible to fight with fists and kicks.

In the hard training on weekdays, the opponents are either sandbags or teammates wearing protective gear. That kind of ruthlessness is not something that can be practiced on the battlefield.

In addition, psychologically, the moose is obviously unwilling to do this, but Ling Tian has long wanted to use him to practice, so in terms of fighting spirit, Ling Tian's murderous intent is even stronger.

He punched the moose's chest three times in a row, and his strange movement made him feel blood churning in his chest.

Seeing Ling Tian pounced again, the moose groaned inwardly. Fortunately, at this moment, the grizzly bear rushed from the side and hugged Ling Tian's waist desperately.

The grizzly who practiced wrestling is best at wrestling close to the body. After hugging Ling Tian's waist, he used his shoulders to support Ling Tian's waist, and tried to push him with both feet.

Two against one, if Ling Tian falls down, don't even think about standing up again, but when Grizzly thought this way, Ling Tian's elbow had already smashed towards his back.

If it was an ordinary attack, Grizzly was confident that he could definitely withstand it, otherwise, how could he be called a Grizzly, just because of his size and strength.

However, Ling Tian's ancient boxing method included the ability to punch acupuncture points. This blow was concentrated on one point, and Grizzly felt like an electric shock all over his body.

He let out a scream from the pain, and lay down on the ground before he could struggle, Ling Tian's right foot had already stepped on the back of his head.

Stepping down heavily, the Grizzly screamed suddenly, and a close contact came to his face, with nosebleeds flying everywhere.

But if it wasn't for Ling Tian's mercy, that kick just now would crush his spine and make him spend the rest of his life in bed.

Leaping up, kicking with both feet, blocking the fists of the opponent's chest shield, Ling Tian's body circled behind him like a spinning top after landing.

The moose felt a gust of wind behind it, and it was too late to dodge it. Ling Tian, ​​who clasped the opponent's shoulders with one hand, exerted strength with both arms, and fell directly on his back, smashing him to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a backflip rode on the moose, his legs blocked the opponent's arms, and the moose's head was completely exposed in front of Ling Tian.

"Don't tell me, I'm really good at fighting!"

Ling Tian smiled slightly, and his fists fell on the moose's face like raindrops, which was regarded as revenge for the panda.

(End of this chapter)

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