Chapter 589 Climbing the Cliff

As night fell, there was darkness in the mountains and forests.

After the grizzly bear regained consciousness, it hurriedly got up.

Looking at the moose lying on its back not far away, he walked over quickly.

But at this time, the entire face of the moose has been deformed.

"Moose! Moose! Are you all right!"

After shaking for a while, the moose slowly opened its eyes.

The swollen eyes can only open a little gap.

"He is simply a devil!"

After a while, the moose got up. Sitting there, he checked his body, and found that it was all flesh wounds.

But this time, he was really beaten into a pig's head by Ling Tian, ​​and he let out a sigh of relief with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

If it weren't for the fact that this was not a battlefield, the two of them might have turned into corpses.

"Yeah, this guy is even more powerful than the legend, why did Yunbao offend such a guy!"

Grizzly also looked blank, looking at the night, neither of them could speak.

Fighting against him is like a wild beast, especially the murderous look in those eyes, which makes people frightened.

"That's right, I think it will be a matter of minutes if he wants to kill us, this guy is really terrible!"

It was the first time Moose had seen such a terrifying person, especially since he was from a family of martial arts, he knew the sharpness of that punch.

If it wasn't for him not having the desire to kill the two of them, I'm afraid they would have turned into corpses. It was strange for the two of them that such a guy was not from the Ministry of Heaven.

The backpack had already been discarded, only two flares were placed not far away, which was obviously left by Ling Tian for them, meaning to let them give up by themselves.

There are two people who can't tell, you look at me, I look at you, and the battle for the ace medal ended like this.

There was no way to do this, because the military dogs of the two of them were also missing. Even if they reached their destination, they could only be considered as losers.

But at this time, Ling Tian had already penetrated into the forest, alone with three dogs, that felt extremely domineering.

The feeling of fighting just now was really enjoyable, and this time it can be regarded as teaching them a lesson, letting them know not to provoke themselves.

Taking advantage of the fighting time, Erlang brought two military dogs and got a good harvest. Although there are not many pheasants, it can also provide food.

This time, they didn't prepare any food. The physical energy of military dogs is very high, so it's good that they can't endure like humans.

In order to perform at their best, military dogs still have to eat, which is also one of the regulations.

"There will be some to eat in a while, I will roast a pheasant for you!"

Arriving at another flat place, Ling Tian smiled and said to Erlang and the two military dogs.

There was a windproof lighter in the quilt bag, so he gradually collected some dry firewood, and Ling Tian started to light the fire.

Soon, a bonfire was ignited, Ling Tian disemboweled the pheasant with a military dagger, simply tore off the fur, and put the chicken on the fire.

The pheasant was roasted in a short time, Ling Tian divided the pheasant into quarters, kept only a small piece for himself, and gave the rest to Erlang and the others.

"I will work hard for you tonight!"

In fact, there is no problem with them eating raw, but Ling Tian's affection for military dogs is not comparable to that of others.

He has long regarded them as relatives, and Ling Tian loves them very much. Although it took half an hour, it was worth it.

After eating and drinking, Erlang and the two military dogs were extraordinarily energetic. Ling Tian also picked up his backpack again and rushed towards the distant direction.

He thought to himself, if he could catch up with the clouded leopard, wouldn't it be a good place to take revenge in this deep mountain and dense forest.

Thinking of this, Ling Tian couldn't help speeding up his pace, but when he came to a cliff, he began to give up his unrealistic thoughts.

The cliff is as high as 80 meters, and the surrounding mountains are stacked. If you want to go around it, you have to walk more than ten kilometers.

A rope hangs from the cliff, and the assessment this time requires the cooperation of humans and dogs.

The former comrades-in-arms have now become a drag, and soldiers need to take the general dog to the cliff.

If there was only one, it would not be a problem, but now Ling Tian is not alone with Erlang.

"Come on, be patient for a while, I will come back to pick you up in a while!"

He took out the rope from the backpack, tied Erlang and himself together, squeezed the straps and the climbing rope together, then Ling Tian turned around and patted the two military dogs.

They are also his comrades-in-arms, and he must not give up any of them. At the same time, he has never thought of pulling them up with ropes.

After all, this rock wall is steep and full of strange rocks, if only relying on the pulling force above, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not be injured.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Tian pulled the rope closer, stepping on the cliff wall with his hands alternately, and climbed up little by little with his feet.

On the cliff at a ninety-degree angle, Ling Tian kept adjusting his position, and it took more than 20 minutes to bring Erlang to the cliff.

Ling Tian, ​​who was soaked in sweat all over his body, took Erlang down and pulled up the backpack with a rope.

"You wait for me honestly here, I'm going to bring them!"

An Erlang weighs more than 60 kilograms, and it is definitely not an easy task to climb with it.

But there was no time to rest, there were still two military dogs below, so Ling Tian could only slide down through the rope again.

Repeatedly, the first trip took more than 20 minutes, and the next two trips were even more exhausting. It took Ling Tian more than an hour to transport all the two military dogs up.

It wasn't until then that a soldier with a military dog ​​chased him up from the cliff behind him.

He was the No. 12 person to start, because Ling Tian jumped off the cliff and walked by water before, saving five or six kilometers of the route, so he was left far behind.

But the advantage is fighting, eating, and climbing the cliff, Ling Tian spent two hours in vain before catching up.

"I'm going ahead!"

Waving to the bottom of the cliff, Ling Tian came to rest soon. He didn't know how fast the people in front were, so he had to travel overnight.

He didn't care that his whole body was soaked in sweat, but just as he was about to drag his tired body forward, Erlang bit his trouser leg.

Immediately afterwards, it stood up on its hind legs, with its front legs resting on Ling Tian's shoulders, constantly tearing at Ling Tian's backpack with its mouth.

"You want to carry it for me?"

Ling Tian looked at Erlang's movements, this guy was really sensible, he saw that Ling Tian was tired, and was willing to bear Ling Tian's weight.

This really reminded Ling Tian, ​​after all, the rucksack weighed [-] kilograms, so he divided the contents of the rucksack into three parts.

The biggest one was placed on Erlang's back, and the other two were placed on the bodies of the other two military dogs.

Following Erlang's wolf howl, it shot out like an arrow, followed by two military dogs.

(End of this chapter)

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