Chapter 590
Dawn is approaching, and the transport plane parked before the terminal is already waiting there.

Watching the time pass by every minute and every second, Tianlong looked at the red flag in front of him with a smile on his face.

Naturally, the Chinese Eagle would also like to take a look, because after a brief rest here, the third assessment will begin.

Several chief examiners were also waiting to see. They didn't know Ling Tian's background, so this breeder really aroused their interest.

Finally, in the foggy mountain forest, a figure ran over quickly, although a little tired, he was still heroic.

Qiao Xue, who was leading Chang'e, was the seventh to set off, but arrived first.

In other words, the results of the top six will definitely not be better than hers, and the next step is to look at the situation of the people behind.

"Ling Tian, ​​I won't give you water!"

Qiao Xue wiped the sweat off her face, and looked at the jungle behind her with a smile.

Although Ling Tian is her own man, it is absolutely impossible for her to let Ling Tian win in this training ground.

"Sixteen hours and 28 minutes!"

Qiao Xue's results came out, she crossed 28 kilometers cross-country in [-] hours and [-] minutes.

And Chang'e, who was following her, was also lying at her feet at this time, sticking out her tongue and looking at the dense forest behind her.

Next, No.1 to No.6 also came back one after another, but the fastest one was half an hour behind Chang'e.

Calculating the time, Ling Tian was the No.15 departure, and he was an hour and a half behind himself.

So Qiao Xue sat at the finish line and watched the time pass by. If Ling Tian didn't show up after an hour and a half, he would have lost.

"Qiao Xue is really like a smiling tiger, she is always so competitive, she doesn't save any face for the other party!"

Tianlong looked at Qiao Xue, and said to Zhonghuaying with a smile on his face, her father, Xiaomianhu, was once the vice captain of Tianlong Brigade.

But in order to protect their teammates and die on the battlefield, the two treated Qiao Xue as if they were their own.

"That's right, if you don't get the first place, what face would you have to take my trump card!"

Zhonghuaying said disapprovingly, Ling Tian's growth in the past three months made him very confident.

"You seem to be full of confidence, kid, so you're not afraid that your precious apprentice will drop you!"

Tianlong looked at Zhonghuaying, he didn't know if this kid had such a great chance of winning.

"If you lose the chain, continue to raise a dog for me honestly. By the way, next month will be Leiying's trump card assessment. Can you also sign up for him?"

Zhonghua Ying said nonchalantly, now he has started to make plans for Ling Tian's next assessment.

"Do you have time to teach him how to shoot? It seems that his master said that based on his previous results, it is difficult to win the ace, and he is not stable enough!"

The ten battalions of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, thunder, wind, beast, sky, and earth have their own strengths.

Lei Ying mainly assesses shooting, that is, the ability to penetrate Yang with a hundred steps, and not only sniper rifles, but also all kinds of firearms.

This firearm is not only made in China, but also includes knowledge of the more common firearms in the world.

After all, on the battlefield, your own ammunition is limited. The longer you live on the battlefield, the more you need to find supplies from the enemy.

Therefore, an excellent fighter must master the use of all firearms, and after getting the weapon, he can display the ability of the weapon as quickly as possible.

"It's almost done. The previous training has been completed. I believe that after the last training, it will be fine. I'm ready to drink snake soup!"

As a former sniper of the Tianlong Brigade, Zhonghuaying is definitely not weak in shooting. If he is trained, there will be no problem.

Especially his ultimate method, which can absolutely guarantee that as long as the person who passes through, can be integrated with the gun on the battlefield.

Never panic under any circumstances, because it is very simple, what you will face during training will be unprecedented terror.

"Okay, I will say hello to Lei Ying, it looks like this year's assessment will be very exciting!"

Tianlong smiled and raised his wrist to look at his watch. It has been more than an hour since Qiao Xue came back.

If Ling Tian didn't come back again, he might really be defeated by Qiao Xue.

"This kid shouldn't, why hasn't he come back!"

Zhonghuaying also looked at the time suspiciously. According to his understanding of Ling Tian, ​​he should be back.

Now the people who set off at No. 9 have reached the finish line, if they don't come back, they will really lose.

As time passed by, Qiao Xue was probably the one with the most complicated mood.

She was looking forward to Ling Tian's appearance in her heart, but she was unwilling to lose in his hands. Looking at the sweaty comrades lying on the ground and taking the time to rest, she didn't know whether to look forward to it or reject it.

10 minutes, 10 minutes, as the time approached little by little, Qiao Xue felt that Ling Tian might not be able to come back.

In particular, she noticed that the clouded leopard sitting not far away was always smiling.

This made her feel that something was wrong, because according to her understanding, only three members of Yunbao's team came back, and he shouldn't be so happy as the captain.

Could it be that he has done something wrong? Although he has only been here for a few days, he has heard of the friction between the Clouded Leopard Team and the Yellow Dragon Team.

This guy is obviously aiming at Ling Tian, ​​could it be that he has tampered with it.

Thinking of this, Qiao Xue couldn't sit still anymore. She stood up and walked towards the finish line.

"Don't wait, he obviously can't make it back!"

When passing by Yunbao's side, Yunbao's eccentric words strengthened Qiao Xue's judgment.

"Did you do something wrong?"

Qiao Xue turned her face and looked at Yun Leopard sitting on the ground, secretly hating herself for liking him back then.

It became more and more obvious that this guy was narrow-minded and despicable to the extreme.

"This kind of person has made countless enemies, so why would I need to do anything!"

Yunbao knew that he could no longer win back Qiao Xue's heart, so he hated Ling Tian even more.

As long as there is a chance, he must make Ling Tian feel uncomfortable, and let him know the fate of competing for women with him.

"Do you know how annoying you have become now? I found out that you have changed since you came back from undercover!"

Qiao Xue narrowed her eyes and gave him a hard look.

And this sentence made Yunbao's heart tighten, but his face did not change color.

"Yeah, your mind is full of the dog owner now, but he can only keep dogs in his life!"

Yunbao sneered, now he really wants to see that guy in the animal camp every day, it must be very enjoyable to be with the dog all day.

"Someone is back!"

Just when Qiao Xue wanted to hurt him a few words, suddenly someone shouted before the finish line.

Everyone hurriedly looked towards the top of the hillside, when the four figures were rushing towards them like a gust of wind.

The leader, Ling Tian, ​​was running faster and faster with his rucksack on his back.

(End of this chapter)

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