Chapter 591
At this time, the sky was bright and the entire hillside was illuminated by the sun.

Behind Ling Tian who followed all the way, there were four military dogs following him, and at the same time Ling Tian was holding a military dog ​​that seemed to be injured.

Besides Erlang and two of them, Ling Tian also picked up two lost military dogs on the road.

They don't know how to read maps. After getting lost with their comrades, they get lost in the mountains and forests, and their way of communication is long howling.

While on the way, Ling Tian found them through the howling sound, and brought them back.

When he crossed the finish line with messy steps, he knelt directly on the ground, sweating all over his body, and really exhausted his energy.

But the military dog ​​that was still tightly held in his arms was not hurt anymore. Looking at it retreating and Zhabu wrapped around its back, there was still a little blood.

Seeing the injured comrade-in-arms, other military dogs immediately surrounded him restlessly. Chang'e even stuck out her tongue and licked the face of the injured military dog.

They rely on each other to accompany each other, and have inseparable feelings just like people. At this time, Ling Tian slowly put it on the ground.

"Who brought this dog!"

He couldn't breathe evenly, but Ling Tian's eyes had a murderous gleam.

Extremely angry, he was more uncomfortable than being injured, and he clenched his fists and scanned the crowd standing around him.

Obviously, it was injured because a certain soldier did not follow the regulations and did not carry it on the cliff, but hung it with ropes.

The sharp cliffs are extremely terrifying to it, and the wounds all over its body were caused by the photo at that time.

That's why it stopped obeying the soldier's orders and left alone. The military dog ​​has great trust in people, but once the trust disappears, it will not be able to obey.

"I brought it! I didn't mean it!"

At this moment, a soldier came over, with his head down, he just wanted to save his energy as much as possible.

"Son of a bitch!"

Seeing him confess, Ling Tian immediately rushed forward, but just as he was about to punch him, a figure stood in front of him.

"Okay, he also knows he was wrong!"

It was none other than the Chinese Eagle. He blocked Ling Tian with his body, but he didn't want Ling Tian to make a move in front of the public.


After glaring at this nasty guy fiercely, Ling Tian turned around and walked to the side of the injured military dog ​​again, squatting down and hugging it in his arms.

And it was completely nestled in Ling Tian's arms, as if it had found the best protection.

"It's all right!"

Qiao Xue also hurried over, knelt down and gently stroked its head.

Ling Tian seemed to be a warm man now, this kind of concern really made Qiao Xue feel comfortable.

"It's okay, fortunately, it's all skin trauma, just rest and recuperate!"

Ling Tian shook his head, the wound didn't go into the bone, so it wasn't a serious problem, he was just angry why this guy would do this.

"That's good, you have wasted a lot of time!"

Holding a military dog, it is definitely inconvenient to move, but now it is being assessed, even if Ling Tian is to save the military dog, the result cannot be changed.

"It didn't take long!"

Ling Tian smiled slightly, he didn't want Qiao Xue to feel that the victory was invincible, and it was impossible for him to run by himself in order to win the championship.

Not giving up is the most basic rule of being a soldier. It is also one's own comrade-in-arms, and it will not be left behind no matter what.

"The score used by Ling Tian is 27 hours and [-] minutes!"

Finally, while the two were chatting, Qiao Xue was excited by what the referee said.

Of course Ling Tian didn't know the previous results. As the last one to set off, he already surpassed many others.

"You win, you win!"

Qiao Xue shook Ling Tian's arm excitedly. Only then did she realize the true thoughts in her heart.

She had always been stubborn, and wanted to be the first in everything, but at this moment she realized that not only was she not sad when Ling Tian beat her, but she was happy instead.

Maybe it was because he was his own man, Qiao Xue was very happy to be completely conquered.

"Really? It looks like I'm recovering well, thanks to Erlang!"

Ling Tian smiled and caressed Erlang, and followed him over mountains and mountains all day for three months, and his physical fitness has improved greatly.

"Don't thank me!"

Qiao Xue pursed her lips, and gave Ling Tian an unconvinced look.

"How about thanking you tonight?"

There was a large crowd, of course Ling Tian couldn't hold the beauty in his arms, the third test was about to come, but he was already ready to celebrate.

"Wait until you get the medal, I won't release water!"

Qiao Xue stood up and stuck out her tongue at Ling Tian. Such an intimate act fell into the eyes of Yunbao who was not far away.

The clouded leopard sat there with hatred, but it had been a long time since the moose and rhino arrived.

Suspicious in his heart, he didn't understand why the two of them couldn't get rid of Ling Tian, ​​and they were rushed over by him.

You can't hold on for more than 2 minutes, wouldn't it be better to let him fail.

"Okay, according to the statistics, out of the fifteen players participating in the assessment, three gave up halfway, five failed to complete the competition as required, and seven entered the third round!"

The chief of staff quickly announced the results of the competition, and Ling Tian once again occupied the top position with a one-minute advantage, so according to the agreement between him and Tianlong, he can continue to compete.

Next, there is the latent mission, the destination is in the mountains and forests within a radius of ten miles.

Six people, including Qiao Xue, Yunbao, Yunying and others, are responsible for hiding and transferring, while Ling Tian will lead his army dog ​​team to search.

Before dark, if the hidden team can not be found by the military dogs, even if it is born, it has the qualifications to receive the Beast Camp Medal.

And if Ling Tian wants to get that glittering medal, he has to find them all.

"You have to hide better, I will let Chang'e find you!"

Ling Tian walked to Qiao Xue's side with a smile on his face, and blew a kiss to her.

"Hmph, it won't be that easy, just wait and see!"

The departure time is one hour, and Qiao Xue has already completed the preparations. Avoiding military dogs is an important assessment. After all, they will also encounter dogs when they go out to carry out their duties.

This kind of ancient security is unstoppable by modern technology. The alert sense of smell, super vision and better physical fitness are the enemies of special forces.

Therefore, in order to practice the actual combat test of special forces, the tracking training of this military dog ​​is a compulsory course.

Looking at the figures that got into the forest one by one, when the sun went down, if they were not found, they were victorious.

"Yunbao, you have to wait for me, I will have fun with you!"

Ling Tian sat on the ground with a smile on his face. For an hour, he could be regarded as having a rest.

Gently stroking Erlang's head, Ling Tian felt secretly relieved that Yun Leopard would be in trouble this time.

(End of this chapter)

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