Chapter 592 Wilderness Tracking
Avoiding the search of military dogs is to disturb its sense of smell as much as possible, and at the same time reduce the emission of body odor.

Among them, dense forests and rivers are the best, and the pepper powder worn with you is not only a seasoning for survival in the wild, but also a good way to deal with military dogs.

So it has to be said that this is a contest between shield and spear, and it is still unknown who is more skilled.

And the general goal is that it is impossible to meet such an excellent military dog ​​as Beast Ying.

There are such courses only for more demanding training requirements, and the probability of getting the ace medal every year is very low.

"It's time, let's go!"

When the time came, Ling Tian blew a whistle, and Chang'e and the others were already ready.

After eating the dog food brought by the Chinese eagle, they will be busy for a while today.

Ling Tian rushed out with Erlang, and the other military dogs scattered and got into the grass.

This mountain forest is a place that has never been explored before. Not only the smell of the people on site is mixed, but also the interference of birds and animals.

Coupled with the fact that there are rivers on both sides, I believe that the six people will cross the river immediately to find the beast path, and interfere with their whereabouts with the smell of beasts.

However, the specially trained military dogs are definitely not so easy to deal with.

They got into the jungle and kept barking, from their barking, Ling Tian could know the meaning.

Although it is impossible to communicate like a human being, the rhythm of the dog's barking allows him to know whether Fan has found the target.

"Wow wow wow wow!"

But just when he was about to go catch the clouded leopard with Erlang, Ling Tian was taken aback by a barking of dogs.

He hurriedly turned around and ran towards the direction where the barking sound came from. The barking sound obviously detected the enemy's situation.

It's only been less than 10 minutes since the start, how could this happen, Ling Tian who was chasing after the sound was really unexpected.

But he believed in his comrade-in-arms, it was impossible for it to bark so violently casually.

Soon after following the sound, Ling Tian found that the one who was barking wildly was the military dog ​​nicknamed Zhong Kui.

At this time, it was grinning around a soldier who wanted to escape. He was a member of Tianhu team who had just joined Qiao Xue.

"What are you doing, are you releasing water?"

Looking at him who was wet all over, Ling Tian shrugged his shoulders, this place is not far from the starting point, is he throwing in the towel and admitting defeat?

"I thought it could be dark under the lights, so I ran back after a while, but I was still discovered by it!"

Sitting helplessly on the ground, he didn't dare to move, otherwise Zhong Kui would definitely rush up and bite without hesitation.

He looked at Zhong Kui helplessly. He had trained with it two days ago, but he didn't expect to turn his face and deny him so soon.

Deliberately making a circle, he lurked near the starting point again, trying to disrupt Zhong Kui's pursuit.

"It seems that your tactics of being black under the lights are still a little wrong. Military dogs are not stupid!"

He patted Zhong Kui on the head, and tore off the red armband on his arm. This was Ling Tian's reward. Turning around, Zhong Kui got into the grass again.

After completing the search for its own target, it naturally wanted to help its companions. Ling Tian, ​​who put away the red armband, smiled at the soldier, and went into the jungle again.

Shuttle through the jungle, there were waves of barking dogs, but Erlang continued to advance in a straight line. After crossing the river, he quickly chased forward.

"Boy, let you know how powerful I am today!"

Turning over the ridge, from Erlang's snort, Ling Tian felt its excitement.

It seemed that the target was close, and Ling Tian was secretly happy.

The kid didn't run very far, so soon, a man and a wolf came to the thorns.

At this time, Erlang slowed down his steps and made an attacking motion, and quietly invaded it, its body showing a bow shape.

Ling Tian also followed closely behind it, parting the bushes little by little, his cold eyes began to search in the bushes full of weeds.

Soon, a figure appeared in front of Ling Tian. It was said to be one, but in fact it was only half.

At this moment, Yunbao was lying in a handful of grass, with half of his body hugged outside, his back turned to Ling Tian and Erlang cautiously.

Never thought that Ling Tian and the others would touch him from behind.

"Erlang, why don't you treat your stinky ass tonight!"

The distance was only more than 20 meters, and Ling Tian, ​​a bush full of thorns, could only crawl forward.

Patting Erlang who was lying beside him, Ling Tian had a smirk on his lips. Naturally, he couldn't let go of such a fat butt.

During this period of time in the beast camp, he was not less bitten by Chang'e, and today he let the clouded leopard have a taste of that.

Erlang seemed to understand, his eyes fixed on the exposed half of the body, it lived in the jungle, and instinctively liked to lock its throat directly.

Under Ling Tian's instruction for the past three months, it finally got used to movements like biting its butt. After all, it doesn't face gangsters most of the time.


All of a sudden, Erlang shot out like a black lightning bolt, more than 20 meters was just a short distance to him.

The clouded leopard lying there was still looking down the mountain, but it didn't want a gust of wind coming from behind.


Before he could turn around, there was a stabbing pain in his buttocks.

Turning around abruptly, seeing the terrifying Erlang, he became even more frightened.

His ass was bitten, and he rolled and struggled hastily, but Erlang refused to give up. In the low grass, his limbs were much more flexible than a human's.

It picks the thickest part of the flesh and bites it. Every time it bites, there is the sound of clothes being torn, and the sharp teeth penetrate the flesh, bringing severe pain, and the clouded leopard screams in pain.

The clouded leopard under Erlang's body was no match at all, if Erlang hadn't bitten his thick flesh, he might have died long ago.

The clouded leopard, which was in pain, couldn't dodge it several times, and suddenly became angry.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he pulled out the sharp saber from his waist. He couldn't shake Erlang with his fists and feet, and he went completely crazy.

With a sharp knife in his hand, he stabbed at Erlang who was still biting him without hesitation, so he didn't care about any military dogs or police dogs.


Just when the sharp dagger was about to pierce Erlang's neck, Ling Tian had rushed over.

With a kick on Clouded Leopard's wrist, the dagger in his hand was immediately kicked out, and embedded in a big tree with a three-point penetration.

"You dare to kill a military dog. Believe it or not, I will let it bite you to death now!"

There was anger in Ling Tian's eyes. This guy made things difficult for him several times. When we met today, he really wanted to pinch his neck.

"I was wrong! I was wrong!"

Not daring to be stubborn, Yunbao, who didn't even have the only dagger, saw the murderous look in Erlang's eyes, and it seemed that it also understood that it almost died in the hands of this guy just now.

There was a frightening light in the beast's eyes, and the clouded leopard hurriedly retreated with its hands on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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