Chapter 597 The Perseverance of Soldiers
In the big pit, Ling Tian's whole body was soaked in sweat. It was the first time for him to do this kind of thing, he really didn't expect that he could really do it.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Ling Tian wiped the sweat off his face. An hour was impossible, but at least he wanted to know how his grades were.

Climbing up the big pit, Ling Tian pressed the stopwatch, watching the eight-hour countdown, he really tried his best.

Such high-intensity training not only greatly tested his discrimination ability, but also provided physical support.

"How about it, are you having a good time?"

Squatting by the pit, Zhonghuaying said with a smile, it took eight hours without eating or drinking, which is not bad.

"It's fun, but it's impossible for an hour!"

Ling Tian wiped off his sweat, looked at the Chinese Eagle, 190 five weapons, if they were all assembled within an hour, it would take 18 seconds on average for one gun.

The assembly time of each weapon alone is not short, Ling Tian can assemble any gun within 18 seconds.

But if you want to find the corresponding parts among so many parts, that is the most troublesome.

Ling Tian clearly remembered that one hour ago, he didn't even fully assemble a gun, all kinds of weapons were placed there in a mess, full of pits, and it was dazzling to see.

"I can do it in 45 minutes, boy, come on!"

Zhonghuaying didn't say anything, just turned around with a smile and left.

The words left behind really made Ling Tian freeze in place. For 45 minutes, it was like a miracle.

Seeing the Chinese Eagle disappearing into the darkness, Ling Tian didn't say anything more.

Turning around and returning to the warehouse, Ling Tian found a searchlight and wires, and after quickly connecting the power, it illuminated the entire pit.

Ling Tian was just stubborn, and would never give up until he achieved his goal. After dismantling the assembled firearms and throwing them in the pit, Ling Tian pressed the stopwatch again.

"This kid is good, really good material!"

On the top of the second floor, Zhonghua Ying sat on a recliner and looked at the big pit of the backup. Ling Tian is a good seed, and he needs to be polished.

Such a difficult problem was an excellent challenge for him. Looking at the busy figure under the light, Zhonghuaying waved his cattail fan with satisfaction.

One after another, Ling Tian searched for the parts of the firearms in the messy dirt pit, his eyes emitting a focused light.

After he successfully assembled all the parts again, looking at the time on the stopwatch, he made great progress this time, but it still took six hours.

"I can do it!"

Looking at the two hours of progress, Ling Tian sat down tiredly in the pit.

Clenching his fists, he felt mentally exhausted.

For a full six hours, Ling Tian, ​​who devoted himself to searching and assembling, was extremely focused.

Only now did he know that this training was not only a test of his ability to assemble and apply firearms, but also his high concentration training.

However, he couldn't think too much now, and fell asleep drowsily with his eyes closed, ignoring the gradually rising sun in the east.

"Ow ooh..."

A howl of wolves made Ling Tian open his eyes, looking at Erlang standing in front of the pit with a puzzled face, this kid is really wild enough.

Taking advantage of the pit wall, Ling Tian turned over and climbed up the big pit. At this time, Chang'e and the others also ran over wagging their tails.

They ran out with Erlang to relax, and they seemed to be having a good time. They all ran to Ling Tian's side and acted like a baby before leaving.

"Okay, I don't have time to play with you today. I want to practice other subjects. You just need to get used to the sound of gunfire!"

Patting Erlang's head, Ling Tian stretched his waist. The Chinese Eagle had already said it last night, and Ling Tian didn't need to care about other things.

His current task is to complete the firearms assembly within the specified time, so Ling Tian has to put all his attention on it.

In front of Erlang, he disassembled all the firearms and threw them into the pit. Ling Tian jumped in again, and while he was busy, a gunshot made Erlang, who was lying on the edge of the pit, instinctively jump up.

Looking around in horror, it is extremely sensitive to this deafening gunshot.

It didn't calm down until it was confirmed that Ling Tian made it, and went back to the pit again, lying down and looking at Ling Tian.

Now it still can't understand why there is such a powerful voice, so this is a long period of adaptation.

Just when he got down on the ground, there was another gunshot. Chang'e in the distance didn't feel anything, but Erlang jumped up again.

"Okay, okay, don't be afraid, nothing will happen!"

Ling Tian stood in the pit, looked at Erlang with a vigilant face, and said with a smile on his face.

With Ling Tian's reassurance, Erlang gradually calmed down, and with the sound of gunshots, Erlang gradually got used to it.

However, it still looked around vigilantly, and at the same time looked at Ling Tian suspiciously. It didn't understand what Ling Tian was going to do in the pit.

Day by day, except for eating, shitting and urinating, Ling Tian was basically in the pit.

In the end, Erlang jumped directly into the pit and slept with Ling Tian. When he woke up, he was busy assembling the guns, and when he was tired, he fell asleep.

Time passed day by day, and 20 days passed in a blink of an eye.

The next day, Zhonghua Ying was still taking a nap, only hearing the door being pushed open, he sat up alertly.

Reaching out and grabbing his crutches, all this is a habit formed by years of military literacy.

But when he saw Ling Tian in front of him clearly, he put down his crutches.

"Why are you so rude, don't you know to knock on the door before entering?"

Zhonghua Ying reached out and grabbed his cigarette and lighter from the bedside, and said after glaring at Ling Tian.

"I'm done! I'm done! I'm really done!"

At this moment, Ling Tian was ecstatically shaking the stopwatch in his hand, and he couldn't believe it when he rushed in front of the Chinese Eagle.

"So fast?"

Zhonghuaying took the stopwatch with a puzzled expression and looked at the time of 59 minutes and 36 seconds.

According to his estimation, it will take at least a week for this kid to master this skill.

"Yes, yes, you can test it if you don't believe me!"

Of course Ling Tian wouldn't lie. He has lived in the pit for 20 days and hasn't even changed his clothes.

It seems that Erlang has disliked the stench on his body for the past two days.

"Don't worry, you can take a shower first, what does it smell like!"

Zhonghua Ying hurriedly waved his hand at him, and said with a look of disgust.

I didn't take a shower for half a month, and I was sweating profusely all day long, so my clothes could stand up.

After being told by Zhonghuaying, Ling Tian finally realized that he really should take a bath.

So he turned around and walked towards the swimming pool behind, while Zhonghuaying picked up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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