Chapter 598 Dragon Nest Training
After taking a hearty bath, Ling Tian lazily soaked in the water.

For more than half a month, his hands were blistered, but those gun parts fell into his heart completely.

Everything is instinct, he knows how to operate any part when he gets it.

Loading and unloading the gun with both hands at the same time, the dexterity was faster than his thoughts.

It turned out that he could still achieve such a speed. If it weren't for the half-month training that he had spent so much time forgetting to eat and sleep, he couldn't believe that he would have such a result.

But his goal is not only this hour, but the 45 minutes of the Chinese Eagle.

It is definitely not an easy task to shorten these 15 minutes.

It seems like a week ago, he could have reached the state of an hour and 5 minutes.

But these 5 minutes, it took him seven days to improve every minute and every second, which is always a difficult challenge.

However, there is still more than a month before the assessment, Ling Tian feels that if he works harder, he will definitely achieve it.

Holding the firearm in his hand already feels the same as his body, especially the position of each part, his body knows how to do it with his eyes closed.

"Hey, have you washed enough? Let me see your skills!"

At this moment, the voice of the Chinese eagle came, and he came to Ling Tian with a smile on his crutches.

"Okay, I'll show you what I can do!"

After practicing hard for more than half a month, Ling Tian was full of care. He grabbed a clean suit of clothes, and he quickly got dressed when he climbed up.

That kind of pride made Zhonghua Ying laugh. This kid thinks things too simply.

"Okay, then you have to behave well!"

Leaning on crutches, Zhonghua Ying followed Ling Tian to the big pit in the shooting range. Ling Tian dismantled the guns one by one and threw them into the pit.

He disassembles and assembles with both hands at the same time, without even looking at it, everything is controlled by the instinct of the body, and at the same time he does not forget to chat with the Chinese Eagle.

"How about it, do you think I am very powerful now!"

Ling Tian dropped the parts one by one, clapped his hands and said with a smile on his face.

"You go down first, don't let me down!"

Looking at Ling Tian whose tail was about to go up to the sky, the Chinese Eagle just smiled slightly.

He waved his hand at Ling Tian, ​​and Ling Tian immediately jumped down.

At this time, all the military dogs, including Erlang, surrounded him curiously, facing Ling Tian who was looking at the pit with doubts.

Erlang, who had gotten used to the gunshots, also looked at the two curiously, not knowing what they were going to do.

"Are you ready?"

Taking a look at the layer of parts scattered in the pit, this kid really didn't slack off and disassembled all the parts that could be disassembled.

And he didn't deliberately throw any parts of the firearms together, but just waved them casually and let them fall.

"Of course, if you say start, we can proceed. Such a simple thing can't help me!"

Ling Tian stood there with his hands behind his back, and said to the Chinese Eagle with a smile on his face.

"Okay, but wait a minute, it's not enough!"

Unexpectedly, Zhonghuaying didn't call to start immediately, but looked behind.

"What's not enough?"

Ling Tian looked puzzled, standing in the pit he couldn't see anything.

But at this moment, the dogs suddenly barked wildly, and even Erlang backed away.

When Ling Tian was wondering, five or six large boxes over one meter high were pushed around the big pit.

These people were the soldiers from the cooking squad, and they all looked at Ling Tian with pained expressions.

"What do you mean? Are these people called to watch the fun?"

Ling Tian was taken aback, looking at their painful expressions, and the mysterious box, what was in it made the military dogs shy away.

"Yeah, they're curious about what the Dragon's Nest Special Training is, so I'll let them take a look and do a little favor!"

Zhonghuaying nodded, but his words made Ling Tian even more surprised.

"Dragon nest special training? What is that?"

Ling Tian didn't understand, it was just a big hole, how could it become a dragon's nest.

"Didn't you just want to conduct special training in Dragon's Nest? Have you forgotten that you said that you can accept any perverted training!"

Zhonghuaying had a wicked smile, showing a sense of conspiracy, which made Ling Tian extremely uncomfortable.

In particular, at this moment, he also faintly felt that those boxes looked weird.

"What do you mean?"

Ling Tian suddenly felt a little frightened, he couldn't express this feeling, but his hairs stood on end.

This is a kind of premonition, which can only be sensed by the body.

"You'll know soon, open the box!"

When Zhonghuaying gave an order, the cooks with tight noses stretched out their hands and opened the box.

Immediately afterwards, groups of black things overturned, filling the entire pit in an instant.

"Damn! What!"

Ling Tian, ​​who was standing in the pit, was surrounded and submerged by the black shadow in an instant, and when he saw clearly what was in front of him, he only felt his scalp go numb.

Hundreds of snakes had already touched his thighs. The coils and strips of black snakes were five or six centimeters thick and two meters long.

They were spitting out the red letter, and they obviously had a strange look on their faces. They fell into the big pit in a daze, and they were also writhing up and down.

As for Ling Tian, ​​who was standing among the snakes, he looked at the black snakes in front of him and behind him in horror. His scalp was numb, and he felt a chill on his thighs surrounded by the snakes.

"This is Dragon's Nest training. You can only do it here. Don't worry, these are raised carnivorous snakes without fangs!"

The Chinese Eagle looked at Ling Tian with a smile on his face, this is the beginning of the real training.

The whole person froze there, Ling Tian was not afraid of snakes, and even regarded them as a delicacy in the jungle, so the special forces called them long meat, and the snake meat would not be too fishy when eaten raw.

But after all, it was one or two, and now the whole person is like Ling Tian who fell into the snake's nest, and his body is a little unable to move.

Especially those black snakes were dishonest, they kept crawling around and entangled each other, and at the same time they didn't forget to crawl towards Ling Tian's body.

Standing up and looking around, I have no idea what happened.

"But this is too much!"

Ling Tian raised his hands high, standing there, he could feel black snakes crawling around his body continuously.

The cool feeling gave him goosebumps all over his body, and all the gun parts were buried under the snakes.

"It's really a bit too much, otherwise, I'll help you eat one!"

The Chinese eagle curled its lips, picked up the crutch, and picked up a fat snake directly.

He licked his lips, and with a big smile, grabbed the two-jin fat snake in his hand. This was his delicious snake soup.

(End of this chapter)

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