Chapter 326 What is there, just say it

Suddenly, he took out a jade bottle and poured out the green liquid inside, and instantly she felt the tiredness from her body recovered.The red marks on his body also disappeared, returning to a jade-like smoothness.

After a long time, the water temperature dropped, he carried her out, seeing her slim and beautiful body, his heart moved.But he still took out a piece of clothing and put it on for her.He helped her pull up her long hair, and then steamed the water stains on her body.

"I'll help you!"

She picked up the clothes, stood on tiptoe and put them on for him. The two looked at each other, and a deep affection flowed between them. She lowered her head and silently adjusted the clothes for him.

When everything was over, her hand was suddenly held.She glanced at him, and the two embraced and walked out of the room.The morning light fell on the two of them, and one red and one black figure appeared in front of everyone in Diyin Palace.

They just felt that today's Emperor Zun and his wife are so handsome and pretty, compared to the past, there seems to be something more.

As for what was added, they didn't know, and they always felt that the two were even more inseparable.

"Lilac, where is the dark cloud?"

Thinking of the dark cloud going out last night, I don't know where it is now.She and Wu Yun are like sisters, so she is naturally worried.

"She went to practice, and said she wanted to cultivate a human form as soon as possible, and then..." Li Dingxiang rolled her eyes, "And then she will attract all the beautiful men in the world!"


This dark cloud has great ambitions!

Li Dingxiang's eyes rolled over the two of them a few times, as if she understood something, usually the emperor got up early and went out, why did she get up with her family Bingyun today?

There is something tricky in it!

"Bing'er, I'll go over there to have a look."

On the other side of the formation, I know he still can't let go.Mu Bingyun didn't stop her either, she also had to practice, and tried to spend a year to break through a little bit more, so that she could go to the Beihai Continent with confidence.

Can it be his burden!

Although he doesn't mind.

"You go, I'll go back to practice." With a smile on her brow, she watched him leave, seeing his reluctance in his eyes, her heart felt warm.From now on, this man is completely hers.

She didn't turn around until she could no longer see the man's figure.

"Ding Xiang, I heard that Pai Pai often buys you gadgets?" She naturally saw that Pai Pai was somewhat interesting to Li Dingxiang.The people around her naturally paid attention.

If the two are happy with each other, it's a good one.Although Pale looks a bit slippery, he has a good heart and good strength. In short, a gloomy person must be a good person.

Her Lilac is naturally good too.

This good and good, can become a pair, that's even better.

"Bing Yun, how do you know?"

Li Dingxiang didn't feel too embarrassed, "Pale is not bad!" She smiled and praised, since she was with Bingyun, she felt that she was much luckier, and the people she met were all good.

Mu Bingyun paused for a moment, and seeing the other party's expression, she knew that most of them hadn't reacted yet, so she didn't say much.It's better to let them find out by themselves.

If others said something, they might hinder them.

"Bing Yun, I'll go down the mountain first, that boy Bai Bai is still waiting for me in the city!"

"Well, you go down!"

It's all called by that kid, it doesn't look optimistic!
Li Dingxiang didn't understand why she was frowning, was she worried about Emperor Zun?That's right, Emperor Zun is going back to Cang's house soon, so it's normal to be worried.

The Beihai Continent is no different than this side. Just looking at the three families, you can see that they are so powerful that it is dreadful.With doubts, she went down the mountain.

"Wooden girl."

At this moment, Cangxuan walked towards her, beside her were Yin Peipei and Qin Yurou.Looking at the formation of the three of them, it seems that they want to say something to her?Do you want her to leave Cang Yu?
These three are dreaming!

"Is there something wrong with the three of you?"

Yin Peipei has the resentment on her face, but she really doesn't have the right to speak here.Cang Yu is just her cousin, Qin Yurou's fiancé, and Cang Xuan's cousin, both of whom are closer than her.

Having suffered a lot, she didn't want to just bump into each other like this, and let the two of them solve it by themselves, as long as she just watched from the side.

Qin Yurou took two steps forward, and her eyes fell on Mu Bingyun's body. She saw a kind of daughter's tenderness between her eyebrows, like the water, which immediately rippled away.The morning light scattered on her body again, and the red dress was even more alluring. In a trance, she looked like a fairy among flowers who had fallen to the world.

A kind of beauty that can invade people's hearts, suppressed the jealousy in his eyes, Qin Yurou smiled, and wanted to hold Mu Bingyun's hand, but the latter easily dodged it.Thinking of the last time, the two of them were not very happy, and she didn't want to do anything to save face.

"Girl Mu, it's better to move away, we should have a good talk."

Without Cang Yu, she naturally didn't have to pretend.She never thought of giving up the meaning of Cang Yu, and now seeing the two of them becoming more and more affectionate, she felt very uncomfortable.

It was obvious that she was married to her fingertips, so this is great, she, the person who should have married, did not marry, but married a traitor who was an upright monk! !The rumor that Mu Bingyun was outside was clearly known by the three families on the Beihai continent.

Cang Chunzheng didn't pay attention to these things. To him, as long as Cang Yu agreed to go back to the North Sea Continent, it would be considered as fulfilling the confession of Cang Yan, the Patriarch of the Cang Family.For other things, everything will be decided by the old man, and he doesn't care about other things.

Qin Yurou cared very much, whether Cang Yu went back or not, she couldn't tolerate Mu Bingyun.She can accommodate a woman Cang Yu doesn't like, but Mu Bingyun is someone Cang Yu likes, and after staying for so many days, she can see it.

A faint smile appeared on Mu Bingyun's face, and he nodded.The soft color between her brows has completely covered up her former coldness.Such Mu Bingyun is undoubtedly more attractive.

Even the three good-looking women in front of them couldn't help but marvel at each other's looks.Naturally, seeing someone who is more beautiful than oneself must be jealous.

The four women returned to the house, each sitting on one side.Mu Mu faced each other, and they were all looking at each other.

"If you have anything, just say it!"

Mu Bingyun didn't want to make a detour anymore, these people had only one purpose, they wanted her to leave Cang Yu.Of course it's impossible, this man is hers now, is there any reason to let him go?
Seeing Mu Bingyun's appearance as a hostess, Yin Peipei gritted her teeth and hated secretly, but held back her silence. She did not forget that the person who came to declare war today must not be her, only Qin Yurou.

(End of this chapter)

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