Chapter 327 Finished?
It's good for her to watch from the side, Mu Bingyun is not so easy to deal with.

"Ms. Mu." Qin Yurou finally recovered her facial expression, and the other party's smile just now really impressed her deeply. This woman is getting more and more beautiful, and her heart is filled with countless senses of crisis.

Cangxuan on the side couldn't help but take a second look, she didn't forget the way her big brother Qin stared at this girl before.And her elder brother actually has some interest in this woman.

Sure enough, she is a troublesome woman, a vixen, who has attracted so many people's attention! !

"Mu girl, you are an upright monk, right?"

Qin Yurou's words made several people wake up, and they all noticed Mu Bingyun's body. Seeing her extremely calm face, they were a little disappointed. They thought that when this question was mentioned, the other party would panic!

Qin Yurou was not in a hurry, and continued, "Miss Mu, do you know that there is any difference between this decent cultivator and a demon cultivator?"

After saying that, she couldn't help staring at Mu Bingyun's facial expression again, but she didn't see the expression she wanted, this time she was really disappointed.Don't the other party understand?
"What's the difference?"

For her, there is no difference, it is nothing more than a different way of cultivation and a different standpoint, the person is still the same person, as long as she likes it.

Seeing this, Cangxuan couldn't help but said: "This decent monk and demon cultivator have never been very friendly, Mu Bingyun should understand this, right?"

"Naturally understand, but, what does this have to do with me?"

Hearing this, Cang Xuan was at a loss for words, she really hadn't thought about this question.They only know that under normal circumstances, decent and demonic cultivators don't get together, and now it's difficult for her to explain the specific reasons?

"It doesn't seem to matter, but Miss Mu didn't think about the future." Qin Yurou showed a smug smile, "I'm afraid Miss Mu doesn't know that there are other places above the cultivation world, right? When the strength here breaks through to a certain level , when they can no longer survive in this space, they will be sucked away by the gravity of the high-level space.

Legend has it that where it is called the fairyland, there are immortals and demons there.Immortals are naturally ascended by decent monks, while demons are ascended by demon cultivators.Moreover, they exist in different places, far apart, and even they are not friendly.If Brother Cang and Miss Mu reach that level in the future, they will definitely separate.As for meeting, I'm afraid it will not be so easy. "

Is that so?

This was pretty much the same as what she had heard, Mu Bingyun lowered his eyes, and the three of them all looked happy, if they could make Mu Bingyun retreat in spite of the difficulties today, then they had achieved their goal.

The three of them didn't want Mu Bingyun to follow Cangyu back to the North Sea continent. Cangyu said that he agreed to go back, but it would be a year later. They were very happy, but the other party wanted to take Mu Bingyun back, which made them very happy. lost.

Wherever this Mu Bingyun went, he could attract attention, they just didn't want to!
"Then what do you guys mean?" Mu Bingyun sat on the side, suddenly shot out a fierce aura from his body, which surprised people, is the aura of the other party so strong?

Yin Peipei and Qin Yurou, who had experienced Mu Bingyun's strength, were naturally on guard, but Cang Xuan hadn't experienced it, and was suddenly shocked by this aura, causing her chest to heave, almost causing internal injuries.

Only now did she realize that Mu Bingyun was not that weak.

Mu Bingyun gently withdrew her aura, and glanced at the three of them leisurely.

"The so-called differences do not conspire with each other. If Miss Mu still likes Brother Cang, it's best to leave him. I'm afraid you don't understand the situation in the Cang family." Seeing Mu Bingyun's silence, Qin Yurou snapped. He gritted his teeth and said, "Tell the truth to Miss Mu. In fact, the two old men made this marriage contract at the beginning, so it is impossible to cancel it. Even if Miss Mu goes back, there will be no result."

The underlying meaning is that even if you and Cang Yu are married, even if they are really husband and wife, as long as the old man of the Cang family objects, they will never be recognized, and Cang Yu will still marry her, Qin Yurou.

Because, Cang Yu is from the Cang family!
She didn't believe that Cang Yu would abandon the identity of the Cang family, but she just thought that the Cang family would not give up on him, in order to blackmail her to achieve her goal.

"Girl Mu, Yurou sees that you are also a proud and arrogant woman, so she won't be petty to others, right?"

She suddenly laughed, "Of course, if Yurou's guess is wrong and Miss Mu likes Big Brother Cang enough, then if you are young, as long as Grandpa Cang agrees, then Yurou can't object."

"If you can promise not to go to Beihai Continent, what do you want, as long as we can satisfy you, we will definitely satisfy you, how about it?" Cang Xuan couldn't help but offer attractive conditions, this Cang family is from Beihai One of the best cultivating families in the mainland, she still doesn't believe that there are people who won't be tempted.

It's just that Mu Bingyun sat on the side and didn't speak, the soft look just now had disappeared, and instead had a cold face.


"How about it, Miss Mu, what do you think about it?"

Qin Yurou asked eagerly. She felt that Mu Bingyun was an obstacle for her. In short, she didn't want Mu Bingyun to go to Beihai Continent together.Even if the other party can't change the final result, but thinking that the other party is someone that Big Brother Cang likes, she feels a little panicked.

"I'm married to him."

Mu Bingyun stood up, "He and I are already husband and wife."

The two short sentences showed her attitude, and the faces of the three of them changed. I dare to say that the three of them have said so much here, and they didn't listen to a word at all.

"Ms. Mu, you have to think it over!!" Qin Yurou gritted her teeth, "If you are with Brother Cang, there will be no good results in the end."

"You have to know that the Beihai Continent is a big place. If decent monks and demon cultivators are together, especially those like the Cang family, they will definitely be punished. In the future, I'm afraid there will be no such thing as you on the decent side. of a foothold."

"Will there be such a big event?" Mu Bingyun raised her head, "If you don't publicize it, no one will know about it, but if you want to publicize it, everyone will know about it."

"Three, you can go back. I will go wherever Cang Yu goes. There is no need to say anything. As for the final result, just watch." Her eyes fell on Qin Yurou, "You Don't you think you are Yu's fiancée? Why, are you still afraid of me?"

Seeing such a look, Qin Yurou felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. Yes, she was afraid in her heart, afraid that this woman would really be able to take her brother Cang away and never find him again.

(End of this chapter)

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