game master

Chapter 102 - On the Dungeon of the Underground Imperial Tomb

Chapter 102 - On the Dungeon of the Underground Imperial Tomb

In this top 100 player competition, Qin Haonan did not expect that 3 people from their gang would be selected just now.And the rankings of others are also good.

Condensed Cream was ranked 18th, Xia Ming was ranked 21st, Glutinous Rice Tangtang was ranked 54th, Taxue Xunmei was ranked 64th, Suyi Yaoxin was ranked 82nd, and Nuomi Yaya was ranked 96th.

After leaving the PK arena, Qin Haonan and Hou Yue called everyone together.Some guild members were going to go offline for a rest, and those who didn't go offline were added together, and there were exactly 10 people, so they could form a team.

Xia Luo, Xia Ming, Nuomi Tangtang, Condensed Cream, Taxue Xunmei, Nuomi Yingying, Suyi Yaoxin, Nuomi Yaya, these 8 people, together with Qin Haonan and Hou Yue, went to the center of the Eastern Imperial City to replenish some medicine.After resting for a while, he hurried to the east gate of the Eastern Imperial City, because the entrance to the dungeon is right there.

It is evening now, there are not many players here at this time,

"Is everyone ready? We are going to enter the dungeon." After speaking, Qin Haonan led the team to the entrance of the "Underground Imperial Tomb Dungeon".

"Well, it's all ready."

"Please choose the difficulty: Normal, Difficult, Purgatory, Nightmare."

Without even thinking about it, Qin Haonan clicked "Nightmare" without hesitation.Immediately, the color of the portal began to change, and finally became pitch black, with faint blood red in the black. This is the color of nightmares.

The queue quickly entered the entrance.

The scene in the dungeon is a dark underground imperial tomb, and they are standing at the entrance of the imperial tomb at this moment.

As soon as the transmission was completed, Qin Haonan and Hou Yue took out the torches they had prepared in advance and lit the lights.The scene design of this underground imperial tomb is very realistic.Because it is dark underground, the player entering the dungeon for the first time cannot complete the mission if he does not carry lighting tools with him.

"Everyone line up in a line and follow closely. The light here is relatively dark. If you walk through this tunnel, the front will be fine." Qin Haonan said, and opened the way ahead.

"Brother Ruomeng, this place is so dark, how do you fight monsters? I should have bought more torches." Charlotte turned her head to look around, and asked in a low voice.

"Two torches are enough for us, and we can walk this section of the road. But don't worry, just follow my arrangement and go to the front." Qin Haonan turned and said to everyone, "I heard that there is a mechanism in this tunnel, everyone Don't come in front of me."


With the help of the light from the torch, Qin Haonan could see a few mobs in the tunnel slowly moving towards this side.

The girls behind were a little scared. After all, the light here was dim, and they were quite scared when they saw something approaching vaguely.But they didn't dare to scream loudly, so they hugged each other tightly.

Qin Haonan hurriedly read out the other party's attributes with [Beast Taming God Set: Mithril Thousand Magic].

Level 35 - Mausoleum Guard (Little Elite)

Life: 12000
Attack 1500
Defense: 1000
Speed: 450
To Poison Immunity: 20%
Immunity to Spells: 20%
Immunity to illusions: 20%
Qin Haonan saw clearly that a small elite led the team ahead, followed by 3 "Level 35 Royal Tomb Soldier".These zombies were all wearing broken battle armor, holding weapons, and slowly walked towards this side.

"You don't have to be afraid, they are some level 35 mobs, but there is a little elite level 35 among them. Monkey, you can let 'Purple Light' sneak attack them, their speed is very slow." Qin Haonan has already clenched his hands The long sword summoned Erbai, Linglong and Daji, ready to attack.

At this time, Ziguang and Erbai rushed out quickly, launching the attack first.

Facing these four monsters, Qin Haonan didn't intend to let too many teammates behind him join the battle, mainly because the light here was rather dim, and it would be inconvenient if there were too many people.

Hou Yue handed his torch to Xia Ming who was behind him, and he drew his longbow, [Star Chasing Sun Arrow Level 8] has been shot out, with flames on the tip of the arrow, piercing through the darkness, hitting the target from a long distance. "Guardian of the Royal Tomb".

At this time, the "Guardian of the Royal Tomb" was attacked multiple times, and howled and roared.

Qin Haonan added [Sword Intent Level 10] to himself, and Linglong's [Tianxuan Curse Level 10], the attack power has been greatly improved.

[Wind Chopping Demon Blade], [Phantom Hidden Kill] were issued one after another, -3400, -2999, critical strike -5800, -3605...

3 small monsters and 1 small elite died one after another.

Erbai saw the equipment exploded, and before Qin Haonan could issue an order, he frantically picked up the equipment.

"Okay, the mobs are all cleaned up, let's move on." Qin Haonan led the way ahead, Erbai finished picking up the equipment, and climbed back onto Qin Haonan's shoulders.

The team continued to move forward, and soon turned a corner, Qin Haonan stopped suddenly.

"What happened?" Taxue Xunmei looked ahead and asked strangely.

"You haven't downloaded a dungeon with Brother Ruomeng before, so you naturally don't know. Brother Ruomeng stopped, there must be a reason. So you don't even need to ask, just follow the instructions." Nuomi Yingying explained from the side with.

"Oh, oh." Taxue Xunmei nodded repeatedly.

Qin Haonan took out a bowl-sized stone from his backpack and threw it towards the passage ahead.Soon, in the darkness, there was a swishing sound, and there were many arrows on the ground in an instant.

"There's a mechanism?!" Taxue Xunmei was startled.

Charlotte looked forward and couldn't help admiring: "As expected of Brother Ruomeng, you can predict the future every time and save us a lot of trouble. Brother Ruomeng, you are really amazing...*& amp;¥#Omit no numbers."

"Brother, can you stop rambling in this dungeon. It's a mess!" Xia Ming said expressionlessly.

"I said, why do I have a younger brother like you, always trying to tear things down for me. As an older brother, I would be very sad if you look like you, you... *&¥# omitting no numbers." Charlotte and Xia Ming This is the bar.

"Okay, okay, everyone, don't argue, just listen to the command quietly." Nuomi Tangtang was used to the two bickering with each other, so he quickly smoothed things over.

Holding the torch, Qin Haonan continued to move forward, and said as he walked, "Okay, there should be no mechanism ahead, you follow."

A group of people quickly passed through the passage under the faint light.

At this time, a large stone gate appeared in front of him.The ancient guardian beasts are carved on the stone gate, which looks solemn and solemn.Qin Haonan stepped forward, touched the handle on the stone door, pushed hard, and the door opened slowly and automatically.

In the originally dark world, wall lamps were suddenly lit up.But the scene inside the door surprised everyone.

"Everyone is ready. There will be a lot of mobs in front of us. Keep your backs together and don't spread out. Tangtang, pay attention to blooding everyone." Qin Haonan clenched his long sword tightly and reminded.

(End of this chapter)

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