game master

Chapter 103 - In the dungeon of the underground royal tomb

Chapter 103 - In the dungeon of the underground royal tomb

The stone door opened slowly, and the wall lamps were lit up.Ahead is a huge deep pit, and in the deep pit, rows of "Level 35 imperial mausoleum soldiers" stand neatly.

"Brother Ruomeng, are we going to walk through this deep pit?" Nuomi Tangtang looked at the surrounding environment and asked.

Qin Haonan nodded and said, "Yes, we're going through the deep pit in front of us. There are a lot of mobs here, about 80 of them, everyone pay attention to take medicine to replenish blood later."

After Qin Haonan finished speaking, he led everyone to the deep pit.Walking to the stairs on the edge of the deep pit, I saw the "Little Soldiers of the Royal Tomb" moving in unison as if they had received an order.

Their eyes glowed red, holding the weapons in their hands, lined up, and walked towards Qin Haonan.

"Attack!" Qin Haonan said, adding [Sword Intent Level 10] to himself, and released a move [Sunset Meteor Level 10]. 【Wind Chopping Demon Blade】followed closely, knocking down 6 mobs in an instant.

Erbai and Ziguang rushed into the group of "Little Soldiers of the Imperial Mausoleum" together, fighting for a while.

Qin Haonan used [Shadow Wolf Summoning Level 8], instantly summoned two shadow wolves of the same level as himself, and joined the battle army.

【Shadow Wolf Summoning】Qin Haonan didn't use this skill very much before, but after upgrading it to level 8 recently, he found that he can summon two at the same time, and the summoned Shadow Wolf's combat power has also been greatly improved .

Leng Ningshuang, who had been standing behind Qin Haonan, suddenly rushed out of the team and rushed into the group of "Royal Tomb Soldier", flying his long sword, making it easier for the mobs to fight.

Qin Haonan knew Ning Ningshuang's character, so he didn't care about her anymore.Together with 8 other people, they stood back to back, formed a circle, and began to attack the "Huangling Xiaobing" with full firepower.

The combat power of these little monsters was still low compared to Qin Haonan, Hou Yue and others, and they were all eliminated in a short while.

At this time, there are no enemies in the deep pit.Qin Haonan led everyone straight along the middle route, seeing pillars of fire and poisonous gas rising from time to time.Everyone couldn't help but sigh, it's good to follow Qin Haonan to brush up the dungeon, he can lead everyone to avoid all the organs and so on.

Charlotte couldn't help being curious, and asked, "Brother Ruomeng, why every time you pass a dungeon, you can predict things like a god, know what to pay attention to in advance, and what to prepare? I feel that you are so amazing!"

"I did research in advance and read the posts on the forum." Qin Haonan said that he didn't even make a draft when he lied.

"Eh?! It's that simple, why do I feel like I've been fooled?" Charlotte scratched her head.

Qin Haonan didn't speak anymore, he thought he couldn't tell you that I came from the future, right?If you say that, no one will believe it!

Walking through the deep pit and walking out of this hall, everyone found that there were three doors in front of them.Encountered multiple choice questions again, which one should I take?
Qin Haonan knew best in his heart that only the door on the right could go through.The one on the left is a trap as soon as you enter, and there is a rotten corpse pit inside.As for the door in the middle, after entering, it will enter an endless loop, and it will keep going around in circles, and it will not be possible to get out.

Of course, Qin Haonan wouldn't explain so much to everyone, he directly opened the door on the right and led everyone in.

There is a long passage in front of it. Fortunately, there are wall lamps on the wall, so the light is not very dark.As soon as everyone entered the passage, the door behind them closed automatically.

Qin Haonan led the team and walked in the passage, and occasionally encountered a few "level 36 imperial mausoleum ghost servants", and they easily dealt with them.

After walking for a while, there were many forks in the passage ahead.

"Why is it like a maze here? It's a multiple-choice question." Su Yiyao frowned and said softly.

"It's okay, Brother Ruomeng, you're not afraid of multiple-choice questions. I heard that the Fairy Demon League failed 31 times in order to pass this dungeon before it succeeded." Charlotte found the topic, and suddenly began to gossip, "What do you mean? Normal difficulty is so troublesome, will our nightmare level maze be more complicated?"

"Probably not. I heard that the difficulty of the copy of "Century" will not change the map, but the strength of mobs and bosses in the map will be enhanced, and there may be more traps." Nuomi Tangtang said.

Hou Yue nodded and said, "Yes, I also read it on the forum that day, and that's what it said."

Qin Haonan clenched the long sword in his hand, thinking to himself about the formula for choosing a path in the passage maze that he had written down earlier.This labyrinth of passages is definitely the most difficult part of this "Dungeon of the Underground Imperial Tomb".In order to pass through the maze correctly, the fastest route has to go through 7 fork choices.

But if you memorize the formula, it will be easy to pass here.The choice of the seven entrances is exactly "one, three, five, two, four, six, seven."

But everyone doesn't know the formula, so they will think about it while walking.The ground and walls in the passage are the same, and there will be a few mobs and hidden weapons from time to time.Walking and walking, I don't know if I go around in circles. This is where the difficulty of this "underground imperial tomb copy" lies.

"You can follow me later, and you can get out soon. But be careful on the road, don't touch the wall, there are traps on the wall, and it is easy to trigger a trap." Qin Haonan reminded, and then took the lead to open the way.

"Yeah, I got it. Brother Ruomeng is here, so I feel at ease." Nuomi Yaya said with a smile, holding the guqin in her hand tightly.

Qin Haonan followed the formula and chose the first fork in the road.Walking and walking, and then the third fork in the road...

The passage is winding, one fork after another, after a short walk, there is a new intersection ahead.

"I feel dizzy from walking, why haven't I gone out yet, how many forks are there?" Nuomi Yingying supported her head, and the others behind her nodded.

"I finally understand why the Fairy Demon League has failed 31 times in order to clear this dungeon. This is really a big maze! If there is no Ruomeng to lead the team, I guess I will have to walk more than 30 times before I can... *&¥#Omit no numbers." Charlotte continued her thoughts.

Xia Ming said with a paralyzed face, "Brother, can you stop nagging at this moment, I really can't stand you."

"Okay, everyone, be quiet and get ready for battle. After this fork in the road, we will go out of this passage maze. Once we go out, the first BOSS should appear." Qin Haonan interrupted everyone's chat and said seriously talking.

"BOSS?!" Everyone was also shocked. If Qin Haonan hadn't reminded them, they would have been looking for a way in this maze, and seeing the BOSS as soon as they went out would be really uncomfortable.

Qin Haonan led everyone around the last bend, and the field of vision in front of him instantly widened.And the first thing that catches the eye are a few "level 36 ghost servants of the imperial mausoleum".In the middle of the group of ghost servants in the royal mausoleum, stood a rotting corpse in armor that was twice as tall as the mobs.It holds a spear in its hand, and looks at people with green eyes.

Qin Haonan hurriedly read out the other party's attributes with [Beast Taming God Set: Mithril Thousand Magic].

Level 37 - Imperial Mausoleum Ghost General (Elite)
Life: 18000
Attack: 2100
Defense: 1500
Speed: 600
To Poison Immunity: 50%
Immunity to Spells: 30%
Immunity to illusions: 30%
Since this boss is an active attacking monster type, just as everyone came out of the corner, the Huangling Ghost General suddenly let out a strange cry, and the mobs under him swarmed up and rushed towards this side.

Qin Haonan and the others were already ready. Before turning the corner, Qin Haonan added [Sword Intent Level 10] to himself. When he saw the boss, he rushed towards the boss.

(End of this chapter)

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